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Old 09.19.2006, 12:13 AM   #21
atari 2600
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atari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's asses
Maddox's schtick, and that's exactly what it is (a formulaic schtick) is well-suited for an internet audience.

For example, posting his favorite movies would just be too "gay" of an endeavor for Maddox.
Posting his "five shitty movies that everyone loves" allows him to escape from having to have a real opinion that could be more easily subject to criticism by the reader.
Negativity pervades the internet and, in general, a great deal of message board and blog posts are, at their root, prompted by a principle very akin to this one very pervasive ne'er-do-well element of Maddox's avocation.

The chronic usage of readily obvious observations betray the supposed air of detachment he strives to convey; the observations I make when reading him are associated with numerous and obvious (to me) character defense mechanisms.
For a spewer of such venom, he actually wants nothing more than to be noticed...and liked too...by the "right" hipper-than-thou pretenders-at-nihilism, of course. His motivation is more than just a little bit similar to Dr. Marvin Monroe describing Bart Simpson in Treehouse of Horror II (in the wonderful parody of The Twilight Zone's "It's a Good Life"):
"The child doesn't care if he gets good attention for, say, high marks in school, or bad attention for turning his father into a jack-in-the-box." This is also the episode where Bart is first referred to by his intentioned anagram of "brat."
It should be noted that dogs behave in the same fashion, not really preferring good or bad attention, but just seeking attention in general.
Recently, we've all witnessed cryptowonderdruginvogue become yet another personality casualty as he puts-on a persona, gleefully chasing his tail towards the golden horizon of some popularity that he feels will elude him if he just acts like himself.
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Old 09.19.2006, 07:11 AM   #22
sandwich mulroney
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sandwich mulroney is a splendid one to beholdsandwich mulroney is a splendid one to beholdsandwich mulroney is a splendid one to beholdsandwich mulroney is a splendid one to beholdsandwich mulroney is a splendid one to beholdsandwich mulroney is a splendid one to beholdsandwich mulroney is a splendid one to behold
Aside from atari's post above mine, I always felt like he was kind of knocking off seanbaby. Of course, he seems to do almost nothing these days...
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Old 09.19.2006, 09:30 AM   #23
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Inhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's assesInhuman kicks all y'all's asses
hahahha I love his hatemail.

HTML Code:
To: maddox@xmission.com Subject: response requested I USED TO LOVE KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE FAGS LIKE YOU BACK IN COLLEGE. I HAVE A QUESTION THOUGH HAVE YOU EVER FUCKED A "GIRL" THAT WAS UNDER 200 POUNDS. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT PUSSY BOY SOFTWARE GEEK THAT YOU SUCK OFF UNDER YOUR CUBICLE. I DON'T KNOW IF I SHOULD WRITE THIS EMAIL YOU MIGHT HAVE YOUR POSSE OF KLINGON WARRIORS SHOOT INVISIBLE LASERS AT ME. BY THE WAY DOES YOUR MOM KNOW YOU HAVE THIS SITE. SHE'S NOT GONNA TAKE YOU TO THE STAR TREK CONVENTION NEXT YEAR IN DENVER IF YOU KEEP THIS UP YOUNG MAN. WELL IT WAS NICE EMAILING YOU. KEEP SUCKING DICK MAYBE SOME DAY YOUR DAD WILL ACTUALLY PAY YOU FOR IT. Seven sixteenths of one inch: [IMG]http://maddox.xmission.com/keyboard4.jpg[/IMG] That's the distance you'd have to move your pinky in order to not sound like an idiot. I know the burden of pressing shift to capitalize is a great one, but c'mon Turing, you can do better than that. I used to type emails in caps like yours, but then I decided that I didn't want a job mixing concrete. You said you had a question for me, something about a 200 pound girl (implying that I pork fat chicks, a cunning strategy by an equally cunning linguist), but the damndest thing: I searched your entire email for a question mark and didn't find any. Could it be because you didn't really ask me any questions since none of your sentences ended with a question mark, you dolt? You used to enjoy "kicking the shit out of computer science fags" eh? So are you saying that all programmers are gay, or that you enjoyed "kicking the shit out of" the gay ones? I presume the former since you are after all, an idiot. You do have a point though: writing code all day is much more homoerotic than patting your jock buddies on the ass after a sweaty game of catch, then winding down with a nice, steamy, group shower. Maybe if you weren't such a sexually insecure dumbass, you'd have spent the time you pissed away playing highschool sports--you know, that thing nobody in the real world cares about--learning how to read instead so that you don't end up bagging my groceries after you graduate with your 1.2 GPA (rounded off nicely with that C you got in wood shop). You know what the best thing about knowing that the nerds you picked on will always be more successful, have hotter girlfriends, a home that doesn't have wheels, and a stock portfolio with numbers larger than you can count is? Doesn't matter, get me a coffee.
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