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Old 01.23.2008, 12:53 AM   #41
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he was easily the most rawly talented young actor around right now. i was really bummed when i found this out. my ex girlfriend texted me while i was in class to tell me, because she had dragged me to see brokeback mountain while we were still dating and i ended up really loving it. anyways, he was a tremendous talent, hopefully the dark knight will still be released and will be a testament to his ridiculous acting range.
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Old 01.23.2008, 12:53 AM   #42
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As far as I know, it was just like Renfro. He was despondent over a recent estrangement with a fiance/girlfriend. Renfro had a history with drugs whereas Ledger really didn't have a rap sheet.

At any rate, Pat Robertson (or some other of his ilk) is preparing his message haha as we speak. He'll recap the Paris/Britney/Lohan thingies and mention the Whore of Babylon (establish some half-truth haha) and then the insinuation will be made that Ledger died because he was in Brokeback Mountain.

It's a crazy world.
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Old 01.23.2008, 12:54 AM   #43
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I haven't seen Brokeback Mountain yet.

Candy, Two Hands, are two of my favourites of his, to name acouple.
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Old 01.23.2008, 12:57 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
As far as I know, it was just like Renfro. He was despondent over a recent estrangement with a fiance/girlfriend. Renfro had a history with drugs whereas Ledger really didn't have a rap sheet.

It's now seen as an accident.

The media prints DRUGS in bold type like he was a heroin addict.
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Old 01.23.2008, 01:01 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
As far as I know, it was just like Renfro. He was despondent over a recent estrangement with a fiance/girlfriend. Renfro had a history with drugs whereas Ledger really didn't have a rap sheet.

At any rate, Pat Robertson (or some other of his ilk) is preparing his message haha as we speak. He'll recap the Paris/Britney/Lohan thingies and mention the Whore of Babylon (establish some half-truth haha) and then the insinuation will be made that Ledger died because he was in Brokeback Mountain.

It's a crazy world.

He will also say that his soul was not save because he did not repent doing such a film.

I saw Brokeback Mountain and it was a real good film. The ending was sad, I should netflix it.
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Old 01.23.2008, 01:07 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Norma J
It's now seen as an accident.

The media prints DRUGS in bold type like he was a heroin addict.

Renfro just seems like a heroin addict. I cannot be sure, but I'm pretty damn sure. And I saw an portion of a Ledger interview tonight...he's wearing some striped shirtsleeves under another shirt, and he seemed a little smacky to me.

I've seen people who shot it in their arm once every twenty minutes. And they can function fairly well only they have an ethereal, slighly shy and also slightly nervous air. (To be fair, I sort of have this sometimes myself in unfamiliar surroundings haha.)
Now, if they do too much they nod, but before nodding comes the exhausted look and the sweating.
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Old 01.23.2008, 01:07 AM   #47
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its hollywood, theres very few of them that dont do drugs. its never much of a surprsie when "such and such actor/actress overdoses" but it certainly is always a tragedy.
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Old 01.23.2008, 01:10 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
Renfro just seems like a heroin addict. I cannot be sure, but I'm pretty damn sure. And I saw an portion of a Ledger interview tonight...he's wearing some striped shirtsleeves under another shirt, and he seemed a little smacky to me.

I've seen people who shot it in their arm once every twenty minutes. And they can function fairly well only they have an ethereal, slighly shy and also slightly nervous air. (To be fair, I sort of have this sometimes myself in unfamiliar surroundings haha.)
Now, if they do too much they nod, but before nodding comes the exhausted look and the sweating.
the telltale sign of someone on smack would be a completely vacant look in their eyes, partially due to constricted pupils.
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Old 01.23.2008, 01:10 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
Renfro just seems like a heroin addict. I cannot be sure, but I'm pretty damn sure. And I saw an portion of a Ledger interview tonight...he's wearing some striped shirtsleeves under another shirt, and he seemed a little smacky to me.

I've seen people who shot it in their arm once every twenty minutes. And they can function fairly well only they have an ethereal, slighly shy and also slightly nervous air. Now, if they do too much they nod, but before nodding comes the exhausted look and the sweating.

Oh, Ledger was far from the clean cut good guy. I'm sure he did dabble with drugs. But the cause of his death was not smack or whatever, it was sleeping pills. The media say drugs like he overdosed on smack or something. Thats what you first think when you see 'dies from drug-overdose', which is no doubt the medias intention.
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Old 01.23.2008, 01:10 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by batreleaser
its hollywood, theres very few of them that dont do drugs. its never much of a surprsie when "such and such actor/actress overdoses" but it certainly is always a tragedy.

