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Old 01.04.2011, 11:55 AM   #41
invito al cielo
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SONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by kinn
murder you all by december 31st 2011

please do i will give my address
Old 01.04.2011, 11:57 AM   #42
invito al cielo
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SONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's asses
Stop taking as many narcotics
loose the 5 lbs I gained from drinking wine instead of taking narcotics
Do what I want to do
Old 01.04.2011, 10:43 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by jennthebenn
Stop binge drinking. I had a particularly frightful Xmas Eve because I treat
alcohol like water.

Get my second book published; this one will be fiction.

Be a better friend. There's no formula for that; every person is unique.

I see a reflection in that post.

I also drank more than i could handle. Not on Christmas, but on New Years' Eve.... Can't remember what the fuck happened. Maybe i acted like a douchebag. Guess i'll never know...

"Be a better friend". Yeah. I'd like that for myself, too. Also, improve my relationships with my parents, my brother, and my sisters. I've been an asshole to some people i dearly love, and i don't want to follow the same path i've been going through in recent times.

I think it would be good for myself to have more contact with people i care about that happen to be separated from me by long distances. Should take more time to keep in touch with them...

jennthebenn, i'm glad to know your second book is coming. I'll keep my eyes peeled, hopefully i'll have a chance to read it. Keep up the good work. Your blog is a vast source of joy for me and i'm sure for many others as well. I can imagine it must be difficult to get a book out there, maybe some great sacrifices have to be made, but i hope you accomplish this particular goal of yours.

atsonicpark, feels kind of weird to read that. I've perceived you as a very enthusiastic person, and it baffles me that you are going through tough times. I wish you all the best, hope there are things in your future that will bring you many happy times.

To everybody else: Hope you all have the chance to do things in life you enjoy. Best wishes. May the future be bright.
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Old 01.06.2011, 01:23 PM   #44
expwy. to yr skull
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Thanks much for your kind words, and my best wishes to you and everyone here for 2011.
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Old 01.08.2011, 11:22 PM   #45
the ikara cult
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the ikara cult kicks all y'all's assesthe ikara cult kicks all y'all's assesthe ikara cult kicks all y'all's assesthe ikara cult kicks all y'all's assesthe ikara cult kicks all y'all's assesthe ikara cult kicks all y'all's assesthe ikara cult kicks all y'all's assesthe ikara cult kicks all y'all's assesthe ikara cult kicks all y'all's assesthe ikara cult kicks all y'all's assesthe ikara cult kicks all y'all's asses
have more sex
"It is absolutely ridiculous, they are behaving like a cult" - The Vatican


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