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Old 01.03.2007, 10:44 AM   #1
Torn Curtain
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Torn Curtain kicks all y'all's assesTorn Curtain kicks all y'all's assesTorn Curtain kicks all y'all's assesTorn Curtain kicks all y'all's assesTorn Curtain kicks all y'all's assesTorn Curtain kicks all y'all's assesTorn Curtain kicks all y'all's assesTorn Curtain kicks all y'all's assesTorn Curtain kicks all y'all's assesTorn Curtain kicks all y'all's assesTorn Curtain kicks all y'all's asses


Laura Veirs
Colorado Springs, CO

Armstrong Hall - Colorado College
Opening for Low

Source: Core Sound LCBs w/ Low Sensitivity > iRiver H120 (Rockboxed)
Transfer: H120 > USB > Audacity (L/R Swap) > CD Wave (splitting) > fb2k w/ FLAC 1.1.2 > .flac

Taped & Seeded by brianblank
It's only a memory if you don't tape it.

Spread the music, but please do not distribute MP3 or other lossy formats
Please do not profit from this recording in any way

01. Intro
02. ???
03. Black-eyed Susan
04. Ocean Night Song
05. ???
06. Song MY Friends Taught Me
07. "Smelled that sewer smell..."
08. Nightingale
09. The Wind Is Blowing Stars
10. ???
11. "The most fun experience of my childhood..."
12. ???
13. Where Gravity Is Dead
14. "Dedicated to my friend Sprout..."
15. ???
16. Cast A Hook In Me
17. Thru December
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Old 01.03.2007, 05:40 PM   #2
atari 2600
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atari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's asses
Yeah, you need one.

With a dime account you'll be able to get these shows when you want to quickly download them as lossless. That's the most obvious advantage.

Since most dime members that up shows request that they not be redistributed as .mp3, you generally won't be able to get links for them here at this board.

This means that you'll have to do mail trades to get what you want or do without.

And since that's the case, you'll need the dime account just to be able to download shows in order to establish an inventory of bootlegs to trade people.
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Old 01.03.2007, 06:46 PM   #3
The Erotic Pacman
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Originally Posted by hipster_bebop_junkie
Damn, I want a dimeadozen account so bad.

if you want it that hard, i might share one with you.

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