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Old 03.15.2009, 02:27 PM   #21
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^^ My suggestion is we play doctor to keep yr mind off things :-)
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Old 03.15.2009, 02:29 PM   #22
the end of the ugly
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Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
A very good point...

As for me, I'm moving back to my hometown, and my boyfriend, whom I've been with for five years (on and off), is moving to Vancouver, which is where I've planned on moving to for years now.

The problem is, I can't go with him because I need a break... badly. Also, I'm now unemployed in Toronto, and going to live with my parents in the prairies for a while, to pay off my debts, and hopefully go back to school.

I have no idea what to do. It's going to be hard to be without him, but so good, at the same time. I don't know how long I'm going to be home before I move to Van, or if I'm going at all.

It isn't all that strange, or even unusual. It doesn't even compare to what some of you have said, and I don't feel sorry for myself. It's just simply what is going on in my life right now....

I am open to suggestions, if anyone feels like playing doctor.
I live in Toronto right now. Lets meet up and discuss this over a coffee, my treat. Considering we don't know each other at all, it might provide an opportunity to open up without any restraints, as I have no prior opinion/judgement of you. This is a serious offer, PM me if you're interested.
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Old 03.15.2009, 02:32 PM   #23
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i've been seeing a woman that's 15 years my senior. i think it's a little strange.
My name is Jonathon

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Old 03.15.2009, 02:36 PM   #24
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I don't know anymore
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Old 03.15.2009, 02:45 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by o'connor
i've been seeing a woman that's 15 years my senior. i think it's a little strange.

Yeah, that's strange, exactly how I meant it. Not good or bad, just different from the norm for you and to some degree for the rest of the world.

Do you have common interests? I wish I'd had that type of experience when I was younger. We learn the most from people we are intimate with, and we have the most to learn from those with life experience.
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Old 03.15.2009, 02:52 PM   #26
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the limbo of unemployment

And I hate having to live back at home. Everyone hates anything that is even slightly outside their comfort zone here.
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Old 03.15.2009, 02:57 PM   #27
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I can't find a job and need to find an apartment within the next month that won't completely blow my budget.

Also, I'm fighting insomnia, averaging 4 hours a sleep a night for the last week.
"One: Where's the fife? and Two: Gimme the fife."
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Old 03.15.2009, 08:22 PM   #28
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any day where i end the night sober is tsrarne

it's anagrama, with different letters
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Old 03.15.2009, 09:57 PM   #29
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im working up to having sex with my math teacher.
ze space.

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Old 03.15.2009, 09:57 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Dead-Air
Thanks, it's nice to get some perspective from a like-minded adjusted deviant. I keep asking myself, "Am I really o.k. with this?" and every time the answer is yes, but I almost feel this weird guilt that it is. Like I'm being reminded of my morality (and emotional make-up as well) being outside the norm right in my face when until recently it's all been theoretical.

that and the whole exchange above with clone makes a pretty cool story-- but i'd argue that your deviancy is evident from your mask collection, your taste in music, etc. that is-- not news for us boardies. but i know that life looks different when you live it that when you watch someone else's life.

what i (the spectator) find stranges with you is that you actually work for the law! to me that's like the bastion of conservatism, mainstream morality, etc. so i'm looking at your double life from the other end-- that is, from outside in, and wondering "how does he manage to fit in at work?" it's pretty amazing to me when bona fide eccentrics can survive in such places. i know i couldn't-- i've tried, but i ALWAYS run into trouble.

anyway, sounds like you're having fun-- enjoy.
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Old 03.15.2009, 10:03 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
A very good point...

As for me, I'm moving back to my hometown, and my boyfriend, whom I've been with for five years (on and off), is moving to Vancouver, which is where I've planned on moving to for years now.

The problem is, I can't go with him because I need a break... badly. Also, I'm now unemployed in Toronto, and going to live with my parents in the prairies for a while, to pay off my debts, and hopefully go back to school.

I have no idea what to do. It's going to be hard to be without him, but so good, at the same time. I don't know how long I'm going to be home before I move to Van, or if I'm going at all.

It isn't all that strange, or even unusual. It doesn't even compare to what some of you have said, and I don't feel sorry for myself. It's just simply what is going on in my life right now....

