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Old 02.21.2009, 06:11 AM   #41
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I don't have a "favorite" dream, but I do have a really fucked up one:


Take a read at that, I promise you'll be freaked the fuck out.
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Old 02.21.2009, 06:56 AM   #42
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today i had a weird dream that started prety nice but ended pretty badly... i dreamt i had an elephant who then got a baby elephant, she was standing in this public place next to the river close to my house, there was some grass there, and old railroad tracks. me and my friend were building a tiny house for our baby elephant, since someone told us he needed a small space with a tiny car and a tv.

the baby elephant got really big really fast, but he looked a bit weird: his head was way too large (compared to normal elephants) it was still fun though, and many people came to see the elephant.

this is where things started to go bad: there was a massive crowd looking at the elephant when suddenly a train went over the old tracks, people started running away and three were killed. while the rest of the crowd was leaving the scene (no more elephants to be seen) a lady on a big screen at the entrance of a tunnel was telling us not to look at the bodies. people were crying and all, it was pretty fucked up.

i did like the elephant though.


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Old 02.21.2009, 09:53 AM   #43
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Last week I was taking part in a military coup in Columbia. Then the next night I was in a record store trying to trade in some Billy Bragg bootlegs that I had swiped from my flatmate, but the guy wouldn't give me anything for them because they were scratched to fuck.
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Old 02.22.2009, 03:25 AM   #44
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I met Dan Graham and Carlos van Hijfte in a supermarket last night.
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Old 02.22.2009, 04:20 AM   #45
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I explained to someone why "The Real Slim Shady" is a lyrically impressive song.

Yeah, it was the lamest dream I've ever had.
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Old 02.22.2009, 08:28 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
flying dreams are my favourite.

a psychic once told me that if you dream you are flying it means you can control your spirit&body at the same time.

&even though i think most psychics are bullshit, i think thats a pretty interesting way of looking at it. if you believe in eastern-esque concepts (like the spirituality of yoga.)
which i do.
ze space.

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Old 02.22.2009, 04:01 PM   #47
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I think dreams have meaning, but not arbitrary connections without the context of the person, like "_____ always means ______." Although I do think it's interesting, and the connections they make are worth looking at alone, regardless of how it actually relates to dreams.
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Old 02.22.2009, 05:07 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by acousticrock87
I think dreams have meaning, but not arbitrary connections without the context of the person, like "_____ always means ______."

i agree and disagree with that. things like dream dictionaries are used as guides. people who analyze their dreams are kind of like people who take those online quizzes all the time ("omg how prepy r u!1!!") Thats kind of a bad analogy because your subconscious is so much more important than that stereotyping b.s.

but, uh, people who are really confused about themselves and how they fit in social situations take those quizzes. and people who are really confused about their subconscious and how external factors affect them analyze dreams.

For example. A few months ago I started talking to an exboyfriend and it seemed like we were getting back together. and then I dreamt that a scorpion crawled out of his body and I tried to kill it but it wouldnt die. I looked up 'scorpion' on dreamdictionary.com and it symbolized self-destructive behavior. &getting back with him was pretty self-destructive in retrospect.

but, also, in a different dream i dreamt about this little kid pissing his pants.. and i forget what it meant when i looked it up but it meant something that I was not experiencing in my life at that point.

So, i think as long as youre not gullible dream dictionaries can be great.

&their are certain theories about dreams... like the whole 'water is considered maternal' (which goes back to feelings in the womb.) that really do apply to everyone because being in the womb is an experience that every person can relate to.
ze space.

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Old 02.22.2009, 05:11 PM   #49
Sheriff Rhys Chatham
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Ones that involve crazy sex.
Like the one I had th e other night.
Likely influenced by the party I was at where I fell asleep.
[had to get fucked one way or an other I guess]
My Music(grunge rock)

A part of this blue shit since June 24th, 2004
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Old 02.27.2009, 06:34 PM   #50
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Last night I dreamt I was Mohammed.

Seriously, Mohammed. Of Islam fame. There's something not right there, I tell you.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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