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Old 12.19.2007, 10:20 AM   #41
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HaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's assesHaydenAsche kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by tesla69
Stated perfectly...you have to wonder, do they just have weak taste in music or is it a conscious decisison to be mediocre?

I bet they eat a lot of hot pockets.

I agree with both of you. Pitchfork is safe predicatable bullshit. I don't think they have a taste in music really. They choose what's 'hip' or 'so un-hip it's hip' music. The music of every tweed-wearing pseudo intellectual college kid across the nation.
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Old 12.19.2007, 10:37 AM   #42
atari 2600
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Originally Posted by tesla69
Stated perfectly...you have to wonder, do they just have weak taste in music or is it a conscious decisison to be mediocre?

I bet they eat a lot of hot pockets.

It's a conscious decision to stay branded as Pitchfork -- the online music magazine.

Still, I have to agree also with Torn Curtain to an extent too though. One may often disagree with a particular subjective reviewer, but if Pitchfork truly completely and wholly sucked, they wouldn't have been able to grow the business the way they have. They certainly suck at times though, so I 'get' that meaning as well.

I feel that as Pitchfork attempts to embrace larger markets and still try to retain their core, the result is, yes, a somewhat cheapened intellectual product of information.
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