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Old 03.25.2013, 10:14 PM   #41
invito al cielo
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Skuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's asses
I've been a fan for 25yrs and it's so weird now, knowing that a new SNY record is not forthcoming anytime soon, 4 years after the last one. I lived with SNY Anticipation for a quarter century, and now that is gone. ie It was such a thrill knowing that they would deliver something every couple of years on average. It's over.

March 15th.
June 15th.
September 15th.
December 15th.
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Old 03.26.2013, 10:20 AM   #42
bad moon rising
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I envy that you got to have that experience. Unfortunately for me, being born too late hindered me from that kind of thing not only with Sonic Youth but pretty much all of my favorite bands. So that's why it's hard for me to give up hope.
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Old 03.27.2013, 08:20 PM   #43
expwy. to yr skull
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i'm actually more interested in their solo works than the band. i'm not expecting another album. given the circumstances. although i do hope i'll be proven wrong.

thurston has been doing solo shit for awhile now. i dug lee's album and can't wait to hear the new one. though i am more intrigued in seeing what kim will do. she deserves to have some great releases. new free kitten should be brutal
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