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Old 05.11.2008, 07:23 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Glice
I remember them from the days when 'post-rock' was a term interchangable with (and less popular than) 'space-rock', all those early-to-mid-90s bands that followed in the wake of Spacemen 3.

I got confused between Amp, A.M.P. 30 Amp fuse and the Amps, all of whom were active in a similar field at the same time.

I've just fished out a transparent blue vinyl 12" that I like and it turns out I'm thinking of A.M.P., who I haven't listened to this century and are pretty darn good.

This post reminded me of the glory days of Chinatown's finest record shop called 'Steve's Sounds'' when records were all thrown together in boxes and you'd come across 30 Amp fuse promos and get all confused because of so many bands with similar names. Weren't The Amps a Kim Deal band? I don't remember them being that good.
Old 05.11.2008, 02:13 PM   #22
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A quick inter-recce suggests that A.M.P. and Amp are the same; The Amps were a 'Kim' Deal; 30 amp fuse were rubbish and there's a Korean band called the Amps.

Exciting stuff, oh yes.
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Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 05.11.2008, 02:21 PM   #23
Toilet & Bowels
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Originally Posted by Glice
and there's a Korean band called the Amps.

whose members are probably all called kim too.

topical and racist.
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