That's of course very true to an extent, but the passing of a twenty-five and an twenty-eight year old in the matter of a few days is remarkable.

And watching the Dark Knight is gonna be a different experience now.

Oh, and (nobody's remarked on it, but...) the thing I wrote about the sleeves was to only designate which Ledger interview, not to call attention to that he was wearing sleeves. Okay, this post is shit.
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Old 01.23.2008, 01:13 AM   #51
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It will be a different experience. As will watching any of his films. I used to, in a way, romanticise this type of thing when I was younger, but these days I find it hard.
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Old 01.23.2008, 01:29 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by swa(y)
drugs are drugs wether it be heroin or tylonal.

an overdose is an overdose, wether it be accidental or deliberate. individuals taking amounts of drugs prescribed to them dont typically die. shit, most people that take more than whats prescribed dont typically die. its when drugs are mixed (wether it be with alcohol or with other drugs) that it becomes more common that people die...or when they take a shit load more than what they are supposed to.

i think its a tad bit shady that they mention sleeping pills were found beside his bed. most people leave that sorta shit in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom or sometimes in a kitchen cabinet. its a bit odd that they were just sitting beside his bed. i wonder if they were all over the place or in a bottle or what. i dont know. whatever. im glad batman was finnished and i suppose its a bummer i wont get to see em in any more movies. i agree that he's one of the better "up and coming" actors...or was.

he was a highly talented individual. brokeback mountain was great, and his character in lords of dogtown was my favorite.

There is a difference. One who overdoses on heroin or some other illegal drug, are in most cases an accident, 'a junky' as much as I hate using that word. You wouldn't see that term used for someone who uses sleeping pills to enduce sleep. And sleeping pills are often kept in the bedroom, after all, it is where you sleep.

I'm not gonna go on any further with this though as I can see it being a 20 page shit fight over nothing.

Lords of Dogtown was another favourite of mine.
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Old 01.23.2008, 01:30 AM   #53
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i have fucking all kinds of prescriptions and prescription bottles in my bedroom, i don't think it's really an unusual place to keep them...
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Old 01.23.2008, 01:32 AM   #54
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It's not, Cantankerous.
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Old 01.23.2008, 01:33 AM   #55
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yeah so i'm not sure if it was worth the tabs mentioning that he had a bunch ofo prescriptions everywhere
most people do
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Old 01.23.2008, 02:21 AM   #56
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agree about the mixing, swa(y)...yeppers i can't always squeeze it all in believe it or not/OR ELSE haha but you know ...but you're there...

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Old 01.23.2008, 03:21 AM   #57
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Ledger was found dead in his fourth floor apartment at 421 Broome Street in the SoHo neighborhood of New York City on January 22, 2008. His body was found at 3:26 p.m. EST by a housekeeper and a massage therapist, who entered the bedroom to find him face down, naked, and unconscious at the foot of his bed with sleeping pills on a nearby night table. Police said that they also found prescription medication in the bathroom and that there were "no obvious signs" of suicide, nor did they suspect foul play.
On January 23, 2008 Ledger's parents and sister appeared outside Ledger's mother's house in Applecross, a riverside Perth suburb, and read a short statement to the media:
“ "We, Heath's family, confirm the very tragic, untimely and accidental passing of our dearly loved son, brother and doting father of Matilda, who was found in a peaceful sleep in his New York apartment by his housekeeper at 3:30pm [New York Time]. We would like to thank our friends and everyone around the world for their kind wishes at this time. Heath has touched so many people on so many different levels during his short life, but few had the pleasure to truly know him. He was a down-to-earth, generous, kind-hearted, life-loving and unselfish individual who was an extreme inspiration to many. Please now respect our family's need to grieve and come to terms with our loss privately."
In reaction to his death, former partner Michelle Williams was reported as saying that she was "devastated" at the loss and had boarded a plane to New York City. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd released a statement saying, "It was with great sadness that I have learned of the passing of Heath Ledger... It is tragic that we have lost one of our nation's finest actors in the prime of his life."
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Old 01.23.2008, 05:37 AM   #58
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Somebody told me about this last night. Pretty tragic.
Old 01.23.2008, 06:22 AM   #59
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did you hear heath ledger died?

latest news is it was alcohol poisoning

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Old 01.23.2008, 06:31 AM   #60
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Noticed it yesterday, didn't see it coming though.
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