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Old 04.22.2006, 09:50 AM   #1
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"george w bush should definitely be impeached
he is a liar
and his lies have bought misery to millions of people
and bought no good to anyone except for the corporate oil
billionaires who are making huge profits
they are profiting during wartime
that is unscrupulous and terribly sad
w bush has made the world a much less safe place
before the war iraq was not a place for terrorists
saddam hussein, brutal dictator that he was was secular and had
nothing to do with al queda
and was sanctioned to death and had no power outside of his country
now it is a breeding ground for terrorism and anti-americanism is at
an all time high all over the world
and the people of iraq are no better off at all
all those people want is for the americans to leave
decent families and people like you and i who never wanted america
there in the first place
goerge w bush has sent american soldiers over there to be maimed and
only to serve his selfish oil company needs and for his ego
american soldiers who are loyal to each other and who only want to
have a good job get an education and support their country are being
used for an unjust cause
i support the troops
they, like all americans are being betrayed by george w bush
he has betrayed his country he should be impeached

the administration's line that they were over there because they
wanted to spread democracy and freedom
is nothing else besides a lie
if they had any interest at all in the well being of other human beings
they would be doing what they could for people who desperately need
and would love help in africa

i pray to god that george w bush and his administration does not
invade iran
it would be a bloodbath
why dont they just leave the iranians alone
and go through the united nations
and work on making the united nations as strong and as just as possible
an invasion of iran would be the worst possible thing that could happen
i pray to god that it does not happen

i am just another guy sitting in the car on the english motorway"


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Old 04.22.2006, 11:41 AM   #2
Confusion is Dante
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Honestly..............Saddam Hussein was funding terrorists in Israel. $20,000.00 to each family who sent a family member as a body-bomber to kill Israelis.........A war on terror is a war on all terrorism.
And.........if America doesn't do something about Iran's newly acquired nuclear power, in violation of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty I might add, Israel will.
Let me put that into perspective:
If America goes into Iran......the Muslim world will look at that as "Those damned imperialists will never quit and we can't stop them...."
If Israel invades Iran.......There will be a major holocaust.
Israel has nukes, and may use them........Iran has nukes....and probably will use them.............
I, for one, do not want to breathe the fallout from that conflict.
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Old 04.22.2006, 12:03 PM   #3
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Flea writes all sorts of stuff in his Fleamails on RHCP.com.
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Old 04.22.2006, 01:59 PM   #4
Proud Marie
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Flea has no right using his fame to post ridiculous biased statements like this and get attention

he said saddam hussein was secular - umm, the gassing of the kurds which killed 600,000 was over religous differences, and he also declared a war on Iran in which 1,000,000 people died over Sunni vs Shiite rivalry. So i geuss he was secular in that he was willing to kill just over 1.5 million for his beliefs.

I dont think Flea can say with complete certainty that our only motive is oil, this a completly self-defeatest belief that can never be proven, yet people go on believing to fuel their hate.

His comments about going thru the UN, well, we did the same thing with Iraq, thats why we were in there with something like 26 other countries. Not that i support any wars happening or any emergant ones.

Flea should stick to music, maybe i wouldnt have fallen asleep during By the Way if he had focused on writing music instead of petty hatemail I'd expect from a child.
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Old 04.22.2006, 02:22 PM   #5
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"Flea has no right using his fame to post ridiculous biased statements like this and get attention"

Hey, Flea has every right to post what he likes. ever wonder why people can't be people, be themselves, when they're stars? let him post like we do for God's sakes. i'm happy neil is stepping out too, denouncing bush. i don't like music too preachy, but these are some good artists doing it more un bono like. besides something's got to be done with this loser as pres.

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Old 04.22.2006, 02:38 PM   #6
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the iraq war was a hoax, and bush is a liar..

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Old 04.22.2006, 02:45 PM   #7
Proud Marie
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Im not saying that he cant have an opinion, but i just believe that politics should be kept personal because they are something that isolate you from people with contrary beliefs, and we can all get along better when people dont come out and rage like they have it all figured out and we are wrong. That and he should get his facts straight.
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Old 04.22.2006, 02:57 PM   #8
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proud marie.....

lethrnck or jfreimark????
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Old 04.22.2006, 03:00 PM   #9
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.."and we can all get along better when people dont come out and rage like they have it all figured out and we are wrong".

i don't mean to nitpick, but i think u r taking it personally. u say "we are wrong". who's we? pro bush people or people that support the war? he's just speaking, not challenging u/the other side.

plus, he's got his facts straight.i disagreed with everything u said up there, but at this point, what's the point in debating point by point, ya know?

