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Reload this Page Holy shit. The World Looks Red was played tonight!!!
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Old 08.09.2006, 08:58 AM   #21
bad moon rising
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mooger_fooger ain't too shabbymooger_fooger ain't too shabby
That was a freakin' amazing show!!! World Looks Red!!! Who'd of thought? Opening with Teenage Riot?? What a show...what a show...even got to laugh at a few kids in front of me who nearly got kicked out for smoking a joint, FRONT ROW, between the two bands, AND while all the lights were on. Many chuckles at their expense
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Old 08.09.2006, 11:50 AM   #22
children of satan
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holy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of lightholy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of lightholy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of lightholy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of lightholy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of light
it was amazing. meeting lee was great.
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Old 08.09.2006, 02:53 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by holy-reverb!!
it was amazing. meeting lee was great.

Were you out there by the bus after the show when he came out?
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Old 08.09.2006, 03:36 PM   #24
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holy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of lightholy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of lightholy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of lightholy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of lightholy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of light
yes I was. i was the only one with the red sy hotwire shirt. im guessing you were also there.
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Old 08.09.2006, 03:45 PM   #25
Pax Americana
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Originally Posted by holy-reverb!!
yes I was. i was the only one with the red sy hotwire shirt. im guessing you were also there.

Yeah man, I remember seeing you out there. I was the kid with the dark glasses, and the button up blue shirt standing with the really tall dude in the Tool t-shirt.
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Old 08.09.2006, 03:47 PM   #26
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holy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of lightholy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of lightholy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of lightholy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of lightholy-reverb!! is a glorious beacon of light
yea i remember you.... that security guard told the us they left but we stuck around and it payed off.
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Old 08.09.2006, 03:51 PM   #27
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Sure did!
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Old 08.09.2006, 04:37 PM   #28
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thanks for review!
man, such a great setlist+you have a chance to meet lee and talk to him actually! i believe that it was one of yr. best nights then! looking forward yr. pics you took.
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Old 08.09.2006, 06:51 PM   #29
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i wanted so bad to stick around and get something signed, but my ride had to work at seven in the morning and we had a four hour drive to get home.. that sucked, but the show was fucking amazing. i was getting slightly annoyed by the dude that kept trying to crowd surf, and was basically just kicking people in the head, and the guy beside me was smoking the whole time.. sick smell.

i was/am so proud, 'cos i was the one that started the chant for trhe second encore! woo! next tour i have already determined i wil be hanging around for autographs/meeting. you lucky dudes.
sandwich klub 4 men.

Danny is a C.H.U.D.
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Old 08.09.2006, 06:52 PM   #30
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and mush, in case you were looking for me at all, i arrived super late, and met up with some friends of mine i remembered were going, and got into tline with them.
sandwich klub 4 men.

Danny is a C.H.U.D.
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Old 08.09.2006, 09:10 PM   #31
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mushmanski57@hotmail.com kicks all y'all's assesmushmanski57@hotmail.com kicks all y'all's assesmushmanski57@hotmail.com kicks all y'all's assesmushmanski57@hotmail.com kicks all y'all's assesmushmanski57@hotmail.com kicks all y'all's assesmushmanski57@hotmail.com kicks all y'all's assesmushmanski57@hotmail.com kicks all y'all's assesmushmanski57@hotmail.com kicks all y'all's assesmushmanski57@hotmail.com kicks all y'all's assesmushmanski57@hotmail.com kicks all y'all's assesmushmanski57@hotmail.com kicks all y'all's asses
Haha, funny how it turned out I was in front of you in the merch line, eh Krack?

And Reverb, I was near Pax and his friend, I probably saw you around. And damn straight, did it ever pay off
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Old 08.10.2006, 12:08 AM   #32
scott v
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Was a cool show, but not the best i've seen them do though i've only seen them twice before... world looks red was a definite highlight with thurston pulling the mic and stand down and kneeling nearly the whole time doing vocals and guitar scraping with a metal slide during that song. the band seemed happy not as energetic as i saw them during the nurse tour or back in 1999 in nyc... though it was s till a cool nite, my girlfriend got alot of good pics on her digital cam, and a few short video clisp also (i'll try to post some in the next couple of days)

btw, i was wearing a red magik markers t-shirt... probably nobody noticed. stood about 3 rows from the front on thurston's side of the stage w/ the aroma of weed everywhere and witnessign agirl fall over and passing out (from either being way stoned, drunk or just too fucked up on something else).

fun times in toronto just got back tonite, scored an original copy of albert ayler's prophecy LP on esp at 2nd Vinyl store, on some side street off of queen st. plus going to Soundscapes though i skipped out on Rotate This (can't spend alot of cash on vinyl anymore) and getting dim sum in chinatown on dundas st.
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