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Old 05.09.2006, 06:45 PM   #41
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Haha, wow. It seems everyone is 'ignorant' and 'stupid'.

I personally just don't enjoy forced conversations. I'm not much of a talker anyway and people don't talk to me.
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Old 05.09.2006, 06:53 PM   #42
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Are there awkward antisocial situations?

"I was by myself, and I farted...that was pretty awkward..."
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Old 05.09.2006, 06:55 PM   #43
atari 2600
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I find it difficult to talk unless stimulated.

& it's a shame that the prettiest girls never seem to have too much to say. it's a stereotype, i know, but one that usually happens to be true.

I am not nervous & knowing the people or not really doesn't matter or clam me up. I don't have to feel on familiar terms with people, I just need some damn interesting mental stimulation to get to yappin'.
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Old 05.09.2006, 07:04 PM   #44
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I'll tell you what the problem is with uncomfortable social situations:

It's SELFISHNESS, and lack of perceptive ability.

People who put others in awkward situations do so because they lack the ability to empathize with other human beings. Engaging someone in small talk, prolonging conversations unnecessarily, forcing traditional acts of affection, are all behaviors of people who are UNAWARE. If people took even the most fleeting of moments to consider basic human reactions to such practices, they would recoil from themselves, and cease these types of behaviors immediately.

People lack EMPATHY.

Empathy is in no way related to benevolence, or sociability. It is has having the presence of mind to anticipate and extrapolate on the processes of other human brains, and, in certain cases, to adjust your behavior accordingly. i.e., refraining from inflicting yourself upon others. Most people in social situations feel compelled to observe conversational rituals, ones which manipulate them like helpless puppets, and they will infringe such absurdities upon you because they are TOO IGNORANT to realize that social tradition is not by default preferable for all human beings. They either fail to realize, or realize but dismiss, the fact that THEY MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.

I use the terms 'ignorant' and 'stupid' often in reference to people, because, they ARE.

I am a misanthrope, because a vast majority of the human population is so disgustingly self-absorbed that their awareness, of themselves and their surroundings, is if not severely stinted, utterly nonexistent.

This produces ASSHOLES.

The kind that plague you on a daily basis. The handshakers, tooth-barers, cliche-spouters, 'networkers,' placaters, patronizers, condescenders, and just plain


Yes, I blanketly condemn other people for blights on their character, because, the excuse that all things are subjective and "personal" is BULLSHIT.

It is COMMON CONSIDERATION FOR YOUR FELLOW MAN to be, not in agreement with their perspectives, but ATTUNED; and, with this awareness, one has the capability of RESPECTING others, even in discord.

This is a long-winded way of saying,

YES. Most people are assholes.
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Old 05.09.2006, 07:06 PM   #45
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I applaud you truncated. That is exactly what I am too lazy to say.

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Old 05.09.2006, 07:11 PM   #46
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Great. The twitch is back again.
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Old 05.09.2006, 07:29 PM   #47
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To most of the posts on here: heard and agreed.

You ever get the feeling that someone likes to make you feel awkward in a conversation. This is the worst, someone who in your mind thrives on manipulation of communication and conversation. Their millieu seems to be crisis and drama. The must create it. They need it. I can't stand folks like this, they obviously know you are feeling very awkward, and yet they keep talking their shit to further perpetuate this wheel of negativity. its different than the general ignorance and stupidity that truncated and you others have noted, what I experience from some people is a cruel, intentional lack of discernment. When it's all over I feel like the devil has just given me the cold shoulder on a handjob and I say this because I am probably the fool for engaging in these devoid chats, I give people the benefit of the doubt so I don't become the snobbish ass, and then they realize this and try to slide their perverbial "it" in my pervebial "poop chute".
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Old 05.09.2006, 07:30 PM   #48
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"Milieu." Sexy.
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Old 05.09.2006, 07:31 PM   #49
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Tip of the hat to you also.....
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Old 05.09.2006, 07:53 PM   #50
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i love you truncated.
fuck i'm frustrated, freaking out something fierce, would you help me? i'm hungry and i stuffer and i startle, i struggle and i stammer til i'm up to my ears in miserable quote unquote "art"
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Old 05.09.2006, 08:41 PM   #51
Savage Clone
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You must spread some reputation around before giving it to truncated again.
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Old 05.09.2006, 08:53 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by truncated

YES. Most people are assholes.

hah hah. yes, of course they are, which brings me back to my original point, which i will emphasize-- treat them like the animals they are

you know, the rolled newspaper, the horse-whip, the cattle-prod, the choke collar.

these are the tools that bring about social harmony-- send the beasts back into their cages. you are way too nice.
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Old 05.10.2006, 05:58 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
hah hah. yes, of course they are, which brings me back to my original point, which i will emphasize-- treat them like the animals they are

you know, the rolled newspaper, the horse-whip, the cattle-prod, the choke collar.

these are the tools that bring about social harmony-- send the beasts back into their cages. you are way too nice.

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Old 05.10.2006, 06:02 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
& it's a shame that the prettiest girls never seem to have too much to say. it's a stereotype, i know, but one that usually happens to be true.

We talk more in hopes that verbal inundation will distract you from our urgleeness. It's all a very elaborate plan of seduction, really.

Originally Posted by atari 2600
I am not nervous & knowing the people or not really doesn't matter or clam me up. I don't have to feel on familiar terms with people, I just need some damn interesting mental stimulation to get to yappin'.

Ironically, this is probably one of the shortest posts I've ever seen atari make haha
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