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View Poll Results: Dear Science
Yes! 15 62.50%
...uh,those black guys? 2 8.33%
Tvotr are the new Milli Vanilli 3 12.50%
No. 8 33.33%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 24. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02.17.2009, 07:31 PM   #21
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dear Gawd: if yr really floating over my house, watching over every quantum tide (like some say You do), please, make me fucking FEEL IT this time.

please sweat lard, don't make Dear Science suffer the same fate as In Rainbows did.

let me hear the same secret frequencies that nicfit does.

as yr humble loving servant, you owe me this much.

I want to get off on more than just one song!!

make it so,


am listening now. miracle workers take note.
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Old 02.17.2009, 10:36 PM   #22
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dear science does not HIT like cookie mountain. I like it but a good notch l,ess than their olther, less clinnical stufff
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Old 02.17.2009, 10:48 PM   #23
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I'm listening to it again
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Old 02.18.2009, 06:37 AM   #24
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i was really confused at first. i'd not heard them before and was expecting something a bit more spikey or even more challenging. It sounded to me like a cross between Prince and Bloc Party (not so bad, bloc party's 1st album was okish, sort of)
but now yeah, its clicked. It sounds lovely. I'm really really enjoying it
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Old 02.18.2009, 07:17 AM   #25
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I love Return To Cookie Mountain so much: I love the way it combines African drumming and soulful singing with a grimey, dystopian synth-sound and white noise, but Dear Science is, to repeat what's been said, half-awesome and half-shit.

The first song and a few of the slows ones are the awesome; but then they are doing this post-modern Prince-thing and it just sounds like the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, that weirdly-funkless-funk with shouty rapping - that song which starts 'he's a newspaper man, he's a newspaper man!' is seriously one of the worst songs I've ever heard. And then there's the fucking trumpets.
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Old 02.18.2009, 11:35 AM   #26
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Love the new one, I think a lot of people just have to get acclimated to the fact that it's a different sort of sound for them, not as dark, more funky. Great stuff.
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Old 02.18.2009, 11:46 AM   #27
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I wish they had not buried Sitek's drones and grinding squeals so much.
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Old 02.18.2009, 11:58 AM   #28
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Listened to it again last night. I still haven't "got it."
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Old 02.18.2009, 12:03 PM   #29
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you may nevre. I still am left somewhat cold by it. the EP and cookie mountainnhit me right away though....
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Old 02.19.2009, 07:04 PM   #30
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never bothered after being tricked into the snooze fest that was cookie mountain
stay awake to the ways of the world
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Old 02.19.2009, 07:54 PM   #31
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i didn't bother reading any other posts in this thread but i do have this too say: i absolutely fucking love tv on the radio, when desperate youth, blood thirsty babes came out i was like "fuck yeah! something new a different finally". and then went out and bought everything i could get my hands on by this amazing band. then they released dear science. i do not like this album, i don't hate it mind you, but i don't like it either. there's only 2 song son it i can stand. i hope to god their next album is nothing like it.
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Old 02.19.2009, 09:38 PM   #32
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Dear Science is probably the closest TV on the Radio have ever come to a pop record. Some of the songs on here could fit in between Maroon 5 and Beyonce and no one would realize how different this band is compared to those two.

I don't imagine they'll be releasing anything like it again, because none of their records have sounded 100% alike.

The weird thing about TV on the Radio is that while they have a unique sound, there isn't really anything identifible about it that makes you realize it's them within 5 seconds of hearing a song, beyond perhaps Tunde Adebimpe's voice.
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Old 02.19.2009, 09:46 PM   #33
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they suck.

just wanted to thank this ungrateful but so adorably candid teenie-bopper for opening my eyes with her insouciant snark: What can I say? I was blinded by my love for the showbiz life. Ever since Heart Condition, I'd been looking for a project to do with Denzel; and Tom and I have been developing a feature film of Manimal for some time now, so I figured, what the hey? Tomorrow's Variety will reveal my announcement that I am withdrawing from The Matarese Circle (which shall instead be directed by the highly capable Philip Noyce) in favor of a personal project that shall return me to my classical auteurist path:
It's called The Surgery Liturgies:
All characters shall be portrayed by a new form of puppetry developed by the geniuses of KNB.
The puppets in question represent a bold innovation in "FX" technology: while I shall save some of the magic for the inevitable Cinefex article and DVD commentaries, I will reveal that all of the main characters shall be portrayed by exposed stumps of amputees and, in one case, a highly expressive neck goiter--all with faces painted on them (seriously, you'd SWEAR they was peoples!) Oh, and full frontal Michael Ironside. (With a special IMAX sequence of him eating corn on the cob!)
The story is my own blending of the later short stories of JG Ballard, Nabokov's "Pale Fire", and a history of the invention of the I.U.D. that I read on a series of sugar packets.
That said, I must thank the passionate, passionate voices that have risen here in my much-needed defense (kudos to you on your sense of humor and sense of proportion, my friends, kudos to you!)
And to the purveyors of DreadCentral (which is second only to preciousmoments.com in my most visited Bookmarks):
Please don't ever, ever, ever publish this sort of hateful, humorless screed again--It ill serves your legacy of high-minded criticism (perhaps best exemplified by Susan Sontag's much-anthologized meditation on Howling III: The Marsupials). Noone comes to a horror movie site for frivolity, after all.
P.S. Coming in 2012: David Cronenberg's Legally Blonde 3: The Blonde Leading The Blonde (Guess who's a judge now? That's right, and now that she wields the gavel, the legal system won't know what hit it!)

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Old 02.20.2009, 03:03 AM   #34
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Eventually they'll make a greatest hits and it'll be altogether better than any of their actual records.
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Old 02.20.2009, 03:39 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
Dear Science is probably the closest TV on the Radio have ever come to a pop record.

Originally Posted by nicfit
Along with Alopecia my fav "pop" record of the year.

11:11 11-11-11 I Ascended.
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Old 02.20.2009, 05:01 AM   #36
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Their songs sound all the same to me.

At least on this album.

Even their catchiest tunes of Cookie Mountain were pretty generic.
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Old 02.20.2009, 11:35 AM   #37
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one good song.
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Old 02.26.2009, 01:56 PM   #38
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although I cannot determine if it's due to extreme perseverance, demonic mind control or simply my desire to be just like nicfit, I now fucking love this album.

it's in my head all day (if not actually playing in my earbulbs). it might have even become my favorite album of theirs... the only song that I currently can't get into is Dancing Choose (I blame being a rap-elitist).

Lovers Day, Love Dog and DLZ (finally) blow me away.

my prayers have been answered and I only have one person to thank.

I <3 nicfit and I <4 Dear Science
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Old 02.26.2009, 02:16 PM   #39
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funnily enough. this thread ciomes up and i'm giving it a first listen. have never been too big on these guys and huh this album doesn't do it for me either. Interesting production is all i have to say but the songs .....
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Old 02.26.2009, 02:33 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
although I cannot determine if it's due to extreme perseverance, demonic mind control or simply my desire to be just like nicfit, I now fucking love this album.

it's in my head all day (if not actually playing in my earbulbs). it might have even become my favorite album of theirs... the only song that I currently can't get into is Dancing Choose (I blame being a rap-elitist).

Lovers Day, Love Dog and DLZ (finally) blow me away.

my prayers have been answered and I only one person to thank.

I <3 nicfit and I <4 Dear Science


The MIRACLE worked again!


welcome to the Legion!

and no need to thank me, as I said before this thing just happens somehow.
11:11 11-11-11 I Ascended.
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