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Old 07.27.2009, 01:01 PM   #21
silverfreepress (sdasher)
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silverfreepress (sdasher) kicks all y'all's assessilverfreepress (sdasher) kicks all y'all's assessilverfreepress (sdasher) kicks all y'all's assessilverfreepress (sdasher) kicks all y'all's assessilverfreepress (sdasher) kicks all y'all's assessilverfreepress (sdasher) kicks all y'all's assessilverfreepress (sdasher) kicks all y'all's assessilverfreepress (sdasher) kicks all y'all's assessilverfreepress (sdasher) kicks all y'all's assessilverfreepress (sdasher) kicks all y'all's assessilverfreepress (sdasher) kicks all y'all's asses
I think the Sister LP works great as a post The Eternal experience. The drums sound awesome and if you've seen some shows this summer you've already been sprayed with a dose of live Sister. It even has some shared vocals if that's what turned on the listener from the new joint. Sister is gold.
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Old 07.27.2009, 01:51 PM   #22
invito al cielo
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SONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by silverfreepress (sdasher)
My sentiments exactly.
Old 07.27.2009, 03:20 PM   #23
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freak side - Bad Moon Rising or Sonic Death
pop side - EJSTNS or Dirty
Old 07.27.2009, 03:45 PM   #24
Rob Instigator
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Rob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's asses
i have been listening to the eternal over and over again
I love it
RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read.
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Old 07.27.2009, 04:07 PM   #25
al shabbray
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its definately one of their more accessible ones, without being one of the straighter ones.
with a lil bit of luck it will open up your mind for the strange sides too, and you will discover a whole new world of music.
give it a try, even if this wont happen its still one of the greatest pieces of music ever made.
Old 07.27.2009, 04:09 PM   #26
al shabbray
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
i have been listening to the eternal over and over again
I love it

same for me, its like falling in love again. honeymooning for the second time with the long loved wife.
Old 07.27.2009, 05:58 PM   #27
the end of the ugly
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You might as well go with Rather Ripped next and work your way to the EP. I think that would be neat to start at a band's newest release and slowly dig through the years.

I'm not the greatest Rather Ripped fan, but after hearing The Eternal I think I understand it better. Give it a shot.
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