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Old 12.04.2007, 10:09 AM   #41
invito al cielo
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break out niacin, excercise, sweat it out, drink beer (not to help with the test but to substittute the grass)
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Old 12.04.2007, 04:57 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
Seems she cannot remember my deleted post all that well.

In that deleted post, I wrote specifically that even one drop of bleach from an eyedropper is too much bleach. And that it will indeed fuck up the test and bring an inconclusive result.

Didn't you read that this is a test they are purchasing themselves?

Why would they want to fuck up the test?

What would be the point in that?

I know how to beat tests. I've beaten them.
I've beaten supervised tests where one screw-up meant a possible penalty of confinement.

And the method I know should be easy to do if the test isn't supervised.

Although, I think anyone that doesn't know how to beat a test probably has no business in doing drugs in the first place and thus I've removed all traces of the simple procedure from this thread.
never mind the fact that i was talking in general and not on a home test, NOR was i referring to your deleted post, which i never saw to begin with. i don't really give a shit about being able to pass or beat it or whatever the fuck because i have no need to.
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Old 12.04.2007, 06:14 PM   #43
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haha dude already ahead of you with that.

Originally Posted by batreleaser
break out niacin, excercise, sweat it out, drink beer (not to help with the test but to substittute the grass)
on your mark,
get set,
shut the fuck up
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Old 12.04.2007, 06:16 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
take an eyedropper full of bleach in with you when you piss and put some in there. that way if it comes back as "uncertain" or whatever (it may or may not), that will at least give you some time to detox before they test you again.

yeah, I read somewhere, someone said drink bleach, ahahah what an idiot, now I see what they really ment. But thanks! sounds good to me.
on your mark,
get set,
shut the fuck up
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Old 12.04.2007, 10:33 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by lizzarddd
yeah, I read somewhere, someone said drink bleach, ahahah what an idiot, now I see what they really ment. But thanks! sounds good to me.
no, read the last post i made in this thread/refer to what atari said:
there's no reason to use bleach to dilute a home drug test. nevermind the fact that you're giving your mom a stick you peed on for christmas, it will come back inconclusive which is not what your intention was to show your mom. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.
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Old 12.05.2007, 03:00 PM   #46
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yes ma'am.
on your mark,
get set,
shut the fuck up
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Old 12.05.2007, 05:57 PM   #47
atari 2600
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First off, I apologize for my foolishness with Cantankerous.

Secondly, there is every reason to use bleach, but even one drop from an eyedropper is far too much.
And one should never consume any amount of bleach orally, which should need no explanation.

And finally, I already described how to use the bleach, but have deleted the post and choose at this time to not reveal anything further.
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Old 12.05.2007, 09:38 PM   #48
invito al cielo
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Originally Posted by lizzarddd
yes ma'am.
oh good, you're not going to be insubordinate!

i'm pretty sure (regarding the bleach) that it should be diluted or i heard somewhere to dip your fingers in bleach and piss on them over the cup. and i hear there are some nasty side effects from niacin which can be avoided by taking niacimide instead.
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