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Old 12.19.2016, 08:36 PM   #21
bad moon rising
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Originally Posted by EVOLghost
1 tom violence
2 expressway
3 shadow of a doubt
4 green light
5 secret girl
6 death to our friends
7 in the kingdom
8 marilyn moore
9 starpower

aside from starpower, every song on this album is damn near perfect.

Amen. I also agree with where you ranked the songs. Not that dissimilar from the way that I did. :P
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Old 12.29.2016, 07:51 PM   #22
invito al cielo
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Originally Posted by EVOLghost
1 tom violence
2 expressway
3 shadow of a doubt
4 green light
5 secret girl
6 death to our friends
7 in the kingdom
8 marilyn moore
9 starpower

aside from starpower, every song on this album is damn near perfect.

Oh hell man, I fucking LOVE "Starpower." It was really the band's first pop song, so by all rights it should be shit, especially following two opening tracks as singular and unparalleled in their awesomeness as "Tom Violence" and "Shadow of a Doubt," but somehow it just slays.

I didn't love it at first, but it soon became one of the band's most impressive moments. Pop song plopped in the middle of an avant-punk album. The breakdown just rips too. A seriously pivotal achievement. Part of a long tradition of noise-pop perfection by the band.
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