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Old 08.11.2008, 08:08 AM   #21
al shabbray
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cheap trick
Old 08.11.2008, 01:09 PM   #22
Savage Clone
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If anybody wants a sealed copy, I can make that happen in like two seconds.
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Old 08.11.2008, 01:12 PM   #23
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here is my copy, sorry for the crappy pics i used my phone to take them,



i really should listen to this again as i haven't heared it for years now!



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Old 08.11.2008, 01:13 PM   #24
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I have this too. I like the sleeve more than what's in it.
Old 08.11.2008, 01:18 PM   #25
al shabbray
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Originally Posted by Kegmama
you already found out what you needed to know, so im just posting to say i have it and i like it.


jippie another one likes it!!!

_________ <- please insert something
Old 08.11.2008, 01:23 PM   #26
Savage Clone
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I don't know how "momentous" this thing really is; I mean, it's not like they were really closely collaborating on this thing. The two parts were recorded separately in separate locations and laid on top of each other.

Then again, I suppose that's a fairly "Burroughs-style" approach to recording.
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Old 08.11.2008, 01:27 PM   #27
al shabbray
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I don't know how "momentous" this thing really is; I mean, it's not like they were really closely collaborating on this thing. The two parts were recorded separately in separate locations and laid on top of each other.

Then again, I suppose that's a fairly "Burroughs-style" approach to recording.

yep another cut up method.
another thing i didnt know. I am learning and learning

we should call this school instead of SYG
Old 08.11.2008, 01:31 PM   #28
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I much preferred what Burroughs did with Gus Van Sant.
Old 08.11.2008, 01:34 PM   #29
al shabbray
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I much preferred what Burroughs did with Gus Van Sant.

what did he with gus van sant?

the cobain movie from van sant sucked in my opinion
Old 08.11.2008, 01:37 PM   #30
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Sure. I'm not talking about that, though.
Old 08.11.2008, 01:38 PM   #31
al shabbray
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Sure. I'm not talking about that, though.

I know but would you nonetheless tell me what burroughs did with van sant?
Old 08.11.2008, 01:43 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by al shabbray
I know but would you nonetheless tell me what burroughs did with van sant?

Old 08.11.2008, 01:53 PM   #33
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William S Burroughs -
Millions of Images

Old 08.11.2008, 02:03 PM   #34
al shabbray
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thanks for that. only the track inside the link is worth purchasing this!
his voice fits perfectly with the music and creates a really strange amtosphere I think
Old 08.11.2008, 02:07 PM   #35
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To be honest I prefer ''hipster bebop junkie'' on that record myself, but that's a good track too. I must have posted about this a million times before, I know, but Gus Van Sant is (was?) a much better musician than film director, in my opinion. I wish he would have decided to abandon cinema for music.
Old 08.11.2008, 02:09 PM   #36
al shabbray
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
To be honest I prefer ''hipster bebop junkie'' on that record myself, but that's a good track too. I must have posted about this a million times before, I know, but Gus Van Sant is (was?) a much better musician than film director, in my opinion. I wish he would have decided to abandon cinema for music.

I am surprised how well done he sounds! I dont know much of his movie work, but last days was crap in my opinion.

I count make any notice that you have posted it before, cause I was kinda not present the last 2 years (after the board changed)...
Old 08.11.2008, 02:14 PM   #37
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Are you the poster who asked me to upload that Abe Vigoda live or someone with a similar username?
Old 08.11.2008, 02:15 PM   #38
al shabbray
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I am the one who asked you about the no age upload!
but that wasnt 2 years ago, its more about a few days...
and I dont think/hope there is someone with such an ugly username too
Old 08.11.2008, 04:09 PM   #39
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There's 4 different vinyl pressings - one on black and 3 different picture discs. The picture disc pressings are 5000 each, don't know about the black one.
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Old 08.11.2008, 05:47 PM   #40
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i have got the 10in vinyl of this, the autographs are etched into the other side, i got it off ebay a few years back, i have a good selection of Nirvana vinyls. ahh the memories.
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