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Old 05.18.2014, 07:56 PM   #81
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i'd like to see some evidence of confirmation bias and paranoia.

earthly paradise? no. noone claimed that, least of all me. please don't dress up my arguments with superlatives that they don't contain.

i think i did a pretty decent off the cuff job of explaining the benefits of soylent like products. that's all.


my argument rests on a very simple premise.

to reduce it in the crudest way possible - in the future we will be doing one of two things.

we'll decide to till fields and raise livestock so we can consume meals of vegetables and meat, because we want to eat potatoes and chicken. why? because we like these things? because of their taste? because they're "natural"?


we'll engineer consumable substances in laboratories to the exact nutritional requirements of our bodies.

i know which option seems likely to be more economically efficient, and which option is likely to produce the best taste.

fields and abattoirs vs laboratories and scientists?

and which option which is likely to be healthier?

please tell me the option which is likely to be cheaper, faster, able to feed hungry people better etc. etc.

i think its quite obvious.

this is basically all i'm saying.


the idea that in the future you make a meal in order to produce the things which match up to signs like "potato" and "fish" for reasons that aren't fetishistic, archaic, hipsterish or whatever is preposterous.

you make meals based on the interior of the body itself. cos that's where the stuff goes. since soylent is based on our own bodies in a way that fish are not, there is a sense in which its more natural than anything else we eat.

if you want to eat whatever then noones going to stop you. i just want soylent or a product like it to be available to the maximum amount of people
for the minimum price. when people talk shit about it and thereby dissuade people who may not even realize the atrocious state of their nutritional intake, well that pisses me off because it's evil.


the things im arguing for here are not propositions i wish the world to accept, they are descriptions of what the future basically has to be like. i'm not even trying to convince anyone, i'm simply trying to realistically side with how history will turn out.


as for the remark about "enemies" - there are always enemies of progress. they can throw a spanner in the works but eventually the works crush the spanner and continue turning. these people annoy me and disgust me considering the epidemics of obesity, poverty and the moralization of food. the people that made soylent impressed me. they'll make careers out of a product which actually benefits humanity. one rob rhinehart is worth a thousands whining foodie twats.

the fact that i am obese and die at 33 from a massive heart attack has zero relevance to profiteers who want me to consume their junk NOW.

since we're all in this system, you could say that our health has its enemies and its allies.

nothing has yet to suggest that soylent is an enemy. even if its discovered that a majority soylent diet leads to deficiencies in a certain substance, this substance will thus be incorporated into soylent. that's what's so great about it.
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Old 05.18.2014, 08:06 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by nik
laboratories and scientists


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Old 05.18.2014, 08:07 PM   #83
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i'll thank you for that and refer you to the earlier post where i emphasized the necessity that the masses acquire, disseminate, educate, experiment and utilize the data and technology that those very corporations currently possess.

the soylent recipe is open source, as its consumed, the data it produces should be studied and made freely available.
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Old 05.18.2014, 08:17 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
i'll thank you for that and refer you to the earlier post where i emphasized the necessity that the masses acquire, disseminate, educate, experiment and utilize the data and technology that those very corporations currently possess.

the soylent recipe is open source, as its consumed, the data it produces should be studied and made freely available.

right, but it's easier to democratize peasant knowledge which is already open source. minimal literacy required.

after all, the rice protein has to come from somewhere (and rice is a very labor intensive crop).

a home brewer would be more likely to synthesize their own soylent than a 7-11 burrito nuker.
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Old 05.18.2014, 08:23 PM   #85
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ps the only successful political revolution of recent times has been staged by…


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Old 05.18.2014, 08:26 PM   #86
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peasant knowledge

that knowledge is useful and should be democratized, much of it already is. however it just requires too much space to be practical for most. even if you start a garden on the roof of a skyscraper, you're just not growing that much actual nutrition compared to soylent, which is so much smaller. also, it lasts longer, can be produced faster etc.

we've been scammed into believing we should go back to nature, probably because the accelerating world of technology is too disruptive to our self image and too hard to grasp with our limited brains. we're way behind and it's time we start catching up.

think of the drugs they'll be able to make! they've already worked out which neuro-chemical arrangements make people susceptible to take stupid risks in gambling or be scammed by strangers. think of the onslaught of manipulation and chaos that awaits us.

