02.15.2007, 04:04 AM | #1 |
Super Moderator
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 5,915
Kegmama--you shold check this bar: http://www.mandrakebar.com/.
They are having an art opening this Saturday nigh:. (the) Melvins @ (the) Mandrake February 17th - March 24th, 2007 Opening February 17th, 6-8 p.m. 2692 S. La Cienega Boulevard Los Angeles, CA. 90034. Mandrake is pleased to announce the opening of their third exhibition, (the) Melvins @ (the) Mandrake, organized by Bob Nickas, curatorial advisor to MoMa PS1 in New York City, and a long-time and devoted fan of the band. The exhibition will present more than thirty artists, who will make album covers for the Melvins, the influential band that brought together metal, punk, and primordial riffs, giving the world - for better or worse - Nirvana and grunge. Artists include: Santiago Alandra, Matthew Brannon, Georgeanne Deen, Sam Durant, Anthony Elms, Jason Fox, Amy Gartrell, Torben Giehler, Wayne Gonzales, Tom Hazelmyer, Adam Helms, Ryan Iverson, Cameron Jamie, Irena Knezevic, Jutta Koether, Tim Lokiec, Justin Lowe, Brendan Majewski, Cameron Martin, Adam McEwen, Keegan McHargue, Thurston Moore, Dave Muller, Chuck Nanney, Mackie Osborne, Ted O'Sullivan, Erik Parker, Steven Parrino, Nora Jean Petersen, Lisa Ruyter, Michelle Segre, David Silver, Meredyth Sparks, Fred Tomaselli, John Tremblay, Banks Violette, Kelley Walker, Claude Wampler, Chuck Webster, Christopher Williams, Kevin Willis, and Kevin Zucker. |