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Old 08.14.2006, 11:12 PM   #1
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I don't know about anyone esle but when I saw Mark playing bass on Jimmy Kimmel Live I lost my mind. THen seeing at the 08/11 show was a blast. Sy couldnt have picked a better person to play with them. If anyone remembers Pavement and has seen them live u know how good this guy is for that type of music. I hope they keep playing w/ him for a while.
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Old 08.14.2006, 11:19 PM   #2
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yeh. Mark fits like some kind of hand warming apparel. Doesn't sound like Sonic's gonna revert back to the quatro for road life no time soon. Ibold, get used to it.
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Old 08.15.2006, 06:20 PM   #3
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yeah? hopefully i'll see him and sy live in europe this year.
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Old 08.16.2006, 06:21 AM   #4
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he's pretty average and doesn't really add anything. saw pavement live once (lolla'95) and wasn't too impressed. but then, i never was a fan of this mediocre outfit. i could think of a better choice on bass- MIKE MUTHAFUKKIN WATTPOWER!!! i'll take the quartet anyday, if no Jim......

anyone remember the days when Kim actually played????
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Old 08.16.2006, 06:38 AM   #5
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I think he does a good job.
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Old 08.16.2006, 08:26 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by habibtheantiamericanbitch
he's pretty average and doesn't really add anything. saw pavement live once (lolla'95) and wasn't too impressed. but then, i never was a fan of this mediocre outfit. i could think of a better choice on bass- MIKE MUTHAFUKKIN WATTPOWER!!! i'll take the quartet anyday, if no Jim......

anyone remember the days when Kim actually played????

he's not a member of sy....he plays what he is told to...he can't just add anything and play the bass as if he's the one everbody comes to the show for unless they don't play as "Mark Ibold and the Sonic Youth"
he's giving his best and i'm sure kim has her reasons why she does not play the bass all the time....so, he's doing her a favor playing her parts

at least that's what i think...aah...actually i don't know
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Old 08.16.2006, 09:14 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by silverfreepress (sdasher)
yeh. Mark fits like some kind of hand warming apparel.

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Old 08.16.2006, 09:19 AM   #8
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Kim should just pick up the guiatar on some of the songs. Two basses playing the same thing is stupid and useless. Jim knew how to add intertwining lines in SY.
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Old 08.16.2006, 11:39 AM   #9
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Ibold will have that Rourke supercharged role next SY album/tour.....minus the production and stuff. And learning Japanese...(What the hell was that all about?) I wanna hear some of Jims solo stuff.
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Old 08.16.2006, 11:43 AM   #10
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idiots. Kim plays bass on 1/3 of the songs on tour. she plays guitar on another 1/3 and when she sings solo Mark plays her bass lines, so she can rock with us to her vicious and delicious rock n roll noise.

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Old 08.16.2006, 12:35 PM   #11
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I read in a recent interview with Kim that she's developed a pretty bad case of carpal tunnel syndrome. She said something to the effect that "the style of punk rock bass she plays just wasn't meant to be sustained for 25 years". Makes sense when you think about it.... After reading that, I was surprised to see her play as much bass as she did when I saw them recently.
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Old 08.16.2006, 12:39 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Ono Soul
I read in a recent interview with Kim that she's developed a pretty bad case of carpal tunnel syndrome. She said something to the effect that "the style of punk rock bass she plays just wasn't meant to be sustained for 25 years". Makes sense when you think about it.... After reading that, I was surprised to see her play as much bass as she did when I saw them recently.

yikes, is this true? haven't heard about it anywhere else... though i wouldn't dis-count this as avant improv guitarist Derek Bailey had carpal tunnel syndrome.
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Old 08.16.2006, 01:44 PM   #13
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it is totally true. playing bass until age 53 is very damaging to the wrists and fingers.
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Old 08.16.2006, 04:37 PM   #14
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Yea, Mark does a damn fine job. I like when Kim and Mark play bass at the same time.

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Old 08.16.2006, 05:24 PM   #15
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I saw him at the SY show in Milwaukee.

He was good, but he didn't add too much. It still would have been an incredible show without him.
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Old 08.16.2006, 05:26 PM   #16
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Jesus fucking Christ!

Mark Ibold has been playing bass for them for HOW LONG?
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Old 08.16.2006, 05:34 PM   #17
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not that they need my approval, but if for kim's medical reasons, that's cool. me, i just thought they did fantastic as a 4-piece and kim would be a full part of the noise freakouts. now she's either tickling a barely audible guitar or spinning profusely like stevie nicks (sans tamborine)...... guess i figure if yr gonna have a guest in the band he/she should offer something more than the mere baseline. dunno, i'm talking outta my ass and bitching about something that really isn't even a problem!!!
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