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Old 07.12.2006, 02:47 AM   #41
invito al cielo
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I just burned a CD of all Lee's songs from the normal albums.
In The Kingdom #19
Pipeline/Kill Time
Eric's Trip
Hey Joni
Rain King
Wish Fulfullment
Skip Tracer
Karen Koltrane
NYC Ghosts & Flowers
Paper Cup Exit
I didn't put Karen Revisited on there because I don't have the CD, it's too long to get off iTunes, and it wouldn't fit even if I did have it. But other then that, it all fits pretty well.
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Old 07.12.2006, 02:50 PM   #42
Heroic Dose
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Originally Posted by Alex's Trip

wasn't sure if that link was to agree or disagree......I'm guessing agree because yes it says all songs originally performed by the Fall.

It's great if you haven't heard it!
"A heroic dose, which I consider to be 5 grams of dried mushrooms, will flatten the most resistant of egos" - Terence McKenna

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Old 07.13.2006, 07:01 AM   #43
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...lee is free
lee is the man
total respect
as a solo artist, one of finest. he really makes art and explore new fields. big contribution to the music.
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Old 07.13.2006, 10:10 AM   #44
All Hail WATT
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All Hail WATT kicks all y'all's assesAll Hail WATT kicks all y'all's assesAll Hail WATT kicks all y'all's assesAll Hail WATT kicks all y'all's assesAll Hail WATT kicks all y'all's assesAll Hail WATT kicks all y'all's assesAll Hail WATT kicks all y'all's assesAll Hail WATT kicks all y'all's assesAll Hail WATT kicks all y'all's assesAll Hail WATT kicks all y'all's assesAll Hail WATT kicks all y'all's asses
Everyone knows Lee is THE MAN. His songs are always the highlight of any SY album. I just want to hear more of him live!
In Philly in June he only did Rats.
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Old 07.13.2006, 03:27 PM   #45
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foldback is a name known to allfoldback is a name known to allfoldback is a name known to allfoldback is a name known to allfoldback is a name known to allfoldback is a name known to all
When I first got into them a few years ago, I thought that it was Lee singing "Androgynous Mind," mainly because he always seemed to have at least one song on every album and it sort of sounded like him. Even after I realized Thurston sang it, I had trouble believing it

Now I can't picture anyone but Thurston singing it. Weird.
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