I am open to suggestions, if anyone feels like playing doctor.
very sad to hear, floozie. cowtowners will be happy to have you back though, i'm sure.

ps- debt is the fucking plague. never again.
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Old 03.15.2009, 10:21 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that and the whole exchange above with clone makes a pretty cool story-- but i'd argue that your deviancy is evident from your mask collection, your taste in music, etc. that is-- not news for us boardies. but i know that life looks different when you live it that when you watch someone else's life.

what i (the spectator) find stranges with you is that you actually work for the law! to me that's like the bastion of conservatism, mainstream morality, etc. so i'm looking at your double life from the other end-- that is, from outside in, and wondering "how does he manage to fit in at work?" it's pretty amazing to me when bona fide eccentrics can survive in such places. i know i couldn't-- i've tried, but i ALWAYS run into trouble.

anyway, sounds like you're having fun-- enjoy.

Yeah, the double life thing is pretty weird. I read a lot of comics when I was a kid, and I guess the secret identity trip must have sunk in hard.

At work they all think I'm the bastion of professionalism and I am. My boss knows a bit about what I do outside artistically and I told my assistant (who's a grandma and former flower child) about my current home situation (the perspective from somebody who's been around the block that far back is very worthwhile!) But the day to day who I am is pretty undercover.

Except, that seeing as I work in consumer protection, and help people who've been screwed over by bad businesses, it's not like I don't believe in what I do. I totally do, and my job is the perfect one for who I've always been. I don't have to wear ties too often either, thank God.
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Old 03.15.2009, 10:24 PM   #33
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you work at sticking it to the man! that's fucking awesome...
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Old 03.16.2009, 09:40 AM   #34
Dr. Eugene Felikson
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I recently just cleaned up my look a bit to make myself appear more presentable. Hopefully, my new managed image will help me get a job soon. I need the money to put into my short film.
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Old 03.16.2009, 10:21 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
^^ My suggestion is we play doctor to keep yr mind off things :-)

hahaha, Dr.Humourous, is it then?
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Old 03.16.2009, 10:23 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
very sad to hear, floozie. cowtowners will be happy to have you back though, i'm sure.

ps- debt is the fucking plague. never again.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to seeing my old chums...

And I will forever blame the recession! It would have been fine and dandy, otherwise...
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Old 03.16.2009, 10:24 AM   #37
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Notices went up last week the owner of our buildings was putting in a new intercom system starting today and tomorrow. The flyer insisted we keep the appointment. But when I called, there are no appointments, they expect us to be available for 48 hours. When I said that wasn't possible, they asked if a friend or family could do it, I replied that they have to work too. What is strange is the intercom works fine. There is a whole list of things that are fucked up about our building, or the new evil Souen restaurant downstairs who make incredible amounts of noise all night. Some of us think the new intercom is digital and will allow the owner to monitor who is in the apts, as there are some sublets. Rumor is the owner wants to sell the buildings to NYU.
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Old 03.16.2009, 11:50 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I don't want to do drugs that are too extreme... acid's about as extreme as I'd ever do.. but man, I love the woods.
man, aside from all that other gossip you posted, I would just like to say, that while its not heroin crack or meth, acid is not exactly a mild drug. In fact, for MOST people, they would do all three of the above before taking a hit of acid, it scares them. Thats because people do drugs to escape emotional/physical pain and discomfort, not to expand their consciousness..
Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 03.16.2009, 12:02 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by tesla69
Notices went up last week the owner of our buildings was putting in a new intercom system starting today and tomorrow. The flyer insisted we keep the appointment. But when I called, there are no appointments, they expect us to be available for 48 hours. When I said that wasn't possible, they asked if a friend or family could do it, I replied that they have to work too. What is strange is the intercom works fine. There is a whole list of things that are fucked up about our building, or the new evil Souen restaurant downstairs who make incredible amounts of noise all night. Some of us think the new intercom is digital and will allow the owner to monitor who is in the apts, as there are some sublets. Rumor is the owner wants to sell the buildings to NYU.

i dont know, but according to this, you're above 326 6th street.


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Old 03.16.2009, 12:10 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i dont know, but according to this, you're above 326 6th street.

Telsa, watch out man, yr cover is blown!

Today Rap music is the Lakers
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