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Old 07.04.2006, 02:18 AM   #41
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too lazy, bitch
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Old 07.04.2006, 03:10 AM   #42
top 40 squeeze
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Originally Posted by Saturnine
is that supposed to be avant garde?

Haha... you guys are so funny... At one moment sonic youth are trying to be too pop and too big... and then they make a video that doesn't fit that image... so then they're trying to be avant-gard... man, i'm glad these terms mean nothing to me anymore.
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Old 07.04.2006, 05:56 AM   #43
top 40 squeeze
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Originally Posted by Saturnine
the music is poppy. the video is shit, which can easily be disguised as avant garde.
you're wrong.

I just think a lot of people are assuming there's some kind of self-consciousness to what the band is doing, that's really not there. Like Sonic Youth said "Hey, Guys lets make this new video really avant garde" Seriously there's nothing avant garde about this video. Its been done before. Its not knocking down any bounderies. Ushering in a new wave of how to look at music videos... And I really doubt Sonic Youth intended it to be that way at all.

If you want to accuse them of being lazy, on the other hand...
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Old 07.04.2006, 07:58 AM   #44
making the drama scene
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Actually i like the vid, for me it perfectly fits to the lyrics of incinerate
the whole atmosphere seems to be built up by the video
nevermind if this is avant garde or not, this is absolutely irrelevant
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