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Old 06.16.2006, 04:04 PM   #21
Almost Crimes
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Originally Posted by afterthefact
almost crimes, it's not immature, it's just being tired of having screamo shoved in our faces all the time, and the bands I'm refering to are silverstien and hawthorne heights, and the like. If there are older screamo bands, that's great, and I'm glad you like it, but I don't care enough to dig deep into it. All I know is what I hate, and I hate what is, at least by most, called screamo. let it go...
Continue living in ignorance then. Everytime you refer to those bands as screamo, you are wrong. Just so you know.

Most of the newer "emo / hardcore" bands you see gain mainstream popularity are actually post-hardcore. I hate to ruin the validity of that genre, but all music has to fall in some kind of category I guess...

How about you just not listen to them and say you hate the particular bands instead of writing off entire genres? You also shouldn't make claims at the same time that a particular genre doesn't have "deep roots in music" and "aren't incorporating influences of the music they grew up on" because these are just absolute assinine claims and you can understand how I could be irritated. That is one mentality that I cannot stand these days. It's the same as the people who destroy the homes and businesses of all Muslims because of the events of 9/11.

Hopefully from this thread you were educated a bit so you don't make the same claims again.

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Old 06.16.2006, 04:15 PM   #22
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Genres are lame. Heroin gets lumped with Thursday. Sufjan Stevens gets lumped with shit like Jack Johnson. Converge gets lumped with crap like Fear before the March of Flames.

It is all just music.
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Old 06.16.2006, 04:17 PM   #23
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actually, it's not the same as those people, cause I'm not killing people. What irritates me is that you KNOW what I am talking about. When I say screamo, you know what bands I am refering to. I am refering to the bands that, if you went out in public and said "I listen to screamo," everyone would think you were talking about. That's like somebody calling a homosexual "gay," and then somebody saying "well actually gay means happy or joyous, so you don't know what you are talking about." You'd look stupid, because they were using the word in the most common usage, and you were being nitpicky and calling them out for it. Like I said, let it go, it's not a personal slam, so don't worry about it. Geez...
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Old 06.16.2006, 04:24 PM   #24
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I'm tired of fighting with people about music genres. All they do is hinder the development of music, it's all music, labelling is useless.

It's all music, we should enjoy it, not fight about it.



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Old 06.16.2006, 04:33 PM   #25
Almost Crimes
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Originally Posted by Joey
I'm tired of fighting with people about music genres. All they do is hinder the development of music, it's all music, labelling is useless.

It's all music, we should enjoy it, not fight about it.
I agree. I'm not posting for the sake of genres (personally I hate them) but instead the stigma associated with the word. I just think it's ignorant.
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Old 06.16.2006, 04:33 PM   #26
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^ yeah man musics all about personal tasteand its fucking pointless to fight about generes and which bands are better
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Old 06.16.2006, 06:23 PM   #27
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I definately agree, I think labeling music is retarded. But you can't deny that there ARE music genres. Unfortunately, rock can't just be rock. It SHOULD be that way, but the mainstream media won't allow it, because they have to keep coming up with original stuff to keep peoples attention, and since they are too afraid to try new MUSIC, they have to create a genre. Cause if that works, then they have a good 5 years of playing it safe and making the same old crap over and over again.
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Old 06.16.2006, 06:36 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Almost Crimes

City of Caterpillar, Pg. 99 and Saetia were some of the older (and more popular) screamo bands that came around in the mid-late 90s but none of them make music anymore either.

