01.17.2008, 08:10 PM | #21 | |
invito al cielo
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the rising total temperature can cause extreme cold as the atmosphere attempts to maintain homeostasis. |
01.17.2008, 08:17 PM | #22 |
invito al cielo
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01.17.2008, 11:58 PM | #23 |
invito al cielo
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Rosie, the thing about layers is that it totally hides my bodacious figure.
01.18.2008, 12:08 AM | #24 | |
invito al cielo
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Ha ha. Misconception! Global warming isn't about weather warming, silly. It's about a 2-degree "global" warming over the past few decades that's tipping climates worldwide out of control. It's about more extremes in weather, from "ficking cold outside" to fricking hot, floods, tornados in weird times of the year, drought. It's about widescale disruptions, not how cold or warm it is when you go outside. God, I wish people would get this right.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks. |
01.18.2008, 12:11 AM | #25 |
invito al cielo
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it doesn't matter because i'm going do die before this bullshit kills the entire planet.
01.18.2008, 12:15 AM | #26 |
invito al cielo
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Someday the sun will explode, too. Then where will we be?
The moon is going farther away from the earth every year. When it gets so far away that it flies out of the earth's gravitational pull, the earth will wobble and there will be catastrophic weather and flooding that will wipe out everything. Also, a large meteor could cause a huge catastrophe any day, if it hit the earth. The earth would be blanketed in an atmosphere so thick with dust that the sun could not penetrate for years and everything would freeze. This could happen anytime.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks. |
01.18.2008, 12:41 AM | #27 |
invito al cielo
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i employ the use of dry humour :-)
01.18.2008, 01:54 AM | #28 | |
invito al cielo
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01.18.2008, 10:40 AM | #29 | |
invito al cielo
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Yes, the sun, like any star, has a life cycle and will one day reach the end of that cycle, many billions and billions of years from now. Our sun has been around about four and a half billion years and only has approximately, per the estimation of astronomers, five billion years left. If this were to happen sooner than expected, we would know about it ahead of time. Through our routine observations of solar activity, scientists would notice the sun heading towards a super-collapsed state. And yes, the moon is drifting an inch or two away every year. In a billion years or two this will become a huge problem just like gmku described. In addition, the earth's rotation will slow down during this time until eventually a month will last forty or so days. (The earth's rotation is already slowing down slightly because of this as days get a bit longer.) (On a side note, it's also pleasant to see he, unlike so very many, gmku knows how global warming affects the planet.) As far an asteroid colliding with the earth, there are so many astronomers watching space these days that we know months or years ahead of time about any bodies that will come close to earth. In preparedness for this eventuality, some contingency plans have already been developed that should be able to divert the incoming asteroid's trajectory just enough to have it miss us. Of course, it was a asteroid that collided with the earth billions of years ago that formed our very proportionately large moon and it is this earth-moon system (along with our mass an distance from the sun of course) that allows for the climate in which we have on earth that is hospitable to humans. And it was, as all know, an asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs that in turn caused mammilian life to flourish. What many don't know is it probably was a meteorite that also brought life to this planet when protein/animo acids in the impacting meteor interacted with elements on earth and bore single-celled organisms as a result. These strange lifeforms eventually made their way to the sea and we all know what happened from there via biological evolution. |
01.18.2008, 10:44 AM | #30 |
expwy. to yr skull
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seriously who has time to write/read posts more than 3 lines long?
01.18.2008, 10:44 AM | #31 |
invito al cielo
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Our star, Sol, will not explode EVER
it is too small. if it was 2-3 times bigger it would eventually go nova as it's core imploded due to the stopping of nuclear fusion. our sun will just fade out slowly
RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read. |
01.18.2008, 10:45 AM | #32 | |
invito al cielo
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anyone with a 9th grade education or higher SHOULD be able to read that in less than a minute. just telling it like it is.
RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read. |
01.18.2008, 10:46 AM | #33 | |
invito al cielo
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if we don't find another home away from our current system, the human race is doomed to oblivion (although it may be a billion years from now and we may kill ourselves before that time).
jump and spread out. Quote:
amen. |
01.18.2008, 10:47 AM | #34 | |
invito al cielo
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after it swells to a size that consumes the orbits of the inner three planets.... |
01.18.2008, 10:49 AM | #35 | |
invito al cielo
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true. gaseous
RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read. |
01.18.2008, 10:49 AM | #36 | |
expwy. to yr skull
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i dont have a minute. read this in 30 secs. motherfucker: Na poesia lírica, constituída por redondilhas, sonetos, canções, odes, oitavas, tercetos, sextinas, elegias e éclogas, Camões conciliou a tradição renascentista (sob forte influência de Petrarca, no soneto) com alguns aspectos maneiristas. Noutras composições, aproveitou elementos da tradição lírica nacional, numa linha que vinha já dos trovadores e da poesia palaciana, como por exemplo nas redondilhas «Descalça vai para a fonte» (dedicadas a Lianor), «Perdigão perdeu a pena», ou «Aquela cativa» (que dedicou a uma sua escrava negra). É no tom pessoal que conferiu às tendências de inspiração italiana e na renovação da lírica mais tradicional que reside parte do seu génio. Na poesia lírica avultam os poemas de temática amorosa, em que se tem procurado solução para as muitas lacunas em relação à vida e personalidade do poeta. É o caso da sua relação amorosa com Dinamene, uma amada chinesa que surge em alguns dos seus poemas, nomeadamente no conhecido soneto «Alma minha gentil que te partiste», ou de outras composições, que ilustram a sua experiência de guerra e do Oriente, como a canção «Junto dum seco, duro, estéril monte». No tratamento dado ao tema do amor é possível encontrar, não apenas a adopção do conceito platónico do amor (herdado da tradição cristã e da tradição e influência petrarquista) com os seus princípios básicos de identificação do sujeito com o objecto de amor («Transforma-se o amador na cousa amada»), de anulação do desejo físico («Pede-me o desejo, Dama, que vos veja / Não entende o que pede; está enganado.») e da ausência como forma de apurar o amor, mas também o conflito com a vivência sensual desse mesmo amor. Assim, o amor surge, à maneira petrarquista, como fonte de contradições, tão bem expressas no justamente célebre soneto «Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver», entre a vida e a morte, a água e o fogo, a esperança e o desengano, inefável, mas, assim mesmo, fundamental à vida humana. A concepção da mulher, outro tema essencial da lírica camoniana, em íntima ligação com a temática amorosa e com o tratamento dado à natureza (que, classicamente vista como harmoniosa e amena, a ela se associa, como fonte de imagens e metáforas, como termo comparativo de superlativação da beleza da mulher, e, à maneira das cantigas de amigo, como cenário e/ou confidente do drama amoroso), oscila igualmente entre o pólo platónico (ideal de beleza física, espelho da beleza interior, manifestação no mundo sensível da Beleza do mundo inteligível), representado pelo modelo de Laura, que é predominante (vejam-se a propósito os sonetos «Ondados fios de ouro reluzente» e «Um mover d'olhos, brando e piedoso»), e o modelo renascentista de Vénus. Temas mais abstractos como o do desconcerto do mundo (expresso no soneto «Verdade, Amor, Razão, Merecimento» ou na esparsa «Os bons vi sempre passar/no mundo graves tormentos»), a passagem inexorável do tempo com todas as mudanças implicadas, sempre negativas do ponto de vista pessoal (como observa Camões no soneto «Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se as vontades»), as considerações de ordem autobiográfica (como nos sonetos «Erros meus, má fortuna, amor ardente» ou «O dia em que eu nasci, moura e pereça», que transmitem a concepção desesperançada, pessimista, da vida própria), são outros temas dominantes da poesia lírica de Camões. |
01.18.2008, 10:50 AM | #37 |
invito al cielo
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Yes, Rob, the sun has too small of a mass for a supernova ending. It still will fade, as you mentioned, and become a dwarf in a super-collapsed state.
(their) typing... |
01.18.2008, 10:50 AM | #38 |
invito al cielo
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 21,165
i dunt speek mechsican.
PS: I love the space talk, but I sure wish this was a thread where we just bashed on hippies. those threads rule. |
01.18.2008, 10:53 AM | #39 |
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Another one to file under ''Obvious insults to throw at people'': ''You stupid hippies.''. Organic yawnisms for everyone.
01.18.2008, 10:55 AM | #40 |
invito al cielo
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"You cheeky monkey."