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Old 04.16.2007, 06:34 AM   #21
expwy. to yr skull
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jico. kicks all y'all's assesjico. kicks all y'all's assesjico. kicks all y'all's assesjico. kicks all y'all's assesjico. kicks all y'all's assesjico. kicks all y'all's assesjico. kicks all y'all's assesjico. kicks all y'all's assesjico. kicks all y'all's assesjico. kicks all y'all's assesjico. kicks all y'all's asses
hehe, i do the same thing with cd's that i no longer want. first i make offers to my friends and then i put rest on a portuguese site similar to ebay... anf yeah i also have stupid stories... people that take too long to pay, people that dont pay... etc etc...

i dont have an ebay account though... i ask a friend of mine to buy me stuff on ebay, and yes he also had a bad experience....
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Old 04.16.2007, 07:46 AM   #22
invito al cielo
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MellySingsDoom kicks all y'all's assesMellySingsDoom kicks all y'all's assesMellySingsDoom kicks all y'all's assesMellySingsDoom kicks all y'all's assesMellySingsDoom kicks all y'all's assesMellySingsDoom kicks all y'all's assesMellySingsDoom kicks all y'all's assesMellySingsDoom kicks all y'all's assesMellySingsDoom kicks all y'all's assesMellySingsDoom kicks all y'all's assesMellySingsDoom kicks all y'all's asses
I got ripped off once for the tune of £130. The so-called seller was a fucking weasel. If I ever find out where he lives, he'll be getting an anonymous and very special "present" through the post...
Snow on Easter Sunday - Jesus Christ in reverse.
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Old 04.16.2007, 07:50 AM   #23
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ha, noobs....i have over 400 succesful transactions, and a rating of 381...100%...only had one guy who screwed me out of $30...ive had a few people who didn't pay, but ive always gotten my seller fees back, and then have gone on to sold the item for more the next time...
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Old 04.16.2007, 10:11 AM   #24
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!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Meh I don't even care. They still took more than a week till they post marked.

youre just rationalizing your reprehensible actions.

Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Oh yes and I was going to send the stuff to my friend. So calling it even would be calling it off.

i thought you were gloating about sending him back a money order he can't cash. you could have treated him like a person instead.

Originally Posted by davenotdead
ha, noobs....i have over 400 succesful transactions, and a rating of 381...100%...only had one guy who screwed me out of $30...ive had a few people who didn't pay, but ive always gotten my seller fees back, and then have gone on to sold the item for more the next time...

and your point is...?
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