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Old 11.27.2006, 02:00 PM   #1
Vodka Goblin
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hey gess wot, oh no dont bovver cos yule nevver gess ryte, well unles yu red the thread tytel an all enniway THE GOBLIN'S NEW BAND AR GONNA PLAY A GIG YEH HA HA FUK RYTE well yu kno lyke i sing the deth mettal karaowke at the red dragon inn lyke this ryte AUGHHH WAUGHHH WRAUGHHHHHHHH ded gud yeh wel enniway me an me mayt jaffi 'the professer' an me mayt globbi an me mayt flikka {flikka iz a girl by the way cos goblins arnt seksist at all yeh] were tryin to fink ov nu ways to piss off the elves ryte an so jaffi 'the professer' sed "hey LETS START A BAND an stuf' so we did cos globbi can growl ded wel, jaffi can play this thing he mayks with a box an sum elastic band cos he ded clevver lyke that, flikka can shayk those things with rice insyde an i lyke to hit things wiv stiks so i'm the drummer an bakkin synger enniway its owr first gig tonyte HEY GOBLIN WOT'S THE BAND BEIN CALLED AN WERE'S THE FIRST GIG AN ALL CAN WE CUM hey dont worry i'm gonna tell yu all abowt it ryte we're called THE ELFICIDES witch is lyke a tribuyte to THE DEICIDES hoo ar me favryts as yu all kno an THE ELFICIDES meens lyke the elf killers aparrantlie so thats wel kool an sorri yu can't cum unless yu got a majik portal to get to my werld an all sorri abowt that y'kno so i kno wots nekst yeh WEN AN WERE'S THE FUKKIN GIG THEN wel thats the jeenius bit ryte were gonna play in the middel ov the nyte yeh an we're gonna mayk as mutch noyse as we can at the gig witch will be RYTE OWTSIDE THE CHEEF ELF'S HOWSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeh ryte wer all the elves live THAT'S FUKKIN KOOL YEH they'll be so pissed at the goblins that theyll go all fukkin red in the fayse an start skreemin at us witch is ded funni cos we don't kare so the gig'll last abowt therti sekonds probli witch meens we'll get abowt fore or fyve songs in befor we hav to quit cos owr songs ar all ded noysi an short an abowt killin elves, eksept wen we want varyeties wen we sing abowt killin gnomes an then we hav a killer song to end wiv witch is abowt KILLIN ELVES AND GNOMES AT THE SAYM TIME they all happi songs y'kno for the gud tyme HEY THE GOBLINS BEEN GOIN ON FOR AGES AN WE GOT TO PRAKTIS FOR TONIGHT yeh got to practice runnin from the daft fukkin elves an the stoopid gnome police wen they heer us playin n evryfin n evryfin ha ha ha ha see yu all later yeh eh.
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Old 11.27.2006, 02:05 PM   #2
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I love the ones with Jaffi in them. What type of noise does the elastic band box make? I'm sure the cheif elf will have quite the surprise waiting at his door, let me know how it goes!
"I'm pickin her up from the airport around 5" - Crypto (rep)
"I just finished a veggie sandwich" - !@#$%! (rep)
"Oh Lord God of Vengenance please HELP" - Slavo (rep)
"So you're a fan of the Texan bald man?" - Emmah(rep)
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Old 11.28.2006, 03:11 AM   #3
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thats wicked.
id swap my atp ticket for a ticket to grundle village to see the elefecides.
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Old 11.28.2006, 12:20 PM   #4
atari 2600
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Let me get this straight. !@#$%! complains about my posts being too long to read, and yet he thinks this assclown shithead is an "internet comedy machine" and the cat's pajamas?

I can't read more than two lines of anything that Vodka Goblin posts.

What kind of a topsy-turvy world do we live in, where heroes are cast as villains?
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Old 11.28.2006, 01:03 PM   #5
The Lung
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So... who gives a shit if you can't read his posts? They're funny, he obviously doesn't spend everyday on the forums creating multiple accounts to give himself head or whatever the fuck you call it. Vodka Goblin's stories are legend and I'm sure he has a great life beyond the internet killing elfs an all.
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Old 11.28.2006, 01:04 PM   #6
Danny Himself
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Well, it's obvious to see these posts are a little more than tongue-in-cheek.
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Old 11.28.2006, 02:22 PM   #7
atari 2600
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You know, it's people like yourselves that brought the words "wallow" and "ignorance" together.

You are real benfactors, simply tremendous in all of your varied endeavors; my hat's off to ya.
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Old 12.30.2008, 12:01 AM   #8
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hahaha atari hates vodka goblin. repped!
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