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Old 04.22.2006, 08:13 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Proud Marie
Im not saying that he cant have an opinion, but i just believe that politics should be kept personal because they are something that isolate you from people with contrary beliefs, and we can all get along better when people dont come out and rage like they have it all figured out and we are wrong. That and he should get his facts straight.

pffffft hah hah hahahahha

so in your ideal world, nobody can express their political opinions so that we can all get along and be like everybody else?

sounds to me like communism... chairman marie
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Old 04.22.2006, 08:25 PM   #11
atari 2600
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proud marie = the return of jfreimark? at any rate, the logic is just as ridiculous as "his" ever was..

oh wow, i see unlurker already wrote it now. I was gonna post that earlier & now i feel solidarity & less paranoid. thanks!

anyway, i wrote a lengthy post earlier & then due to technical difficulties, It got erased, so i suppose i'll make another attempt

the chairperson of the democratic party, rep. rahm emanuel (d-IL)
was on maher last night & he voiced his support for Hillary Clinton. I've already covered this ground before, but feel compelled to go there again. It was made publicly clear that the republican party was the first major supporter of hillary clinton's campaign. This is the powers-that-be clearly rubbing it in the nose of the sleepy american public. Let's be realistic---Hillary Clinton cannot win against whoever the republican challenger is gonna be. I'm sure next year Hilllary's speechwriters will be working overtime to come up with some pretty cool shit you can relate to perhaps, but pay it no mind & vote democratic elsewhere. do not play right into the hands of the republicans. just say no to hillary. I like her okay I guess, but let's get real here. maher has also voiced his disdain at the seemingly impending & eventual clinton nomination.

About iran...hopefully we can mount a covert operation to assist the youth of iran that are growing weary of shi'ite fundamentalist controls. general anthony zinni was also on maher & at one point remarked (as i've said all along) that all we've done in iraq is increase the power of the dreaded shi'ites. "we gave them iraq as a gift," he said. we've seemingly forced ourselves into a showdown with iran through war mismanagment & for every deciding to get heavily invoved in the middle east of all places. the retired general was also critical of both the entry strategy of having too few troops & the incompetent & seemingly non-existent exit strategy.
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Old 04.22.2006, 08:39 PM   #12
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um, like i said on the previous board...i WILL NEVER post under another name

why would i? its not like i hold back with this SN

flea......great spokesman.....between having him and whoopi on your side, im amazed you didnt win in 2004
the nerve, the unmitigated gall of this asshole - atari2600

i consider you dumb, ignorant, and irrelevant
perhaps more than a fly, but less than a fart. a joke - !@#$%!

Death by a firing squard of ten black gay men would be too good for this shithead. - atari2600

loser retard. pothead - !@#$%!

you're a real prick for acting so daft & being so disagreeable on purpose - atari2600

On the contrary, tesla69 is idiota numero uno - atari2600
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Old 04.22.2006, 08:39 PM   #13
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Ah, Atari....your avatar. Where those real conversation hearts, or did you alter them yourself?
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Old 04.22.2006, 08:50 PM   #14
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i found it on the internet & since the republicans are so fond of spinning the truth i twirled it with the irfanview program...


Lethrneck4 (or the hiding coward aka jfriemark), if you start using the following suggested avatar, then i'll un-ignore list ya


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Old 04.22.2006, 08:51 PM   #15
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Old 04.22.2006, 08:59 PM   #16
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thats the dumbest avatar ive ever seen
the nerve, the unmitigated gall of this asshole - atari2600

i consider you dumb, ignorant, and irrelevant
perhaps more than a fly, but less than a fart. a joke - !@#$%!

Death by a firing squard of ten black gay men would be too good for this shithead. - atari2600

loser retard. pothead - !@#$%!

you're a real prick for acting so daft & being so disagreeable on purpose - atari2600

On the contrary, tesla69 is idiota numero uno - atari2600
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Old 04.22.2006, 09:07 PM   #17
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Lethrneck4, I award you this purple heart:

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Old 04.22.2006, 09:35 PM   #18
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well, we know thats as close to a purple heart as you will ever get
the nerve, the unmitigated gall of this asshole - atari2600

i consider you dumb, ignorant, and irrelevant
perhaps more than a fly, but less than a fart. a joke - !@#$%!

Death by a firing squard of ten black gay men would be too good for this shithead. - atari2600

loser retard. pothead - !@#$%!

you're a real prick for acting so daft & being so disagreeable on purpose - atari2600

On the contrary, tesla69 is idiota numero uno - atari2600
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Old 04.22.2006, 09:40 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Lethrneck4
well, we know thats as close to a purple heart as you will ever get

The same can be said for you too, right?
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Old 04.22.2006, 09:48 PM   #20
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Lethrneck4 is such an uncaring & mewling clay-brained maggot-pie.

(somebody please use that in a signature)

I've seen Lethrneck4 write before that he watches Real Time with Bill Maher. Well, there's a documentary on HBO premiering right now called "Too Hot Not To Handle" that was just explaining (just as I've written before) that the world's oceans are warming to such a degree that the intensity of hurricanes will continue to escalate & increase. If I remember that was another point you doggedly battled with me about...of course, that was before you were ignored like the no-count you are. Bush put in a CA appearance for Earth Day today. The program I'm watching was produced by Larry David's wife, Laurie. It offers more than lip-service to the problem. It's filled with the testimony of heroes.
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