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Old 01.18.2007, 03:53 PM   #1
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Here's a few I'll start with...

Akuma no Kuma - Sunn0))) / Boris
Special - The Game
Can't Lose - The RZA
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Old 01.18.2007, 04:20 PM   #2
Torn Curtain
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Pop is dead - Radiohead
Your flesh is so nice - Jeff Buckley
The walk - The Cure
Jellybelly, XYU - The smashing pumpkins
Wanda lu - Tim Buckley
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Old 01.18.2007, 04:20 PM   #3
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contre le sexisme- sy
here comes yr man- pixies
vast majority of stuff after 1990- butthole surfers
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Old 01.18.2007, 04:27 PM   #4
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I'll ignore SY for a second... Ticket to Ride by the Carpenters; Fly Trouble/ Hey, Good looking by Hank Williams; 1976-1989 Johnny Cash and at least three songs off of every album prior; Si, Si, Si by Edith Piaf; Mess of My by The Fall (although it's only shit in the context of the brilliance of the entireity of the rest of their catalogue); The Derek Baily/ Keiji Haino collaboration... others, I expect.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 01.18.2007, 04:40 PM   #5
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Dinosaur jr - Alone, Feel The Pain plus a few more later ones
Kyuss - Thong Song

Slint -Washer (I absolutely love all the guitar riffs etc but the vocals to me sound like Billy Corgan being fucked up the ass by a horse and unfortunately they make me cringe sometimes. It could be one of my favorites otherwise)
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Old 01.18.2007, 10:30 PM   #6
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alot of dinosaur jr. newer stuff, they just sounded like another generic indie band
Over teh falls
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Old 01.18.2007, 11:33 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Glice
Ticket to Ride by the Carpenters;

Mess of My by The Fall (although it's only shit in the context of the brilliance of the entireity of the rest of their catalogue);

I quiet like both those songs and would say both bands have much worse material.

other than that, today i heard the song go by the boredoms and i found it pretty dissappointing.
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Old 01.19.2007, 01:48 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by The Lung
Dinosaur jr - Alone, Feel The Pain plus a few more later ones.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!!!! Feel the Pain may not be J Mascis' magnum opus but it is still a good song. I saw Dinosaur Jr play that last month in Boston and then again in Northampton and damn!!!!! did it rock!!!!! The album version isn't the best, seeing as how J was on his last Dinosaur legs at that point, but man it sounds soooo good when played live.

Also, I like Here Comes Your Man. It may be one of the Pixies' lesser songs, but it is still good and by no means a crap song.
"No way, man! Cuz dyin' would be a stone groove! Got any messages for Jimi Hendrix?"

"Yes. Pick up your puppy."
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Old 01.19.2007, 07:50 AM   #9
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Yeh I saw them play it ATP. I was pleasantly suprised that I liked it but then they played it the day after too and I really didn't wanna hear it again. Much rather them play other songs than play that in every set, I guess it's to please the people who bum the fuck out of it.
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Old 01.19.2007, 07:53 AM   #10
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Dollars&Cents - Radiohead

you're the boy

that can enjoy
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Old 01.19.2007, 08:32 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by kingcoffee
Hey, hey, hey, hey!!!! Feel the Pain may not be J Mascis' magnum opus but it is still a good song.
i think it's probably the best song they did in 90's... of course you can't compare it to the godlike material from 80's but still a wonderful track.
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Old 01.19.2007, 08:44 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by sun city girl
i think it's probably the best song they did in 90's... of course you can't compare it to the godlike material from 80's but still a wonderful track.

I think there are much better songs on green mind and where you been although like you said they don't compare at all to the godlike material from the 80's. Those 3 albums collectively cannot be touched by anything in my opinion. Not one bad track.
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Old 01.19.2007, 02:43 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Inhuman
Here's a few I'll start with...

Akuma no Kuma - Sunn0))) / Boris
Special - The Game
Can't Lose - The RZA

akuma no uta, really ? i always liked that one...you are referring to the one on the akuma no uta cd, no ? or is this another track i'm totally uninformed about .....

shit songs by good bands....

'my boyfriend's back' cover by the raveonettes... never liked it..
'moonlight drive' by the doors
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Old 01.19.2007, 02:45 PM   #14
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Everything on Rather Ripped.
OH do I smell rep coming?
(probably neg rep for saying that)
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Old 01.19.2007, 07:58 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by _slavo_
Dollars&Cents - Radiohead

Hey! I like that song.

For me it would have to be............
Glass and the Ghost Children-Smashing Pumpkins
Drunken Butterfly (only Kim's singing in it though)
Radio Bomb-Matthew Good Band
and thishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InJNcwVuNjM (I mean What the Holy Hell!?)

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Old 01.19.2007, 08:24 PM   #16
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I hate to say it because they are one of my favorite killer pysch rock bands in the last few years, but the only horrible track on the latest by Comets on Fire album, Sour Smoke (ironically!) is just abit too corny... take out those awful handclaps and that organ call and answering effect and actually it be cool.
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Old 01.19.2007, 10:45 PM   #17
the ikara cult
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Many Pavement songs
Unfair, Extradition, Fillmore Jive. to name but a few
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Old 01.20.2007, 10:53 PM   #18
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The first post in this thread is a joke, right?

Also, Fillmore Jive is probably one of the best Pavement songs. Crazy!

Also, the vocals in "washer" are supposed to be that way.. he's poorly singing his lover to sleep! It's one of the best songs ever!


shellac - new number order I never saw the point of.

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Old 01.20.2007, 10:59 PM   #19
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I knew this thread would create a little bit of controversy.

akuma no uta, really ? i always liked that one...you are referring to the one on the akuma no uta cd, no ? or is this another track i'm totally uninformed about .....

I really want to listen to Akuma no Uta! And yes, on Altar they named a track with a very similar name to Akuma no Uta. I completely understand the confusion

Akuma no Uta = Boris album
Akuma no Kuma = Track on Altar by Boris/ Sunn0)))
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