- rice protein

right, but eventually we'll not need the crop, we'll be able to synthesize it all in labs. we can definitely do better than seeds in a field under the sun.
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Old 05.18.2014, 08:28 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ps the only successful political revolution of recent times has been staged by…



i respect them.

but i'm also realistic. they co-exist in post nafta mexico with the fucking cartels.

the zapatistas ban drugs and alcohol from their communities.

i'd like to see zapatistas that had the techno-scientific knowhow of 1st world corporate researchers.
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Old 05.18.2014, 08:36 PM   #88
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eventually-- all kinds of things are possible [re: synthesizing protein].

TODAY-- it's better to know your way around a seed and a coke bottle


this is not about returning to "nature," it's about finding ways out of wage slavery and dependence on the owners of capital-- in ways that cannot be commodified.
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Old 05.18.2014, 08:41 PM   #89
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we're all commodities now
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Old 05.18.2014, 08:43 PM   #90
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i considered growing tobacco in my back garden but can't now
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Old 05.18.2014, 08:48 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
we're all commodities now

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Old 05.19.2014, 12:24 AM   #92
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poor indian farmers drink their pesticides to commit suicide because corporations like monsanto gouge them

peasants vs. farmers! not the same.

i ripped off a bit from some book, to save time:

Peasants […] satisfy their own basic needs: they grow their food, build the houses they live in, often make their own clothes. Most peasants collect medicinal herbs, treat medical emergencies, supply their family entertainment. They experience fully what they do every day; they have time—they feel joy. Their culture is integral, it makes sense. Farmers by contrast grow things to sell. With what they earn from their products, they buy their groceries, building materials, clothes, entertainment, and medical insurance. They must also buy into a system which demands that they drive to market, pay taxes, perhaps send their kids to agricultural college. Increasingly they must buy machinery, seeds, farm chemicals. Farmers have no time to directly enjoy satisfying their own needs, so they purchase their satisfactions; they buy ready-made clothing and “convenience” foods.

drop out. be a peasant. even 5% peasant is better than nothing.
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Old 05.27.2014, 11:47 PM   #93
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I get monies from the government and live with my parents so I can hardly relate.

Look what I found sorting out stuff in my bedroom.


Free magazines ♥

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Old 06.04.2014, 08:43 AM   #94
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keep on livin' the po' life.....or return to the warehouse for a part time.....

should I trust him?

Eh....I probably will take the job.....only if he lets me do 3-4 days a week.....then I'll be set.....two part times is all groovey with me. then school.
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Old 06.04.2014, 09:17 AM   #95
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watchu talkin about joaquín?
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Old 06.04.2014, 10:04 AM   #96
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regresar a trabajar a la bodega donde estuve antes(con el jefe). no mas que....esta ves, no estare en la oficina....pero en la bodega partiendome el lomo. quiero ver si me quiere dejar trabajar no mas unos dias entre semana...y asi tener dos trabajos y uno que paga mucho mas.
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Old 06.04.2014, 10:43 AM   #97
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ah… no está mal un poco de ejercicio si en el otro trabajo estas sentado, ¿no?

puta madre, hablando de ejercicio ahora tengo que ir a plantar postes para un cerco...
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Old 06.04.2014, 11:31 AM   #98
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ay si! Por eso me encataba trabajar en la bodega o entregando mercancia a los clientes....no se aburre uno como en la oficina.

a chingarle!
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Old 06.04.2014, 03:16 PM   #99
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sí! y ahora la siesta.
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Old 06.04.2014, 04:21 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
i considered growing tobacco in my back garden but can't now

Yeah I believe these gentlemen would like to have a few words with you
Today Rap music is the Lakers
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