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Old 02.10.2009, 01:09 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Better_Than_You
very impressive, dear brothern.

isnt there some kind of wax taht people can get where it turns their hair into dreads though??

no, that turns their hair into candles, those are not dreads.

dirt locks, twists, wax blah blah are not dreads...

natural dreads are beyond permanent, they grow on their own that way forever
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Old 02.10.2009, 10:13 AM   #42
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My hair locked up and dreaded back in 1991-1996. I always kept it clean and under a knit cap, but when my friends wanted to see thjem i would show them. all natural. unless you have ridiculously straight hair, your hair will "lock up"
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Old 02.10.2009, 10:41 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
My hair locked up and dreaded back in 1991-1996. I always kept it clean and under a knit cap, but when my friends wanted to see thjem i would show them. all natural. unless you have ridiculously straight hair, your hair will "lock up"

mine does, i only comb it when it's wet and often forget this, so i comb it every two weeks... i used to get tiny little dreadlocks in my neck that were awfully hard to get rid of. this problem disappeared now that i cut my hair short :P


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Old 02.10.2009, 12:12 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
My hair locked up and dreaded back in 1991-1996. I always kept it clean and under a knit cap, but when my friends wanted to see thjem i would show them. all natural. unless you have ridiculously straight hair, your hair will "lock up"

You know, even though I asked, an I am sure you responded to that thread before, i didn't not even remember you had dreads.. righteous!
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Old 02.10.2009, 08:53 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
explain these dudes then..


and these


and dudes like this guy:


hair can be very spiritual indeed.. in RASTAFARI culture is an integral part of a spiritual existence, and I CAN feel the difference sitting here.

what do you mean? Kind sister, do you think I could have formed those any other way? Them grow that way! ALL NATURAL so to speak, from a head as bald as the one I got right now..

it took 6 months to grow into knots, then the knots took to themselves and I left them be, to congo and bunch on their own for seven more years until yesterday when I cut them..

ita just hair. plain and simple. i am sorry you have a hard time understanding others point of view and feel compelled to argue everything and turn everything into some kind of religious debate.
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Old 02.10.2009, 09:14 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by jon boy
ita just hair. plain and simple. i am sorry you have a hard time understanding others point of view and feel compelled to argue everything and turn everything into some kind of religious debate.

I understand your point of view just find, it seems you do not understand mine, so of course I had to explain..
further in your bold statement (Hair is in NO WAY spiritual) you failed to understand my culture, and the culture of those people above like Sikhs, some Jews, and some Hindus, maybe in this particular regard you are the one with the hardheaded problem?

sorry for the misunderstanding, but no one was arguing but you..
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Old 02.10.2009, 09:27 PM   #47
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but surely spiritualism is something you feel? having a certain do just points the fact that you follow a certain religion yes.
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Old 02.10.2009, 09:35 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by jon boy
but surely spiritualism is something you feel? having a certain do just points the fact that you follow a certain religion yes.

Yes and no.

Growing hair in a spiritual way is part of a spiritual life, and becomes integral. For Sihks or Nazarites dreads like I was, the hair is as mystical as the experience. of course, I do agree with you that the spirit is not LIMITED to hair, but that should not discredit the spiritual powers of certain lifestyles and hair patterns of some. But you are correct that it is not LIMITED to the hair, it is as the Apostle Paul explains that physical manifestations of spiritual acts "having indeed, an expression of wisdom in a willful ritual and humility and asceticism), but not of any value toward the surfeiting of the flesh."

That is, while physical manifestations of spiritual beliefs such as abstaining from cutting the hair have some benefits such as humility and asceticism, they DO NOT in and of themselves do anything.

So yes and no..

of course you know I don't believe spiritualism is limited to hair, or I would not have just cut all mine off.. but again, that does not discredit the spiritual power of some physical acts such as fasting or abstaining from hair cuts, hence why some folks participate in these "willful rituals"
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Old 02.10.2009, 09:37 PM   #49
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so i cant be a rastafarian unless i have dreads?
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Old 02.10.2009, 11:42 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by jon boy
so i cant be a rastafarian unless i have dreads?

no, I am and my head is cleaner shaved than my ass.

Rastafari is a culture, it is a state of mind, is a spiritual meditation, and in many respects, it is an anti-authority/apocalyptic movement..

But to get the fullness of the Rastafari culture you do have to be a dreadlock, because it is part of the experience, it is a guide so to speak. The natty dread do not make you a Rastafari, but as they grow it is like a map or guide book to follow, intuitively and indivualistically of course..

and I will easily grow some more, soon soon, I don't know any other way to live, my entire adult life has been this way.
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Old 02.11.2009, 12:15 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
no, I am and my head is cleaner shaved than my ass.

Rastafari is a culture, it is a state of mind, is a spiritual meditation, and in many respects, it is an anti-authority/apocalyptic movement..

But to get the fullness of the Rastafari culture you do have to be a dreadlock, because it is part of the experience, it is a guide so to speak. The natty dread do not make you a Rastafari, but as they grow it is like a map or guide book to follow, intuitively and indivualistically of course..

and I will easily grow some more, soon soon, I don't know any other way to live, my entire adult life has been this way.

so yes then you do is what your saying. what if i wanna be a full christian do i have to wear boring clothes and go on marriage retreats?
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Old 02.11.2009, 12:45 AM   #52
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Old 02.11.2009, 10:06 AM   #53
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to be a full christian you have to fully suck the sticky tar from this man's Nazi asshole.

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Old 02.11.2009, 01:01 PM   #54
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Christianity is not like Rastafari, you can be a Christian if even loosely associated with Jesus, however Rastafari is like AP Christianity.. Christianity 620 vs the Christianity 103 that many people accept..

Its like Jesus explained:

"Master," said John, "we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us." "Do not stop him," Jesus said, "for whoever is not against you is for you."

and again:
"Do not stop him," Jesus said. "No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us. I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward.
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Old 02.11.2009, 01:32 PM   #55
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my hair would never dread up, even if I wanted it to (and I do).

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Old 02.11.2009, 01:47 PM   #56
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Old 02.11.2009, 01:55 PM   #57
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my cat gets dreadlocks around the ass when he doesn't get brushed often. true story.

ploesj's post reminded me of this.
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Old 02.11.2009, 02:45 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
my cat gets dreadlocks around the ass when he doesn't get brushed often. true story.

ploesj's post reminded me of this.

dreads are a natural state of life, this is why so many cultures and people and circumstances and yes, animals grow them..

I love dreaded animals, until Monday I always felt I could relate.. as of yet, I do not know where I fit in...

see, as a Dread, I really didn't fit in anywhere, so as the permanent, all-pervasive minority I had to have the biggest token smile and lived my life like the token black guy in beaverton, oregon..

as a result, I could fit in EVERYONE because no one out there was like me, people treated me like a novelty and so gave me at the least, superficial smiles..
but now, I fit in , but I don't, cuz I am totally not used to this..
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Old 02.11.2009, 02:47 PM   #59
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why be normal?
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Old 02.11.2009, 02:50 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
why be normal?

I was never trying to be.. in fact, I have always been quite the opposite.. its just this week that I am slightly normal, until I-man dreads come back

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