Nice, I love the 3 of em. Haven't heard envy yet though. Saetia's great, but they've had tonnes of bands. I forget which one's their recent one - it's either Off Minor or Hot Cross. I think Hot Cross, and the guitarist is nuts.
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Old 06.16.2006, 06:54 PM   #29
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btw, almost crimes, checked that stuff out, it's really good. still, I'm stubburn, so I'm not backing down hehe
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Old 06.17.2006, 07:49 AM   #30
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Heard. I think the fact that emo, screamo, and other pop sounding post hardcore are synonymous with hot topic and myspace grinds the whole genre/movement into shitey shreds of black eyeliner and fake grimaces. That is probably part of afterthemfacts hatred, but I don't want to presume that. I know it is part of my dislike, but I mostly hate this trend because the majority of it isn't sincere. For the most part these kids aren't genuine, there is no real catharsis. The hot topic crowd are just in it for the ride, and won't cling to any of it in say 5 or 10 years, and this is because the better portion of them don't have any decent musical knowledge and can't make an informed decision on what sounds good, so they opt for different, but its mainstream different. This course blinds them to many great and high quality bands that are only a record shop away, it also perpetuates the cycle of black eyeliner and fraudulent grimaces. All in all music is music and you should listen to what you like, BUT make sure you do some research, try to find out the history of whatever "genre" you are into, because if you do, you will probably find that there are many more bands out there and you can increase your musical enjoyment. To close, see my signature.
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Old 06.17.2006, 08:55 AM   #31
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well put rdtv, good to have a friend to back me up, haha

btw, can't jam tomorrow, no gas... unless you wanna chip in.......
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Old 06.17.2006, 09:03 AM   #32
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you're all wrong, to the music consumer genres are very useful. i'm glad i can go into a record shop and look at the hiphop section, or the japanese section or the experimental section, or the free jazz section. you're all saying genres are silly, but you all take an interest in certain genres over others.
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Old 06.17.2006, 09:06 AM   #33
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Toilet and Bowels, you are so stupid.
Don't you realize it does a disservice to all music from all time to draw a distinction between folk and metal, or classical and grindcore?
Nice stereotyping you're doing there.
Sonic Life!!
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Old 06.17.2006, 09:26 AM   #34
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I'm gonna guess savage clone is kidding. The reason I don't like genres is because genres create scenes, and scenes create scenesters. And I think it's agreed that we all hate scenesters. Because when they start showing up, the fashion comes before the music, and therefore the quality of the music takes a turn for the worse. But as far as labeling the music for organizational purposes like Toilet & Bowels was saying, I'm all for it. Who wants to be looking for a pavement cd, and have to sort though opera music and polka music just to find it? Although, it would be cool to see "Parker, Charlie" and "Pavement" right next to each other. Hmm, how could we solve this? I guess we could actually put Charlie Parker's quote, quoted by RdTV, to use, and just have 2 sides to a record store, good music & bad music. That way, no matter what you pick up on the good side, you know it will be just that, GOOD. Anybody agree?
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Old 06.17.2006, 09:46 AM   #35
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Remember the 90's? When someone who liked Led Zeppelin could also like Ice-T? One of the side effects of labelling is, it becomes a brand. And branding is a form of segmentation, to facilitate easy access to the consumer market and ease general surveys into the market. When segmentation and segregation within the mass consumer market is encouraged, this also affects social trends and attitudes, as capitalism is very much a prevailing paradigm that permeates every aspect of our lives. Therefore, you're an emo kid, I'm a wigger, I hate you, you hate me, we both hate the old rock dudes.
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Old 06.17.2006, 10:05 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Saturnine
I like Led Zeppelin AND NWA, fuck you.
Sweet. Straight Outta Compton IV.
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Old 06.17.2006, 10:08 AM   #37
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I think all this will happen with or without genres really though, it's all about your state of mind. If genres exsist, you can still like all kinds of music. And vice versa, even if genres as they are didn't exsist now, Led Zepplin and NWA, just for example, would still sound very different. And if you are a close-minded person, with or without genres, you may still only listen to one type of music. It's all about the way you think...
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Old 06.17.2006, 10:15 AM   #38
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led zeppelin and NWA have their moments but their are other sililarish things i like way more.

black sabbath and public enemy, for example
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Old 06.17.2006, 10:25 AM   #39
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Old 06.17.2006, 10:26 AM   #40
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true. not many are > bs.
Sab Kuch Tick Tock Hai
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