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Old 04.14.2010, 01:52 PM   #1
invito al cielo
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What'd y'all think of the premiere? I thought it was cool enough but still left me a bit cold. But then again that's how I felt when I first saw the Wire. I think this will take watching the entire series to really appreciate. Great acting, great cinematography, great Wendell Pierce, I think this could be special. David Simon has to be one of the best writers in any medium these days.

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Old 04.14.2010, 02:23 PM   #2
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I'm really intrigued to see this. the trailers make it look really awful and the whole new orleans thing could so end up being really cliched. but the fact david simon has done it makes me really curious. I agree, he's so far ahead of anyone writing stuff either for tv or even the movies right now, it's not even funny. The guys on another level. I so wish he'd start writing movies. I'd love to see him do something really epic with some top-grade director. The thought of a David Simon/Michael Mann collaboration. Christ, The Wire meets Heat. I've given myself an erection just contemplating it.

Interesting to see how he deals with the whole katrina thing. i'm a bit worried that it might be still a bit too sensitive a matter for him to doing anything too edgy - and that's certainly how it feels from the trailers, but i'm intrigued ultimately because if anyone is gonna be able to do anything interesting with that kind of subject, it's him.
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Old 04.14.2010, 02:56 PM   #3
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Trust me, it's edgy. You figure the Wire is talking about things going on in that city RIGHT NOW, and the city supported that show fully. John Goodman has some amazing rants. Check it out.

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Old 04.14.2010, 03:00 PM   #4
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One of my professors told me that the best journalism is poetic. David Simon's television writing has proved to be just that.

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Old 04.14.2010, 03:11 PM   #5
the end of the ugly
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Liked the first one, but as you say, it's early days and they were just introducing the cast really. Thought the DJ guy was a bit cliched, but some of the others have a lot of potential. It's gonna take a while not to just see Wendell Pierce as "Bunk + trombone" though...
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Old 04.16.2010, 12:21 AM   #6
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John Goodman is looking unhealthily larger. His character, if anybodies so far feels a little out of place and forced into the script. Not that the story can't use a protagonist, but for him, in this role, it just feels opportunistic and over the top.... probably just me.

I thought it would be, but it's not as cliche'd as I thought it'd be. It's not exaggerated, but for the most part, the wards they cover are riddled with gang violence and drugs... in other words, the nightly murders.

A lot of the musicians are legitimate resident musicians and what you see is what you get, so there's legitimacy there.

my brother met Steve Zahn about a month ago I guess. They film at a restaurant directly across the street from where he works and he said they just hang out front all day watching them film outside. At first they didn't know what they were doing until they started hearing Zahn yell and his voice is unmistakable. He said the crew are forever telling them to get out of the shot and don't allow them to park their cars in their driveway that they have otherwise always parked in. I'd have a hard time not telling them to fuck off..... but they abide.

but.... basically, it's just another soap opera, but worth while. I'd like to say I can do without watching, but seems HBO is intent on cramming it down customers throats... so I'm bound.


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