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Old 04.28.2006, 09:46 AM   #1
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With so many Sonic Youth bootlegs being available in the lossless format over the last years, I wonder how you Sonic fans handle those treasures?

1. Do you try to collect them all?
2. What do you do with them?
- write each one to audio-CD and delete the source files afterwards?
- burn in the lossless format on CD/DVD?
- something else?

3. If there no (fan-made) cover art, do you try to make one yourself?
(any advice for making cover art is welcome)



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Old 04.28.2006, 10:02 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by sy2004
1. Do you try to collect them all?

i usually look at the set list, then i look into the mustang site about the data of that show and shows around it. then i listen to the show, if i don't like it, i delete it (case in point, rock en seine). it's not hard science i might pass on a show latter on i'd be drooling to get. it's the way i do it and it's very dumb, i know

Originally Posted by sy2004
2. What do you do with them?
- write each one to audio-CD and delete the source files afterwards?
- burn in the lossless format on CD/DVD?
- something else?

i burn them to audio cd usually. sometimes i commit crimes against dime a dozen and convert them to lossy formats if i can't burn them right away and store in my hard drive

Originally Posted by sy2004
3. If there no (fan-made) cover art, do you try to make one yourself?
(any advice for making cover art is welcome)

i make my own art, but having so many boots makes it difficult to come up with good art fast, so i don't have art for all of my boots. i use coreldraw (because i lost my copy of photoshop in one to many formattings of hard drive) to design the covers and print them, and i make sleeves with cardboard (this, i have to admit, i was inspired because back when i started looking thru the sy board i came across a "post your bootleg art" thread and someone mentioned they did it). for inspiration, i start by looking at flyer/poster artwork (because i love that) and if i don't come up with anything inspiring i just start googling images and something eventually inspires me to do something. i've been thinking about posting my boot art at the "post yr sy fan art" thread.

hope i was of help
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Old 04.28.2006, 10:58 AM   #3
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from beginning i was downloading only those, that i've considered attractive to me. lately i'm trying to collect all bootlegs i come across (mainly dime) and it starting to be some kind of obssesion as i can see, hehe.

I keep them lossless on my external hd which i've bought mainly for sy data storage like bootlegs, videos and rare stuff (50Gb. so far). So therefore i don't have to burn it on cds and do artwork (but now you got me thinking that i should make a backup dvds, just in case something would happened to hd, [that would be loss!]).

back to bootlegs. i would be interested record live gig myself sometime, if i would have equipment and know how. it'd be interesting i'd say.
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Old 04.28.2006, 02:40 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i've been thinking about posting my boot art at the "post yr sy fan art" thread.

Do it so I can use them for mine and take the credit.....sike. It'll be cool to see!
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Old 04.28.2006, 02:42 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by krastian
Do it so I can use them for mine and take the credit.....sike. It'll be cool to see!

i wouldn't mind people using it...but take credit on it, and i'll hunt you down like an animal!!! i will know if you do it, i have three eyes
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