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Old 01.06.2011, 06:28 AM   #1
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just see in the news that baby's of illigal immagrants get a different birth passport or something


it's all starts with europeans who fled from religion ad politics in the old europe and then went to america were native american were living and still are living

can you BELIEVE IT?

it's racist and political protectionism = FEAR
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Old 01.06.2011, 11:57 AM   #2
Keeping It Simple
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You clearly don't know the meaning of the word "illegal". Plus your inverted racism sucks.
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Old 01.06.2011, 04:16 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
You clearly don't know the meaning of the word "illegal". Plus your inverted racism sucks.

'inverted racism' what is that somekinda fasionword

it yust don't suit the usa
you have the right to count american citizens
that's about 330.000.000 americans
you have no right to LABEL people as ..... whatever
americans are free people so are europeans

freedom in religion
freedom in sexuality (gay)

some people can't handle modern time or modernism
and start to target minorities who like freedom

what is then the problems they create or brainwash
that modern people have something on their passport
they see and look it up ad keep you away from making a living

you can't find no house
you can't find no jobs
you can't go to some places
you get treaded different in hospitals
you can't get no driverlicense

all things in life become difficult because of others non-modernism (oppresing intelligent life)

so no matter how modern and free you are in your brain
there are irritations can happen here and there

and then afcourse inverted racism is a fasionword

it's not right to label people
we DO live in modern times
where i find modern open behavior is the standard of living with 6 billion people
24 hours
for months and years to come
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Old 01.07.2011, 10:37 AM   #4
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"Fox News analyst Peter Johnson Jr. said Thursday that it's time for the US to "begin to discuss" the idea of "two classes of citizenship."

One can take away a couple of things from this. If they are talking about this without shame on TV, then obviously they have been discussing it around it in conference rooms. Its obvious the Ownership class would like to re-establish legal, public slavery.

And like it or not, the Constitution is damned clear if you are born here you are a citizen. It doesn't require your parents to be citizens.
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Old 01.07.2011, 11:57 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by tesla69
"Fox News analyst Peter Johnson Jr. said Thursday that it's time for the US to "begin to discuss" the idea of "two classes of citizenship."

One can take away a couple of things from this. If they are talking about this without shame on TV, then obviously they have been discussing it around it in conference rooms. Its obvious the Ownership class would like to re-establish legal, public slavery.

And like it or not, the Constitution is damned clear if you are born here you are a citizen. It doesn't require your parents to be citizens.

two classes of citizenship
this is pure illusion

you take 1 child somewhere on this world
in africa, russia, america, europe, azia somewhere in this world

you give that child a good education
and it can become easy and AUSTRONAUT

so all childeren can become AUSTRONAUTS
all human life has intelligent potential

so who thinks of these political powersick ideas of two classes citizenship
is a non- modernist who don't understand the future

a non-modernist is more in non-intelligent
and should not be in politics or should not be listend to

we are all modernhumans
time is going forwards and not backwards

believe in your own potential as modern human
don't listen to crazy people who want two classes citizenship
with crazy people i mean = homo sapiens playing GOD

there never can be two classes of citizenship
it's an illusion in the brain of a homo sapien

we are all the same, all modern humans
with intelligent capability
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Old 01.07.2011, 03:52 PM   #6
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anchor babies! ha..

silly americans, most migrants prefer to go home where the US$ they earn here goes a lot farther and only stay in the US seasonally for work (not just agricultural, most of the immigrant industries such as textiles, manufacturing, harbor/warehouse work have boom and dull down periods through the year, I know from experience I have worked in all of the above jobs) but since the past ten years have seen a Iron Curtain like militarization of the US border it is harder to cross freely, and so many folks who used to leave, stay permanently by default, because they can't risk not being able to come back and forth. Ironic, in the process of trying to close and lock down the border, the US government actually exasperated and exaggerated the permanent undocumented population here in the US. So many folks would absolutely love to go back home, but they can't risk losing the income no matter how shitty the living/working conditions are here in the US.
Amnesty is the solution, even that prick Ronny Reagan knew it.. If you legalize the millions of people here with expired visas or no paperwork to speak of, they suddenly can start contributing to the tax system through more accurate payroll, income, and property taxes. As it is , the CBO has already determined that "illegal" immigrant populations here in the US (contrary to arch-conservative opinions) are not a drain on public services, but in fact contribute as much as $45 BILLION to govt revenues through the taxes they do pay.

But then the pro-business conservatives would not have a practical slave-labor force who they can abuse, exploit and manipulate. Keeping millions of workers "illegal" keeps them vulnerable and afraid. They have no representation and will work for anything, like the 1890s all over again...

