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Old 05.29.2007, 08:57 AM   #1
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Ummmm...Noise Idol. Like Pop Idol but with a 'noise' band. Frightening.
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Old 05.29.2007, 09:13 AM   #2
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Oh, no sound? Wait till you hear the skinny guy speak. Talk about an annoying prick! No idea who the people are but they are Austalian.
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Old 05.29.2007, 09:16 AM   #3
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these noise bands are better, and they make funnier videos.

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Old 05.29.2007, 09:31 AM   #4
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that's amazing.

blows my mind almost as much as "TMHT" (teenage mutant hardcore turtles)

or tv-links

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Old 05.29.2007, 01:37 PM   #5
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That skinny twat has clearly taken the John Lydon course on how to be a prick in interviews, but missed the lessons on being amusing/ cutting/ a worthwhile human.

"4/4 is over", apparently. Prick.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 11.18.2008, 04:41 PM   #6
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This video made me hate humanity even more.
Old 11.18.2008, 04:45 PM   #7
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and this convinced me to give humanity one more chance
Old 11.18.2008, 05:22 PM   #8
Toilet & Bowels
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i wanna marry that bitch
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Old 11.18.2008, 06:07 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
and this convinced me to give humanity one more chance

holy fuck, if I was at this show I woudl ask for a couch and some slippers

what's the appeal?

I miss when the kids got their aggression out through rock....

I also miss songs that had more than one change in them.
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Old 11.18.2008, 06:20 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

I miss when the kids got their aggression out through rock....

they all go to they might be giants reunion shows, now.
Old 11.18.2008, 07:25 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

I miss when the kids got their aggression out through rock....

When i re-read what you wrote up there i laughed even more because there are so many kids rocking out especially in your part of the world right now, and here's rob instigator, the dude to end all rocking dudes, missing the time (over 20 years ago, remember) when dinosaur jr took to the stage for the first time, and all those people. Maybe you are just getting too old, too fast. PLENTY OF AGGRESSION THROUGH ROCK OUT THERE, MAAAAAN!!!
Old 11.18.2008, 10:07 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Iain

Ummmm...Noise Idol. Like Pop Idol but with a 'noise' band. Frightening.

I actually thought it was pretty funny...like Spinal Tap for the Wolf Eyes crowd...
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Old 11.19.2008, 01:58 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I miss when the kids got their aggression out through rock....

Isn't that a bit like hearing a heavy metal song and complaining that music doesn't swing any more? Music that was never intended for rocking does not need to rock.
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Old 11.19.2008, 02:24 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Glice
That skinny twat has clearly taken the John Lydon course on how to be a prick in interviews, but missed the lessons on being amusing/ cutting/ a worthwhile human.

"4/4 is over", apparently. Prick.
Classic glice
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Old 11.19.2008, 02:47 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by hat and bread
Isn't that a bit like hearing a heavy metal song and complaining that music doesn't swing any more? Music that was never intended for rocking does not need to rock.
Quoted for double effect.
Old 11.19.2008, 03:32 AM   #16
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Despite the fact that I like Romero's first two zombie movies, I don't understand people who think his social commentary is brilliant or even entertaining.

"Noise Idol" reminds me of this.
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Old 11.26.2008, 12:43 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Iain

Ummmm...Noise Idol. Like Pop Idol but with a 'noise' band. Frightening.

That guy in the blue shirt. He's amazing. His ability to express utter cuntishness with every word and action is something I doubt I'll see the like of very often. Quite incredible.
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