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Old 09.24.2006, 11:07 AM   #1
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I know this was posted in the Non-Sonic Sounds forum as well but, I didn't know which one to go for so I thought I'd do both. Besides, the more coverage the merrier, right?

So, my details:

Hey, I'm Nelly, I'm 16, I'm a guy and I'm a guitarist. I've been playing guitar for roughly two and a half years now and am completely self taught. I've been told that if I list my equipment on here it's apparently a good thing, but I don't really see how it can make that much of a difference. Anyways, I play a battered Squier '51 and a 4-string Squier Affinity Strat through a mauled Digitech multi-effects pedal into a crappy Fender Bullet 15 DSP amp.

My band, aNNa jAponicA (www. myspace.com/annajaponica) sorta imploded recently with the drummer running off with his newfound college friends and their band (they have songs, gigs and photo shoots! Woo!), and I'm riding a wave of 'post-band depression' so, would be interesting to scout around a bit. Yeah, my three main influences are Sonic Youth, The Cribs and Placebo, but anything along the lines of Alternative/Indie/Grunge/Noise rock music floats my boat really.

The band would be based in and around Loddon, a small village about 12 miles southeast of Norwich in East Anglia, England (phew!), but I'm sure this is a minor point that can be easily accommodated for (I realise not everyone lives in Loddon!). If anyone's interested, please give us a shout I'll be more than willing to at least show some enthusiasm!

Contact me at www.myspace.com/nellymcnelson if you are interested or would like extra information.

Remember: www.myspace.com/nellymcnelson

"Thurston's gonna spin 'till he's dizzy... and that's the right move!"



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Old 09.24.2006, 11:42 AM   #2
atari 2600
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Fair enough...and good luck.
For a minute there I though it was an echo.

If you played bass, you could find bandmates lickety-split; everyone wants to play guitar.

And nearly anyone can play guitar (to some extent at least) which only serves to exacerbate your current dilemma.

Deessstiny, Destiny protect me from the world
Deessstiny, hold my hand protect me from the world

Here we are, with our running and confusion
And I don't see no confusion anywhere

And if the world does turn, and if London burns
I'll be standing on the beach with my guitar
I want to be in a band, when I get to heaven
Anyone can play guitar
And they won't be a nothing anymore

Growwww my hair, Grow my hair I am Jim Morrison
Growwww my hair, I wannabe wannabe wannabe Jim Morrison

Here we are with our running and confusion
And I don't see no confusion anywhere

And if the world does turn, and if London burns
I'll be standing on a beach with my guitar
I want to be in a band, when I get to heaven
Anyone can play guitar
And they won't be a nothing anymore
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