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Old 05.15.2007, 10:09 PM   #41
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Jerry Falwell once remarked that God told him that Jimmy Carter was "not a concerned enough Christian."

Jimmy Carter replied that, "Jerry Falwell, and I speak as a Christian, can go to hell."

Both are men of faith and reverends.

Jerry Falwell cared so little for America that he thought nothing of taking a big shit on the separation of church and state with the establishment of the Moral Majority, the legacy of which affects politics profoundly to this day.

Former President Jimmy Carter, more historically aware and wise, of course, warns America to this day that there is too little separation of church and state and that such a climate leads to complete ruination, and has done so consistently throughout world history.
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Old 05.15.2007, 11:46 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by screamingskull
all i know about Jerry is what i've seen on that film The people Vs Larry Flint

he calls him jerry fartwell and claims he fornicated with his mother in an outhouse.

That movie wasn't bad, except that it made Flynt look a lot less disgusting than he really is. Of course very few people would have wanted to watch a movie with a realistic depiction of Flynt in it, thouh he's certainly a fascinating guy in all his grossness. The parody article in question certainly was funny in an over the top way.

I try not to feel good about people dying myself, but Falwell was such a horrible influence on society, and such a gross pig himself, it's hard not to feel some righteous idignation over his heart stopping. Perhaps if he's spent even a fraction of the energy he used trying to dictate others' morals working on his own physical well being...
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Old 05.15.2007, 11:51 PM   #43
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Flynt likes the water sports. Pretty gross.
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Old 05.15.2007, 11:57 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
Flynt likes the water sports. Pretty gross.

When it comes to pigdom, he and Falwell were way closer than either one wanted to admit. Well, maybe Larry was fine with admiting it. Larry is a pig without the hypocrisy (viewed by many as his strong point). Jerry had a complete monopoly on that.
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Old 05.16.2007, 01:09 AM   #45
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Lest anyone forget, here's the type of shit that Falwell used to spew.
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Old 05.16.2007, 01:55 AM   #46
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[Homosexuals are] brute beasts...part of a vile and satanic system [that] will be utterly annihilated, and there will be a celebration in heaven.

Best quote ever, to make it my sig.
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Old 05.16.2007, 09:08 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
well, someone's sarcasm detector is not working properly...

I'm just saying....the guy was a hate-monger, but hating him only brings people down to his level.

personally, I don't want that kind of soul baggage.

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Old 05.16.2007, 09:26 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I'm just saying....the guy was a hate-monger, but hating him only brings people down to his level.

personally, I don't want that kind of soul baggage.


Then again.....to hate hate, that being a double-negative....turns it into a positive !!!

I couldn't stand the guy. Is my terminology a bit better ?
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Old 05.16.2007, 09:37 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I'm just saying....the guy was a hate-monger, but hating him only brings people down to his level.

personally, I don't want that kind of soul baggage.


True, but would it not be more being on his level to say, "I don't hate him, I just think he made the wrong moral choices and I pray for him to change his ways, or now that he's dead, for his followers to change his ways." How many times did Falwell and his ilk use that line of bullshit to deny their hate mongering while keeping all of the elements of it alive. I just think it's more honest to confront how one really feels and why.
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Old 05.16.2007, 10:00 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by against_the_grain
I couldn't stand the guy. Is my terminology a bit better ?

yeah, and I agree.

I don't want to come off as standing up for the guy, but it's really easy (especially on the internet) for people to put themselves on pedestals above others without actually having to behave like it.

all I'm saying is, if y'all think you are better than Jerry (and most likely you are) then act like it for fuck's sake!

Originally Posted by Dead-Air
I just think it's more honest to confront how one really feels and why.

this man was a cancer on humanity, but of all the things he can be accused of dishonesty of his feelings is most likely not one.

I'm pretty sure he had a solid conviction in the trash that he believed, but it doesn't make it right.
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Old 05.16.2007, 10:07 AM   #51
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I really hate to hate too. I more hate the actions or thoughts of a person than the person themselves. That proly doesn't make sense since that is the person..but oh well...

What really gets my goat though is his disciples......

Those who thump on naysayers in the field with his directed 'hatemongering'....
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Old 05.16.2007, 10:23 AM   #52
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i dont know who the fuck he is, and i dont even give a fuck. he dissin gay people? thats a fuckin joke. i'm only sorry he shares my name "jerry"
i'm gonna arrange for the Village People to play his funeral, with support acts from The Sissors Sisters and KD Lang.
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Old 05.16.2007, 11:50 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by against_the_grain
I really hate to hate too. I more hate the actions or thoughts of a person than the person themselves. That proly doesn't make sense since that is the person..but oh well....

no, it DOES make sense. and that's kind of what I'm getting at.

in my opinion, hate begets more hate through waveform propagation. it's simple physics.

by succumbing to the lowest common denominator with this man....he WINS.

I apologize if it seems as if I'm simply arguing semantics here (which I guess I am), but I've been having this same conversation with my wife. she also thinks he should be tortured for eternity, and I find that hypocritically wrong.
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Old 05.16.2007, 07:26 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
no, it DOES make sense. and that's kind of what I'm getting at.

in my opinion, hate begets more hate through waveform propagation. it's simple physics.

by succumbing to the lowest common denominator with this man....he WINS.

I apologize if it seems as if I'm simply arguing semantics here (which I guess I am), but I've been having this same conversation with my wife. she also thinks he should be tortured for eternity, and I find that hypocritically wrong.

I guess ONE is actually elevated who can forgive his enemies.

One of the best virtues of humanity is compassion. Maybe he just never had enough contact and love with some of those he condemned. His soul may run across those he scorned and then he may see the light. We can hope, right ?

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Old 05.16.2007, 07:59 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
this man was a cancer on humanity, but of all the things he can be accused of dishonesty of his feelings is most likely not one.

I'm pretty sure he had a solid conviction in the trash that he believed, but it doesn't make it right.

Oh, I'm sure he had that conviction, but he still backtracked all of the time when like-minded nazis like Bush and Graham felt compelled to distance themselves from him due to his glaring overtness.
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Old 05.17.2007, 01:03 AM   #56
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Here's a fun game: identify the quote(s) Hitler or Falwell?
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Old 05.17.2007, 01:15 AM   #57
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Glad he's dead. Wonder how he feels knowing that his religion was wrong, and that there is no afterlife? Hope his corpse is arse raped by a gay man, you know, just to piss it off.
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Old 05.17.2007, 01:21 AM   #58
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Hope he comes as a buddhist priest.
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Old 05.17.2007, 03:30 AM   #59
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Holy crap, that quote in your sig is horrible... How could anyone respect this man? BTW I'm aware that you are being sarcastic, and not having a go at ya.
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Old 05.17.2007, 12:41 PM   #60
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