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Old 10.31.2006, 04:21 AM   #41
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2 thoughts:
1)for "hardcore fans" those are almost all already known tracks, and i'm a bit disappointed... think i have all of them in some form or another, but it's always nice to have tracks in full quality rather than random ripped mp3s floatin' around.
2)packaging will be "the" thing to make me decide wether to buy it or not. if there are interesting/long liner notes along with pics and so on, situation will ba waaay better.

3)---added---i want videossssss on everything they release!c'mon, enhanced cds/dual discs are all over the place!
11:11 11-11-11 I Ascended.
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Old 10.31.2006, 06:09 AM   #42
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when will they release the rarities from 80's & 90's???
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Old 10.31.2006, 09:33 AM   #43
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this is great, a bunch of stuff I don't have and have never heard - I don't like compilations very much so I've never heard most of the released stuff.
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Old 10.31.2006, 11:15 AM   #44
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none of these tracks are hard to find. extremely dissapointed.

don't they have mountains of tape to choose from???

on the other hand, some people haven't heard them, so it's nice they are getting due exposure. blink has long been one of my favorites that I wished more peeps could here. BLINK RULES!
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Old 10.31.2006, 11:24 AM   #45
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think it over rules

campfire is irritating and stupid and i could do it by myself in my room

this is an irritataing bsides thing

its a bunch of stuff that hardcore collectors already have and that mild fans wouldnt want to hear

way to get old sonic youth



Originally Posted by Lastuionel
Only there i seen chep like that Cell Phone
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Old 10.31.2006, 11:52 AM   #46
Danny Himself
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Originally Posted by SonikJesus
Is that the 25 minute Diamond Sea? I've been wanting to buy the Diamond Sea single online but haven't gotten around to it. It's pretty expensive too. If it is, looks like I won't need that single. But I'll probably still get it.

It's not really that good. It's just long.
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Old 10.31.2006, 11:54 AM   #47
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if they wanted to put on the cd the rare tracks of last years, the kali yug express (i have the original vynil) and the things behind the sun songs were the perfect choice.
a little disappointed, too, because i have all the tracks on the original format (except the noho furniture sessions).
from Barcelona, with sonic love
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Old 10.31.2006, 12:38 PM   #48
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yeah, sonic youth have so much of rare material to put. pitty.
i'm happy for it anyway (espec. noho furniture sessions, diamond sea, blink). better than nothing.
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Old 10.31.2006, 12:40 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Danny Himself
It's not really that good. It's just long.
the longer the better...
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Old 10.31.2006, 12:56 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by nicfit
2)packaging will be "the" thing to make me decide wether to buy it or not. if there are interesting/long liner notes along with pics and so on, situation will ba waaay better.


At first thought that'd it be a shit packaging. Just some random pics like 'Screaming fields...' then thinking about the deluxe packaging they where pretty cool. But on the original hand it seems like a rush release...

I'm gonna bet shit linear notes.

Down with this sort of thing.
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Old 10.31.2006, 01:00 PM   #51
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oh well i have most of em but at least they will be high quality and there is Three Part Sectional Love Seat whicjh is worth the admission price.....
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Old 10.31.2006, 07:20 PM   #53
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Maybe, since this was supposed to be selected by Thurston and Lee (right?), they're just doing these for Geffen. And as soon as that obligation is taken care of....they'll release a better compilation ?...who knows...

I'm not as versed as so many here...so really, many of these tunes are new to me...so I'll get it. But as most of you have said, there's so much more...I can't help but think maybe the band will release a much broader range of material on their own....again...just my speculation......I'm not informed.
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Old 10.31.2006, 09:19 PM   #54
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kind of a weak comp..... although i do recommend the full version of the 2 lane blacktop tribute..
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Old 10.31.2006, 09:28 PM   #55
hey alex
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the most dissapointing thing of all is that this could be geffen. Showing signs they don't car about SY anymore. As PF pointed out, it could endanger the delux DDN, and that's far worse than this crappy collection/
Duran Duran's 1995 covers album Thank You was recently voted the worst album of all time by a Q magazine poll. Although we respectfully disagree (Sonic Youth's NYC Ghosts & Flowers is clearly the worst album of all time) -Pitchfork (hahahah!)

