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Old 05.19.2014, 03:58 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
i think were entering that part of things were words have so many alternate explanations they no longer refer to anything

oui, mssr. baudrillard. that's hit that's nail in that's head there that's truth.

seriously, people now just utter their wishes onto things, like humpty dumpty.


and we forgot to mention another HOLLYWOOD DOLT

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Old 05.19.2014, 04:04 PM   #22
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lets get this back on topic
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Old 05.19.2014, 04:17 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
lets get this back on topic

no, we are on topic, he said hollywood idiots can only poison salads. i say they can destroy the world, in the name of jesus.

ETA (late): i totally agree with what you said above and think i spotted its source. not sure that came across but yes, thats how it intended it (communication is nearly impossible and this is proof).
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Old 05.19.2014, 04:20 PM   #24
keep poppin pimples
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh. i see your point. but bush was an idiot and he was fighting gog and magog. FOR REAL.

i've posted this before but here goes again. kindly read:


it needs to be repeated. often.

it reminds me of hal lindsey's 'late great planet earth'(the movie,hosted by orson welles is unfortunately boring) which interpreted that the persecution of the chosen people in the last days that was predicted by the bible clearly meant that it was inevitable that the ussr would invade israel leading to end of the world.

but bush, like the pope or the king of an empire has enough power to be dangerous no matter what

whereas teenage actors starting their own secret society will in most situations be a bunch of harmless hipsters coming up with cool symbols and code words to entertain their friends... unless they decide they want to be like david koresh or rajneesh

and that's where the main similarity to rajneesh comes in. his followers were mostly a bunch of affluent hippies who liked to drop acid at music festivals and then started following the guy because the beatles thought gurus are awesome. which is what i assume anyone who decides to follow the spiritual path outlined on will smith's 13 year old daughter's twitter is like.

nepotism has thoroughly ruined the american film industry so i actually like the idea of all the stars' kids fucking off to some commune in california where they won't taint our entertainment anymore, i just wish they were copying a more harmless and entertaining cult like unarius* so normal people won't be harmed

all science fiction fans should check out the unarius movie 'the landing' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl5MSemNMHI which details their beliefs(ascended masters mixed with ufos) through a fictional film starring leader uriel. this group never killed anybody and created endless amounts of entertaining books and films, which is why i'd rather people trying to start their own religion* would copy them instead of salmonella salad guy

* i hesitate to use the term religion because unarius(Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science) is actually considered an 'alternative science'
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Old 05.19.2014, 05:27 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
religion is a sort of supernatural belief so stalinism is not religion, it's similar, but in the exact same way all political or economic ideas can be, and we need political and economic ideas to accomplish anything.

i get what you mean, but i've always seen that brand of marxism as a kind of religious fundamentalism. marx was very intelligent man and he saw a lot of things clearly, but he was elevated to infallible god status by some credulous followers who needed… a faith.

first, they claim to know where history is going. bold claim! that's prophecy. this pattern comes from hegel and his "spirit". marx famously put that upside down, but kept the ineluctability of the end. he was wrong. but i had a commie prof once tell me that we could predict were history was going cuz marxism was scientific. right! that's not science. that's mule faith. i grew up surrounded by communists but i could never convert because they pretended to have all answers--just like the christians. full of shit.

second they have their dogmas yes? they are also "scientific" and therefore "irrefutable". not sure that's how science works though-- science questions itself. but if you dissent then comissar torquemada knocks at the door and sends you to reeducation labor camp. because something must be wrong with you if you don't believe. (of course these are all just excuses to steal)

then you know they promise heaven-- social harmony and the end of social classes and freedom from want and all that shit. total impossibilities because human nature is not like that. just like eternal life, it doesn't exist. when it doesn't come it's because you're doing it wrong! you need to apply yourself harder!

and then of course you have the supreme leader/ayatollah/seer of the unstoppable march of historical materialism whose wisdom cannot be question under penalty of torture and more "reeducation." or, you know, firing squads.

this is an exact parallel to any church that demands absolute faith and obedience. and they all do/have at some point or another. yes i get it that there are many human institutions like that, but it's mostly in religion that your unquestioning belief in impossible promises and invisible rewards is most required. then again, there's paid work for someone else's profit-- same thing ha ha ha. capitalism has a similar religious faith at its core--"some day that will be me".

but anyway, that's how religious causes brain damage-- it damages the faculty of reason and the ability to see things clearly. close your eyes, believe in what's not here. even star wars, which is why people love it.

Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
would be scared of someone who's into rajneesh specifically

oh, i see what you mean. like a charles manson dickhead. yes.

funny story, and to totally deflect the tension-- i think sway likes charles manson, ha ha ha. im not kidding.
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Old 05.19.2014, 05:40 PM   #26
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ps- i haven't slept in 2 days so i forgot that should be taken into account when reading all the above h ah ha ha.
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Old 05.19.2014, 06:48 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i get what you mean, but i've always seen that brand of marxism as a kind of religious fundamentalism. marx was very intelligent man and he saw a lot of things clearly, but he was elevated to infallible god status by some credulous followers who needed… a faith.

first, they claim to know where history is going. bold claim! that's prophecy. this pattern comes from hegel and his "spirit". marx famously put that upside down, but kept the ineluctability of the end. he was wrong. but i had a commie prof once tell me that we could predict were history was going cuz marxism was scientific. right! that's not science. that's mule faith. i grew up surrounded by communists but i could never convert because they pretended to have all answers--just like the christians. full of shit.

second they have their dogmas yes? they are also "scientific" and therefore "irrefutable". not sure that's how science works though-- science questions itself. but if you dissent then comissar torquemada knocks at the door and sends you to reeducation labor camp. because something must be wrong with you if you don't believe. (of course these are all just excuses to steal)

then you know they promise heaven-- social harmony and the end of social classes and freedom from want and all that shit. total impossibilities because human nature is not like that. just like eternal life, it doesn't exist. when it doesn't come it's because you're doing it wrong! you need to apply yourself harder!

and then of course you have the supreme leader/ayatollah/seer of the unstoppable march of historical materialism whose wisdom cannot be question under penalty of torture and more "reeducation." or, you know, firing squads.

this is an exact parallel to any church that demands absolute faith and obedience. and they all do/have at some point or another. yes i get it that there are many human institutions like that, but it's mostly in religion that your unquestioning belief in impossible promises and invisible rewards is most required. then again, there's paid work for someone else's profit-- same thing ha ha ha. capitalism has a similar religious faith at its core--"some day that will be me".

but anyway, that's how religious causes brain damage-- it damages the faculty of reason and the ability to see things clearly. close your eyes, believe in what's not here. even star wars, which is why people love it.

well i think the actual beliefs themselves are not particularly relevant because all the leading communists in the communist countries became capitalists literally overnight when that became what you have to believe after the governments changed. they all own tv stations now that talk about free markets and ayn rand twenty four hours a day, all paid for by illegally privatizing public things. all the anti-capitalist, anti-religion letsblowupamerica extremists own banks, mcdonald's locations and malls, pretend to be christian and throw lavish fourth of july parties.

i think people who want to be important and powerful will believe whatever they're currently supposed to believe to get ahead. i feel supported in this by the fact that my dad only had one friend who was really into marx and the guy used his megacommie wife's government connections to end up a rich gangster, now both are marx hating fans of noted anti-communist ayn rand. where as true believers in anything are usually bizarro outcasts. like the difference between a rich and famous christian like benny hinn who doesn't seem to follow the rules of the bible at all, vs the homeless guy preaching on the corner. people looking for suckers to exploit will probably rise to the top in any belief system.

oh, i see what you mean. like a charles manson dickhead. yes.

funny story, and to totally deflect the tension-- i think sway likes charles manson, ha ha ha. im not kidding.

yeah pretty much, i do think i remember sway arguing that charles manson isn't a bad person and didn't technically hurt anyone since he just told other people to and it's not his fault they listened. if a belief "peace and looove man far out" makes people susceptible to being manipulated into going around raping and murdering people then we're really all fucked
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