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View Poll Results: Whats your favourite sleater-kinney album?
Sleater-Kinney 1 3.03%
Call The Doctor 2 6.06%
Dig Me Out 5 15.15%
The Hot Rock 5 15.15%
All Hands On The Bad One 5 15.15%
One Beat 8 24.24%
The Woods 7 21.21%
Voters: 33. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 12.13.2006, 05:51 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
but porkie, women on their periods are HAWWTTTTT!!!

(for me anyway)
Well,tampons for mouths can be sexy if you try to think long and hard.

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Old 12.13.2006, 07:38 PM   #22
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the woods was recorded terribly..the distortion sounds like it was recorded through the mic input on a computer
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Old 12.14.2006, 01:29 AM   #23
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Old 12.14.2006, 08:21 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by The itunes music store

In early 1999 Sleater-Kinney issued this three-song CD single just prior to the release of The Hot Rock. And as that album's most atypical-sounding track,"Get Up" is perhaps the most surprising choice for the album's sole single. Which doesn't meen it is an ill-made decision - the song is excellent - but anyone familiar with the trio would probably find that song (which, at times, sounds uncomfortably similar to Sonic Youth's "Tunic") to be unrepresentative of the album as a whole.

what???, how does that song sound like tunic??????
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Old 12.14.2006, 04:18 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by porkmarras
Well,tampons for mouths can be sexy if you try to think long and hard.

now, porkie, we're not secretly harboring any sociopathic tendencies, are we?
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Old 12.14.2006, 10:12 PM   #27
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I've seen them from the beginnings in Oly, but I never liked them as much as Excuse 17 or Heavens to Betsy the two groups they formed from the remains of. Never hated them, but never understood all the fuss either. Honestly, I think the press showed up in Oly looking for the legendary "grrl" bands, and Bikini Kill had already left the building, so Sleater Kinney got all the roses.
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Old 12.14.2006, 11:15 PM   #28
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it's a toss up between "all hands on the bad one" and "one beat". i like the woods a whole lot, but it's almost too atmospheric for me or something.

"i wanna be your joey ramone" is one of my favorite songs, though.

edit: "one beat" gets my vote. the opening drums on that album are so fucking raunchy.
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(formerly "no homo")
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Old 12.15.2006, 09:22 AM   #29
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'all hands on the bad one' ,'one beat', or 'dig me out', can't choose, or at least it depends on my mood. Thought 'the woods' was an emotional rollercoaster at first... too much, once i listened to it a while i got used to it and then bored of it.

any news on what each of the lasses is planning next? new groups formed or anything?
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Old 12.15.2006, 10:27 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Concept7or8
'all hands on the bad one' ,'one beat', or 'dig me out', can't choose, or at least it depends on my mood. Thought 'the woods' was an emotional rollercoaster at first... too much, once i listened to it a while i got used to it and then bored of it.

any news on what each of the lasses is planning next? new groups formed or anything?

Janet went back to Quasi... that's all I know...
sandwich klub 4 men.

Danny is a C.H.U.D.
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Old 12.15.2006, 11:07 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by k-krack
Janet went back to Quasi... that's all I know...

Janet also joined up with Steven Malkmus and The Jicks, and is playing on their next west coast tour
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Old 12.15.2006, 11:51 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by k-krack
Janet went back to Quasi... that's all I know...

please do not misconstrue the previous statement as an invitation for same sex relations or as negative towards anyone of another sexuality.


(formerly "no homo")
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