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Old 03.01.2008, 11:15 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I think this is a faux pas that really comes down to a question of circumstance and situation, when asking to scratch or not to scratch, though interestingly enough, I wonder what the female perspective is on scratching their own genitals in public. interesting story here, I was on sunset blvd sitting shotgun at a red light, people watching the sidewalk, when I noticed a homeless dude and chick sitting on the curb talking to each other. the chick, in the middle of a sentance, casually stuffed her hand in her crotch, and scratched in a the most masculine of demeanors, and the look on the dudes face as he tried to ignore this act, assumingly he was trying to get in those pants himself. it gets worse, so while this dude tries to continue his conversation as if this was not happening, she goes for the classic move, fingers to nose, and we all imagine i'm sure, what homeless, unbathed pussy can smell like, as did that dude as he tried to keep a straight face the entire time. myself, I busted up laughing so hard all of traffic had to look and see what a gwon...

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Old 03.01.2008, 11:16 PM   #82
m1rr0r dash
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i bet the homeless guy in the story didn't have to use his imagination one bit....

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Old 03.01.2008, 11:18 PM   #83
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I think the homeless in the story was SuchFriendsAreDangerous.
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Old 03.03.2008, 01:49 PM   #84
Rob Instigator
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i want to see women scratching their pubic mound in public.
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