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Old 02.12.2009, 06:47 PM   #141
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

what if all our god myths all our creation myths, all our fables about supernaturaL beings are just our prescience, our human colecive unconscious preparing us for the time wehn we as a species will rise so far above the "natural world" that we will be like gods?

that is a gross mini·mal·i·zation of theology..

spirituality and gods are a human concept which are used to explain and describe certain feelings and experiences, which even science have no true explanation for. also, religion arises from the human need to understand why, rather than just how, and why is another issue which science can not touch, as it is not necessarily factual.

The divine, the supernatural, the metaphysical are all concepts used to describe and try to make sense and understand human experiences which have no other kinds of explanation, and remain valid especially in a more complex, scientific reality, which is why a good number of practicing scientists remain religious (I believe a study in Nature magazine found that up to 60% of research scientists in the US and Europe are practicing religious)
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Old 02.12.2009, 10:25 PM   #142
Rob Instigator
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
that is a gross mini·mal·i·zation of theology..


of course it is. it's just a sentence
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