The neo-cons are the 20th/21st century robber barons.

Legalize Immigrants.
Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 01.07.2011, 06:47 PM   #7
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gast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's asses
yeah legalize immigrants

been working also on agriculture
and if i follow the news here in the europe

there are alot of east europeans exploited in the agriculture

and words like ' we only need high skilled workers' as reason to let anyone work in a country is now the hidden word of we have too many strangers in this country

it's sucks to live like that
no respect for the work you do
no surtain future
people look down at you
really fuck that behaviour

and i also knew illigal people who were waiting for years to get papers and
find a place to live and work

the work unions in europe did not a good job to protect the workers
still today it happends
lately i heard they got exploited in the netherlands by home owners
to rent them crappy places for much money and job offers for those who will work for lowpay

i thought we were modern europeans
europe has work to do in 2011
with protecting the rights of workers

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Old 01.07.2011, 06:51 PM   #8
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gast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's asses
and to all the europeans and americans
if you send your childeren to schools and universities
then also teach them not to disrespect people
treat people like shit
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Old 01.07.2011, 06:54 PM   #9
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if i go to work and not get respected
then it's over
then i quit
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Old 01.07.2011, 07:14 PM   #10
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maybe it's overwith this world in 2090
high tempratures like 70 ° celcius all over the world

we have the about 80 years to leave planet earth
so we can get better started building space ships world wide
and leave all the other work to robots

then we don't need to wait like 50 years to come to a conclusion like the climate change NASA warned about in the 1960

build spaceships VOTE YES

i'm tired of this planet
what is here plants and animals??!!
sick and tired of these plants and animals
lets go into space adventures
not waste time

we have to leave this planet anyway in the future
the sun is gonna burn planet earth and we have to move to another planet
the moon of saturn is a safezone
the future has spoken
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Old 01.08.2011, 08:18 AM   #11
Keeping It Simple
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Originally Posted by gast30
'inverted racism' what is that somekinda fasionword

it yust don't suit the usa
you have the right to count american citizens
that's about 330.000.000 americans
you have no right to LABEL people as ..... whatever
americans are free people so are europeans

freedom in religion
freedom in sexuality (gay)

some people can't handle modern time or modernism
and start to target minorities who like freedom

what is then the problems they create or brainwash
that modern people have something on their passport
they see and look it up ad keep you away from making a living

you can't find no house
you can't find no jobs
you can't go to some places
you get treaded different in hospitals
you can't get no driverlicense

all things in life become difficult because of others non-modernism (oppresing intelligent life)

so no matter how modern and free you are in your brain
there are irritations can happen here and there

and then afcourse inverted racism is a fasionword

it's not right to label people
we DO live in modern times
where i find modern open behavior is the standard of living with 6 billion people
24 hours
for months and years to come

All you're doing is stupidily advocating a crime just to score political points.
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Old 01.08.2011, 12:29 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by tesla69
"Fox News analyst Peter Johnson Jr. said Thursday that it's time for the US to "begin to discuss" the idea of "two classes of citizenship."

One can take away a couple of things from this. If they are talking about this without shame on TV, then obviously they have been discussing it around it in conference rooms. Its obvious the Ownership class would like to re-establish legal, public slavery.

And like it or not, the Constitution is damned clear if you are born here you are a citizen. It doesn't require your parents to be citizens.

It's sad but I wanna let you know this happens in other countries as well, but mostly with citizens born abroad, not within the territory but it upsets me anyway. And this is I say personally as my own documents will say "citizen born abroad" just to you know, "let them know". UGH.

But trying to do that with babies born in the country is another level of sick.

The weird thing is in many countries being the parent of a citizen guarentees you a residency visa, but that's not the case of the us is it? I've heard many stories of families being separated, is that correct?
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Old 01.08.2011, 01:28 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by gast30
you need to improve your english so you can read and understand the reports first-hand.
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Old 01.08.2011, 03:07 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you need to improve your english so you can read and understand the reports first-hand.

once you are born you are born
nothing to do about that

hopefully you got loved and have a good life

there is no lifeguide book in english or in another language
there is the book of life
a book about dna-humanlife tree

what you do in life
is what you do in freedom
your own free will to do things or not

and i'm not saying this all for political pionts
you don't need to read what i write

try to stimulate freethinking
living with a free peacefull mind
because i think that's the best way to stay in life
and look at life around you
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Old 01.08.2011, 03:21 PM   #15
invito al cielo
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you can go into difficult and complex life
and there is simpel and sober life

for all humans the natural life is the same
it's one of millions of years of evolution

lifeforms are all the same
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