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Old 01.17.2008, 08:01 PM   #21
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I am a monotheistic pagan.

I believe that spirituality is a personal experience that will be viewed by each person as different.

organized religion doesn't click for me, but overall, any spiritual positivity is a good thing.
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Old 01.17.2008, 09:03 PM   #22
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I don't know what I am. If I had to classify it, I'd lean towards "Unitarian," only because their beliefs are so nebulous, you can pretty much believe whatever you want, and nobody will judge you. It's basically a religion for people who are smart enough to realize that we really have no clue about pretty much anything. I personally think there is probably some sort of "higher power," though not the way religious people think. I just feel there's a lot of things in physics that we don't understand, and who's to say there *isn't* some sort of energy that was the impetus for the creation of the universe? I mean, we've all heard of the big bang, but what was there before that? All that energy had to come from *somewhere*. Or how about our collective energies (both positive and negative), joining in some sort of as-yet undiscovered scientific phenomenon--maybe we're our own higher power. In any event, the earth is really, really tiny, and I'm sure this "energy" or "higher power" or whatever could really give a shit if we go to church or obey commandments, or any other short-sighted, earthly concept of "doing right by god."
Either I don't understand the point of "repping," or I do and it really is pointless. Fortunately I'm colorblind, so it wouldn't make sense to concern myself with being concerned about it in the first place.

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Old 01.17.2008, 09:12 PM   #23
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PS: That's not to say obeying rules like "thou shall not kill" isn't good--I think, unless we as a people drastically change our priorities and understanding of the earth around us, society would crumble without religion. Just think about how many people struggle through hardships, or with temptation, and say they only got through it by the grace of God. Even if/though the Bible is complete nonsense, it's a much more concrete foundation of faith for people to grasp on to. (And, with all those rules and promises of heaven, a reason for people *not* to go around killing and stealing at whim like other animals).
Either I don't understand the point of "repping," or I do and it really is pointless. Fortunately I'm colorblind, so it wouldn't make sense to concern myself with being concerned about it in the first place.

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Old 01.17.2008, 11:20 PM   #24
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i don't believe in god or go to church
i guess that makes me an atheist
i don't give it any thought really
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Old 01.17.2008, 11:23 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by phoenix
one of my best friends is a jehova witness. we just dont talk about religion or science with any amount of seriousness toward each other.
Hey, I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses!
"She hated people who thought too much.
At that moment, she struck me as an appropriate
representative for almost all mankind." - Kurt Vonnegut Cat's Cradle
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Old 01.17.2008, 11:23 PM   #26
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I just believe... in me... Yoko and me... and that's reality.

The dream is ovahahah...
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 01.18.2008, 02:05 AM   #27
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I don't see any purpose for there to be any sort of god(s), thus, I see organized religion as pointless and -generally- its devout followers as spineless and misguided.



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Old 01.18.2008, 02:24 AM   #28
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I agrizzle with this ^
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Old 01.18.2008, 02:40 AM   #29
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deprogrammed catholic... i still like incense and stained glass and have an irrational belief in the logical and moral superiority of any statement made in latin.
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Old 01.18.2008, 12:47 PM   #30
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I consider myself a Christian Existentialist.

Dostoevsky = awesome.
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Old 01.18.2008, 12:49 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Diesel
floatingslowlly have you ever had a decent shat?

yeah, after work is when it's best.

I usually bring a book to help me along the journey.
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Old 01.18.2008, 12:54 PM   #32
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what about a shart?
when you are on the crapper and you fart hard and a chunk of poo gets flung out as well.

I have walked my girlfriend's dog and seen the dog shart. I saw a rotating turdlet fy from her doggy asshole onto the lawn
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Old 01.18.2008, 12:57 PM   #33
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so it's a shat, but with a kick?

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Old 01.18.2008, 01:05 PM   #34
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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to floatingslowly again.
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Old 01.19.2008, 06:02 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by the ikara cult
um... we can never know what happens when we die so.... ANY BELEIF IS STUPID

who said anything about death? I am talking about what to believe spiritually regarding the present and this life. the life after, well you are absolutely correct.
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Old 01.19.2008, 06:09 PM   #36
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I was brought up in a Church of England school with atheist/agnostic parents, but that had little effect on me.

I suppose that i am Agnostic

A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of god or of anything beyond material phenomena.
A person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in god.

I see Scientologists everyday getting people who don't know what they are entering into, and it just pisses me off.
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Old 01.19.2008, 06:31 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by m1rr0r dash
deprogrammed catholic... i still like incense and stained glass and have an irrational belief in the logical and moral superiority of any statement made in latin.

Hehe I also like stained glass and I also think that the architecture of some churches is cool, but yeah that's as far as my connection with anything spiritual or religious goes.

I was born into a Roman Catholic family and saw the Pope once actually, my sister and I went with a church choir (we weren't actually part of the choir or anything) so that we could get a cheap trip to Rome, we had to visit all the churches they went to along the way and pretend to sing one song in a church in Rome but hey that doesn't require much effort so we didn't mind. Oh and I went to a Catholic school too.

I guess I agree with most of the moral teachings that the Catholic Church has just in terms of behaviour etc, just cause it makes sense to me not be an arsehole. But in terms of spirituality, I don't really think there's a God or anything, I guess it would be reassuring to think there is one, but I can't make myself believe it.
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Old 01.19.2008, 07:13 PM   #38
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I am by definition an agnostic, but I also acknowledge rational and nonrational experience and find that nonrational experience is far more moving than rational. So, in some ways, I guess I'm "spiritual"...
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Old 01.19.2008, 07:27 PM   #39
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Old 01.19.2008, 07:47 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by koolthing78
I don't know what I am. If I had to classify it, I'd lean towards "Unitarian," only because their beliefs are so nebulous, you can pretty much believe whatever you want, and nobody will judge you. It's basically a religion for people who are smart enough to realize that we really have no clue about pretty much anything. I personally think there is probably some sort of "higher power," though not the way religious people think. I just feel there's a lot of things in physics that we don't understand, and who's to say there *isn't* some sort of energy that was the impetus for the creation of the universe? I mean, we've all heard of the big bang, but what was there before that? All that energy had to come from *somewhere*. Or how about our collective energies (both positive and negative), joining in some sort of as-yet undiscovered scientific phenomenon--maybe we're our own higher power. In any event, the earth is really, really tiny, and I'm sure this "energy" or "higher power" or whatever could really give a shit if we go to church or obey commandments, or any other short-sighted, earthly concept of "doing right by god."

I pretty much agree with this entire statement.
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