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Old 08.22.2009, 12:30 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
my first show was a sleater-kinney gig in 1999 for the Hot Rock tour, it was pure magic. That album is one of the greatest albums ever recorded..

The 2005/2006 final run was in fact fantastic, those chicks were rocking some balls to the wall rock and roll with no balls to speak of! I was beyond impressed, and even after having gone to reggae shows weekly for the past 5 years I still have seen s-k more than any other single artists or band. I miss their gigs terribly and make a point of it every time i post a comment on Carrie Brownstein's blog, which was a nice place to post before she went nuts on phish and attracted hundreds of new readers, and now there are way to many comments to make it even worth the trouble..

sleater-kinney were great. As much as I would like to see them perform again, they had beyond a good run, and it would just be killing it like the Sabbath renuion(s).. I do wish Carrie would get in a new band though.. and janet weiss is the most fierce yet creative drummer I have ever heard.. I wish I could get her on my next album

Sleater-Kinney is my gf's favorite band...they are as important/influential to her as Sonic Youth has been to me. When she heard that they were breaking up, she flew to Kentucky to see a show and then went with me to the second-to-last concert at the 9:30 club in DC. That show was one of the most magestical experiences. These girls really knew how to rock the stage. A lot of people really seem to hate The Woods but, in my opinion, it's the album that does the best job showing off just how tight they had become as a band. Carrie especially was kick ass. In retrospect, I'm not that surprised that they wound up breaking up - they had been together for 12 years and had all sorts of band tention (the fact that carrie and corin once dated didn't help much, im sure)

Call me silly but I really do believe that Carrie will join another band soon. One of the reasons she quit SK was to get a grad degree in lingustics, but i don't know if she ever enrolled. Even if she did...Carrie's just such an amazing guitarist, I can't wrap my mind around the idea of somebody with her talent NOT playing more gigs. And Janet....well, she's been in other bands before (quasi and the like) and im sure there are more to come in the future. Corin's the only grrrl who I'm not expecting to see much of for a bit...now that she's all busy with motherhood.

I miss them so much!

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Old 08.22.2009, 01:39 AM   #62
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whoa baby i got dragged out again. home early my ass.

whats up this weekend you ask? wild nights, my friends.
"I love meth." - batreleaser
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Old 08.22.2009, 03:44 AM   #63
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Apparently, I'm packing up this weekend so I can move into a new place in the next few days. And, driving around to Goodwill/Salvation Army/garages sales/Craigslist ads looking for furniture. All this decided over the course of a few hours today.
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Old 08.22.2009, 04:32 AM   #64
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working today (no surprise), tomorrow maybe will visit country-house.
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Old 08.22.2009, 04:39 AM   #65
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Drugs. Loads of them. Painting walls. Decorating. Talking shit.
Old 08.22.2009, 04:48 AM   #66
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sweet FA



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Old 08.22.2009, 05:56 AM   #67
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i went to a concert by some friends of my boyfriend last night (fun) and today i'll be out to buy new pants (i now have officially one hole-free pair) and see my dad.


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Old 08.22.2009, 06:10 AM   #68
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made breakfast
dropped flyers
had lunch out
spent the last 3 hours researching various promo items

tomorrow, who knows. something low budget.
tiny and lost.
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Old 08.22.2009, 06:10 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by ploesj
i went to a concert by some friends of my boyfriend last night (fun) and today i'll be out to buy new pants (i now have officially one hole-free pair) and see my dad.

maybe tomorrow I should finish making the "craft stuff in a bag" I have for ploesj.
tiny and lost.
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Old 08.22.2009, 09:47 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by phoenix
maybe tomorrow I should finish making the "craft stuff in a bag" I have for ploesj.

woaaaaah present anticipation time for me then!!

i seriously love you now.


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