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Old 01.27.2010, 12:11 PM   #41
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fUck....all this talk about debt is making me nervous. I've been on the jobhunt for like a month and I have 1 CC bill and a phone bill coming up within the next week....
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Old 01.27.2010, 12:17 PM   #42
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Gail, it happens to the best of us. No matter how smart one can be about having a relationship with a bank. The bank will always always always fuck you. I just got a job that wanted me to get everything direct deposited into a bank account. I haven't dealt with banks in a few years and had to turn down the job. I will not work to have my money stolen by banks.

Sorry to hear about the impound lot fees but I will say that's not that bad for a few days in the lot.
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Old 01.27.2010, 12:23 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Nefeli
on personal account, i m soo miserable at work. when i say to my mom and i know im unfair to her, that my job is worthless, its air, that i dont offer anything to society, she doesnt agree but she hasnt given me any good argument to back this up.
and now the prospect of going back to work at a bank, makes me puke.
i had made promise to myself not to go back, only if i really had to.
my job there was credit analyst, which idea is again good, but i saw so much greed and corruption and bad quality of people, that it completely broke my spirit. no need to mention that the disease that is called greed, is 10 times more in my current occupation.
i know that my way of thinking isnt helping. and who knows, maybe at any job, i wouldnt be satisfied, but then who is? apart from that, the above are facts.


i've always wondered about this, your very underground tastes & peculiar mind mismatched with your very square career situation-- not as a judgment or condemnation but as the perception of an intrinsically contradictory situation that is bound to become untenable at some point-- and while the money is good i'm sure, there's the short-circuiting of the brain's wires when your "soul" is in one place and your ass on a chair elsewhere. i've been there and chose the path of dereliction and destitution-- it hasn't been too bad so far, once i learned i could live happily with only 2 pairs of pants, ha ha ha ha...

however, here's a non-extremist alternative for you-- i don't know if this would work, mind you, it's just an idea. do you have credit unions/cooperatives where you live? because while these institutions operate the same as banks, providing financial safety and liquidity to their customers, they have a very different set of values that might be more aligned with what you want/like. plus the public-good types working there might be more to your liking than the classic mediterranean yuppie type. i'm not saying it would not be without drawbacks-- there's shit everywhere one goes, thats life on earth-- but it might be more satisfying and rewarding to you is what i'm saying. there are other types of companies as well, funds that invest in socially responsible companies and the like... look around, look around, and if that doesn't yet exist where you live and you have some entrepreneurial instincts maybe you could start one....

anyway, just an idea-- i'm of the mind that nobody should have to live trapped in a horrorshow situation forever and that faustian bargains eventually come back to bite us in the ass. best wishes...
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Old 01.27.2010, 12:32 PM   #44
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i felt the same way with my previous job, it went against everything i believe. and even tho it was financial suicide (well, so far), i feel much better since ive left.
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