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Old 05.25.2007, 06:35 AM   #21
invito al cielo
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_slavo_ kicks all y'all's asses_slavo_ kicks all y'all's asses_slavo_ kicks all y'all's asses_slavo_ kicks all y'all's asses_slavo_ kicks all y'all's asses_slavo_ kicks all y'all's asses_slavo_ kicks all y'all's asses_slavo_ kicks all y'all's asses_slavo_ kicks all y'all's asses_slavo_ kicks all y'all's asses_slavo_ kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by Neongod
I have a 10 inch penis.

Since this thread is for bragging and making others feel left out, that's about all I have to contribute at the moment.


you're the boy

that can enjoy
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Old 05.25.2007, 02:00 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by _slavo_
25.8. Prague (Czech Republic)

you lucky one!

prosimta, povedz ze poznas niekoho kto to nahraje. vies o nejakom dobrom ceskom hudobnom fore, kde by som relativne mohol najst taperov?
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Old 05.25.2007, 04:16 PM   #23
expwy. to yr skull
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only seeing them once this year.

my record for most shows in the shortest time is seeing them 4 times in
3 days in '06. (philly, both early and late shows in dc, and the XM radio
gig in DC)
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Old 05.25.2007, 04:22 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by jennthebenn
only seeing them once this year.

my record for most shows in the shortest time is seeing them 4 times in
3 days in '06. (philly, both early and late shows in dc, and the XM radio
gig in DC)

well why not mention that you saw 3 in DC in those in 24 hours, so modest
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Old 05.25.2007, 04:26 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by pantophobia
well why not mention that you saw 3 in DC in those in 24 hours, so modest

if i wanted to go that way...doors for the first show at the 9:30 club at
6:30. saw two shows there. the XM radio gig the next day started at 5 PM.
so yeah, 3 shows in a little under 24 hours.

go banana!
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