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Old 06.19.2009, 01:16 AM   #161
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hi sunshine

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Old 06.19.2009, 01:18 AM   #162
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Old 06.19.2009, 01:37 AM   #163
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Originally Posted by davenotdead
my only fetish is that damn sparkly lemon table.

satankernine, next time i'm in nyc, i'd pay for some alone time with the table. you just leave a key under the doormat or somethin, schedule a time you'll be out and let me do my business

ha ha, if you're going to shellac it you should charge.
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Old 06.19.2009, 03:42 AM   #164
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Old 06.19.2009, 09:04 PM   #165
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I got called into a special meeting with my boss's boss who drove a couple hundred miles and stayed the night in a hotel when they are totally minimizing travel expenses these days. It was a total Kafkaesque inquisition based supposedly on things my staff had told her about me, but actually, it turns out, stemming 90% from one exit interview from somebody who I just wrote an absolutely glowing letter of recommendation for. I have never been back stabbed quite like this before, let alone at a job I've always loved for the lack of "office politics".

Thankfully, my assistant, who I supposedly spend large parts of the day "yelling at" spoke up for me when she was called before the tribunal. We met in secret at lunch afterward to compare notes and she told me that this "model employee" (which I once wholeheartedly believed) had actually lied on her Pell Grant and said she was single to get Financial Aid and Work Study (which brought her to my office) when her husband makes a ton of money.

We'd actually gone out to tacos with our spouses and our kids, but now I guess she's divorcing her husband and will probably jack him for alimony. Evil can definitely wear a warm cuddly face.

What's funny is that if any small part of the shit she said about me were true (such as my supposed retaliatory nature) she'd be completely fucked. I could bring her life completely down the way she sought to do mine with a couple well placed phone calls. However, she was lying, and that is not my nature at all. I prefer to let her Karma do the catching up and not mess with mine.
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Old 06.20.2009, 06:58 AM   #166
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I'm glad that her bullshit was called out and you didn't go down for some contrived lies. Thats an awful feeling to get, once you realize you helped someone out, or was at least nice to them, all the while they are going to stab you in the back for an unknown reason.

A similar thing happened to a good friend of mine who was unfortunately fired from his job and eventually had to move out of town.
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Old 06.20.2009, 07:22 AM   #167
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Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
I don't see the point to anything anymore. Eating, bathing, watching tv, being on the internet, breathing, being alive. There is no purpose to life. All of my friends suck. Things always fall through. There is no purpose to me being alive. I should've been aborted. I almost was. Life is pointless. All of the experiences we go through, all of the hardships we weather out, all of the good moments and bad moments all amount to absolutely nothing and the big prize at the end is we get to rot in the ground for all eternity, or at least until everyone else fucks up this spinning rock in the middle of space. It doesn't matter in the least bit anyway.

I guess this can be categorized as something weird going in my lifer right now. Kind of an existential crisis of sorts.

just sounds like depression, to me.
tiny and lost.
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Old 06.20.2009, 07:22 AM   #168
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I have nothing strange going on at the moment.

so then.. that is kind of strange, I guess...
tiny and lost.
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Old 06.20.2009, 07:30 AM   #169
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Completely! Being normal is way too strange.
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Old 06.20.2009, 08:23 AM   #170
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Old 06.20.2009, 09:02 AM   #171
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More carnies!
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Old 06.20.2009, 09:18 AM   #172
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Originally Posted by Shifty Prophet
Completely! Being normal is way too strange.

Yes....it is....
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Old 06.20.2009, 09:50 AM   #173
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People that consider themsleves normal, seem to bring with them a disconcerning sensation that surpasses even the most disturbing, peculiar individuals I've met.
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Old 06.20.2009, 10:17 AM   #174
verme (prevaricator)
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all good in my lifer. a bit busy lately but i proscratinate proportionally.
is that strange?
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Old 06.20.2009, 11:38 AM   #175
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Originally Posted by verme (prevaricator)
all good in my lifer. a bit busy lately but i proscratinate proportionally.
is that strange?

it is if you want it to be.
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Old 06.20.2009, 12:07 PM   #176
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Originally Posted by Shifty Prophet
Completely! Being normal is way too strange.

At first I very much agreed, thinking of someone I know who has had maybe one or two cups of coffee in his life, never drinks or smokes, always eats nutritiously and isnt the slightest bit of a twat about any of it...its nothing to him. He's outgoing and positive without being a keener, and is all around the most temperate, consistent and easy going guy I've ever known, and all the while not doing it in a way that makes you hate him. In all these ways, he is the oddest individual I've ever come accross. I was about to think that this guy would be "The Normal Guy." But he cant be, can he? If "normal" means kind of the average of the people around them?

Strange fellow indeed.
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Old 06.20.2009, 12:09 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by alteredcourse
At first I very much agreed, thinking of someone I know who has had maybe one or two cups of coffee in his life, never drinks or smokes, always eats nutritiously and isnt the slightest bit of a twat about any of it...its nothing to him. He's outgoing and positive without being a keener, and is all around the most temperate, consistent and easy going guy I've ever known, and all the while not doing it in a way that makes you hate him. In all these ways, he is the oddest individual I've ever come accross. I was about to think that this guy would be "The Normal Guy." But he cant be, can he? If "normal" means kind of the average of the people around them?

Strange fellow indeed.

i know what you mean.....

Originally Posted by Shifty Prophet
People that consider themselves normal, seem to bring with them a disconcerning sensation that surpasses even the most disturbing, peculiar individuals I've met.
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Old 06.21.2009, 08:52 AM   #178
Torn Curtain
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Originally Posted by phoenix
Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
I don't see the point to anything anymore. Eating, bathing, watching tv, being on the internet, breathing, being alive. There is no purpose to life. All of my friends suck. Things always fall through. There is no purpose to me being alive. I should've been aborted. I almost was. Life is pointless. All of the experiences we go through, all of the hardships we weather out, all of the good moments and bad moments all amount to absolutely nothing and the big prize at the end is we get to rot in the ground for all eternity, or at least until everyone else fucks up this spinning rock in the middle of space. It doesn't matter in the least bit anyway.

I guess this can be categorized as something weird going in my lifer right now. Kind of an existential crisis of sorts.

just sounds like depression, to me.

"Si seulement nous avions le courage des oiseaux
qui chantent dans le vent glacé"
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Old 06.21.2009, 05:10 PM   #179
looking glass spectacle
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3 of my friends are having babies all within a couple of weeks of each other. was there an orgy i wasn't in on?
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Old 06.21.2009, 05:29 PM   #180
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Originally Posted by looking glass spectacle
3 of my friends are having babies all within a couple of weeks of each other. was there an orgy i wasn't in on?

Only if each of the babies looks more like the other kids' fathers than their own...
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