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Old 11.01.2006, 04:28 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by against_the_grain
Maybe, since this was supposed to be selected by Thurston and Lee (right?), they're just doing these for Geffen. And as soon as that obligation is taken care of....they'll release a better compilation ?...who knows...
Good point. If there are unreleased rarities around, why give them to a revcord company that you've just left to profit from. Far better to do something good via Goofin'.

There's plenty of stuff on this comp that I haven't got, so it'll be a welcome addition to my collection.
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Old 11.01.2006, 04:51 AM   #57
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and a compilation of ALL the rare tracks from the mixtape volumes?
(the instrumental version of free city rhymes was great, for example)
from Barcelona, with sonic love
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Old 11.01.2006, 08:39 PM   #58
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Hmm. Interesting. Considering this as a compilation of b-sides/compilation tracks from the Geffen years, it's definitely a strange selection. But not as bad as some seem to think (honestly just makes me wish they *would* put out a box set, instead of limiting themselves to 12 songs). Where's "My Arena"? "Bee-Bee's Song"? "Compilation Blues"! Anything from the glorious "Things Behind the Sun" soundtrack! The fucking title track! Why is "Body" on there again (a point already made, which I'm happy to echo) ?! "Eyes & Teeth" is infinitely harder to locate than, say, "Fauxhemians", but "Eyes & Teeth" fucking sucks.

It's easy to point out what they left off, but what they included is all pretty good. I'm happy just to have "Kim's Chords" and "Plateau" on disc w/out having to travel 8 time zones away. The mix tape stuff is neat, though there's a lot of other awesome shit on those mix tapes, too -- which makes you imagine what else they have that HASN'T made it to mix tape and/or official release yet, and this release certainly seemed like a good time for something.

But enough of that! It's cool that they're getting to do a 'rarities' comp (hopefully a Peel Session comp can still be arranged someday), and shit -- it's almost all instrumental! "Body?" "Razor Blade" "Blink" "Diamond Sea" are the only vocal cuts, right? This will be cool shit to have on vinyl, too -- so, you know, not bad. I'm eager to see the art, as well. Would have rather had "Moist Vagina" than "Body?", and "Campfire" certainly seems weird, but even as someone who owns all these tracks, the compilation excites me.

(Seriously though, no "My Arena"? Did Steve chime in on that one?)
http://www.sonicyouth.com/mustang // original folk blues ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i'm the boy that can enjoy invisibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Old 11.01.2006, 11:18 PM   #59
atari 2600
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Yeah, I'm curious about the artwork too.
My Arena, Bee Bee's Song, Touch Me I'm Sick, and Think it Over would have been nice additions to this and made for a more exciting compilation.
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Old 11.02.2006, 12:13 AM   #60
top 40 squeeze
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Originally Posted by Chris Lawrence
Hmm. Interesting. Considering this as a compilation of b-sides/compilation tracks from the Geffen years, it's definitely a strange selection. But not as bad as some seem to think (honestly just makes me wish they *would* put out a box set, instead of limiting themselves to 12 songs). Where's "My Arena"? "Bee-Bee's Song"? "Compilation Blues"! Anything from the glorious "Things Behind the Sun" soundtrack! The fucking title track! Why is "Body" on there again (a point already made, which I'm happy to echo) ?! "Eyes & Teeth" is infinitely harder to locate than, say, "Fauxhemians", but "Eyes & Teeth" fucking sucks.

It's easy to point out what they left off, but what they included is all pretty good. I'm happy just to have "Kim's Chords" and "Plateau" on disc w/out having to travel 8 time zones away. The mix tape stuff is neat, though there's a lot of other awesome shit on those mix tapes, too -- which makes you imagine what else they have that HASN'T made it to mix tape and/or official release yet, and this release certainly seemed like a good time for something.

But enough of that! It's cool that they're getting to do a 'rarities' comp (hopefully a Peel Session comp can still be arranged someday), and shit -- it's almost all instrumental! "Body?" "Razor Blade" "Blink" "Diamond Sea" are the only vocal cuts, right? This will be cool shit to have on vinyl, too -- so, you know, not bad. I'm eager to see the art, as well. Would have rather had "Moist Vagina" than "Body?", and "Campfire" certainly seems weird, but even as someone who owns all these tracks, the compilation excites me.

(Seriously though, no "My Arena"? Did Steve chime in on that one?)

Eyes and Teeth sucks? Shame on you Chris Lawrence. Shame on you. I know you're practically the infallible pope of Sonic Youth fans... but c'mon... Eyes and Teeth is good good fun.
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