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Old 03.23.2007, 09:24 AM   #41
Rob Instigator
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i like em CRAZY.

makes life spicy

non-cracy girls are boring.

they are predictable.
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Old 03.23.2007, 09:55 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
jesus, you guys have some psycho bitches on your hands. i would never do something so fucking crazy. women just need to learn to LET GO.

Please marry me.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 03.23.2007, 11:18 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
people have this crazy misconception of me that i'm like gouging people's eyes out with shotglasses and whatnot.

but yeah he is a bit nuts.

nah, nah--- i think you are quite reasonable-- you turn off the a/c to save money

Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
i like em CRAZY.

makes life spicy

non-cracy girls are boring.

they are predictable.

crazies are great--- to a point... too much "spicy" will cause your asshole to be in flames the next day
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Old 03.23.2007, 09:00 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
nah, nah--- i think you are quite reasonable-- you turn off the a/c to save money
i'm just cheap.
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Old 03.23.2007, 11:38 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Richard Pryor on Fire
It's a long story but, she was real in to me and I wasn't so much in to her. We ended up balling one time after we broke and I may or may not have alluded to the possibility of us getting back together. The next morning I let her know it was a mistake, and we should'nt talk anymore. Somewhere in the mix she tried to kill her self(sorta). But anyways we only dated for like two weeks so, she's nuts.
Yep. Nuts.
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Old 03.24.2007, 08:29 AM   #46
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Insensitive mudda fucking bastard!! THE SCUM OF THE FUCKING WORLD! What uh selfish son o' uh fuckin beeotch. I gots never met someone so callous, mean or cruel in muh ma fuckin entire life. How can ya live wiff yourself? How can ya treat peeps like fucking trash an' git up every morning an' jet through life? All dis here bastard iz filled wiff iz lies an' distrust. I feel sorry fo' yo' niggas an' family dat gots ta see ya jet through life treating peeps wiff nahh respect or commpassion. You need ta stop being uh total FUCK UP an' learn how ta be uh fucking human. FUCK YOU, BARI KHAN!!

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Old 03.24.2007, 08:57 AM   #47
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dude, its usually all those "cool" indie/hipster girls that are fucking INSANE
you know, the ones with all those tattoo's and what not
good taste in music
i mean, not ALL of them are crazy, obviously
but most of the BPD type-ish girls ive met are usually these kinds of girls
just saying...
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Old 03.24.2007, 09:37 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
dude, its usually all those "cool" indie/hipster girls that are fucking INSANE
you know, the ones with all those tattoo's and what not
good taste in music
i mean, not ALL of them are crazy, obviously
but most of the BPD type-ish girls ive met are usually these kinds of girls
just saying...

hm no, they come in all shapes & sizes. some look quite conventional & have "careers". many of them happen to be quite quite bright, when not under the influence. humanities departments around the world are full of them, as i'm sure are law & business schools. BPD is a psychiatric disorder not a fashion style. but then again...
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Old 03.24.2007, 09:41 AM   #49
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*update* I've started receving anonymous internet threats! do yourself a huge huge favor and dont venture south of 8 mile....ever. myself, dougie hate, jeff g, white trash rob, joey drinktickets and various other gentlemen affiliated with ctyc are looking to have a word with you. so unless you want a handful of venemous hate filled southwest detroit motherfuckers to come down very fucking hard on you, i would tread lightly and make sure not to fuck with the wrong people. you have been warned., At leaset they have funny names.


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Old 03.24.2007, 09:41 AM   #50
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Old 03.24.2007, 09:42 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Richard Pryor on Fire
*update* I've started receving anonymous internet threats! do yourself a huge huge favor and dont venture south of 8 mile....ever. myself, dougie hate, jeff g, white trash rob, joey drinktickets and various other gentlemen affiliated with ctyc are looking to have a word with you. so unless you want a handful of venemous hate filled southwest detroit motherfuckers to come down very fucking hard on you, i would tread lightly and make sure not to fuck with the wrong people. you have been warned., At leaset they have funny names.

these dudebros can NOT be serious!
if so, thats fucking ridic shit
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Old 03.24.2007, 09:44 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Richard Pryor on Fire
*update* I've started receving anonymous internet threats! do yourself a huge huge favor and dont venture south of 8 mile....ever. myself, dougie hate, jeff g, white trash rob, joey drinktickets and various other gentlemen affiliated with ctyc are looking to have a word with you. so unless you want a handful of venemous hate filled southwest detroit motherfuckers to come down very fucking hard on you, i would tread lightly and make sure not to fuck with the wrong people. you have been warned., At leaset they have funny names.

hilarious. what a bunch of cunts. can't they knock on your door and kick your ass like regular bullies? and why don't they have the balls to come to you one at a time? anyway, as retarded as this is, save your emails & especially the headers where the IPs are logged. might come handy at some point. might. don't freak out about it though.
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Old 03.26.2007, 12:04 AM   #53
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Well, at least you still have your good looks. But seriously, that shit is starting to get pretty insane.....tell her to chill out, Christ. It's not like you guys were getting married.
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Old 03.26.2007, 12:05 AM   #54
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once again. you guys have horrible taste in women.
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Old 03.26.2007, 12:53 AM   #55
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ouch bad situation.
gotta watch the post relation sex. can get ya bad.

Jeg kysser katastrofer.

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Old 03.26.2007, 12:09 PM   #56
Rob Instigator
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[quote=cryptowonderdruginvogue]dude, its usually all those "cool" indie/hipster girls that are fucking INSANE
you know, the ones with all those tattoo's and what not
good taste in music

yeah, those are the ones that stiffen my eclair.
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Old 03.26.2007, 12:10 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
once again. you guys have horrible taste in women.

so says you!
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Old 03.26.2007, 08:26 PM   #58
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you must've pissed her off quite well ive had some pretty horrible things said about me before but never ever had anyone egged anything thats some intense shit
i'll ride off into the sunset of yr colour T.V.

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Old 03.26.2007, 09:47 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
so says you!
i'm not the one with a psycho ex-girlfriend.
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Old 05.11.2007, 09:07 PM   #60
martin atchet
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martin atchet has a couple of kiss-ass net friends
Originally Posted by Richard Pryor on Fire
*update* I've started receving anonymous internet threats! do yourself a huge huge favor and dont venture south of 8 mile....ever. myself, dougie hate, jeff g, white trash rob, joey drinktickets and various other gentlemen affiliated with ctyc are looking to have a word with you. so unless you want a handful of venemous hate filled southwest detroit motherfuckers to come down very fucking hard on you, i would tread lightly and make sure not to fuck with the wrong people. you have been warned., At leaset they have funny names.

holy shit. haha.
you must have done something pretty bad and done it to the wrong girl to infuririate ctyc (colder than you crew) i grew up in detroit, before moving away, and had the pleasure of knowing a few of these guys. dougie toms, while being one of the nicest people ive ever met, is not someone who i would want to cross. these guys are all burly, heavily tattooed, ex convicts with an afffinity for violence.
i wouldnt take a threat from cold as life or their extended family lying down.
stay safe dude.
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