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Old 08.11.2006, 09:01 PM   #21
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I already posted this in another section, but and some other guys hung round out the back of the enmore in sydney a couple weeks ago and met them all. Got a ticket stub signed, got a hug from Lee and a photo taken with Lee, but the tour manager (?) took the photo so I don't have copy. i would die for a copy of that photo...
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Old 08.11.2006, 09:06 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
You didn't meet them at Little Radio?

I talked to Lee and Steve there and got a picture with Steve. I got crappy autographs because of a crappy pen...


Yeah...it was hot at little radio...

just because you're wearing that shirt, i think i'm going to have to change my mind in T&B's "murder" thread.
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Old 08.12.2006, 04:26 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Kegmama
Told my story too many times too, but since you asked...

El Rey Theater, Los Angeles CA 08/25/02- Was lucky enough to get backstage after an amazing show. First I met the girls from Quixotic, they had opened and were quite good. Then I was led upstairs into a dressing room type area where I first met Thurston, holy fuck is he hott. He signed my ticket stub and gave me one of those arm around the shoulder handshake type hugs. I almost died. He was so cool, kind and funny as hell. He proceeded to entertain the tiny room, filled mostly with friends from LA, with 'Year Punk Broke' style rants talking about everything from politics to the current music scene, or lack there of. Jim then came in and stood by us and I told him how much ass he kicked that night. He also signed my tix stub. He proceeded to talk to us for about a half an hour. We talked about poetry, Wilco, Gastr Del Sol, local art museums and SY. He was so cute, humble, shy and down to earth. He even got me a bottle of water from their supply (which I still have!) Kim then came out from a smaller room, having changed after the show, she was the most intimidating, hard core, amazing woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. There was just this aura around her that I can not explain. Jim actually introduced me to her, she signed a cocktail napkin for me and was cool too. Unfortunately, I did not get to meet Steve and Lee that night. They had disappeared...

My friend Trena and I backstage that night, happy as hell. (Again, I'm the one w/the blue toes)





Part Two:
Jimmy Kimmel show, Los Angeles CA 07/11/06- Having not gotten to meet Steve & Lee before- I was on a mission. After the taping and before the Virgin record store signing, I finally got to meet & greet. It was brief and I was unprepared since the Kimmel show would not let us have cameras and shit. But I met Lee & Steve, shook their hands, told them how much what they did means to us. They also knew me from the board which I still don't know if that's really cool, or quite pathetic. But, they too were the most humble, kind, kick ass guys ever. Going to shows rocks, but meeting your idols rocks harder.

that was cool thanks for telling it again. worth it alone just to see Kim's autograph. i'm a huge Free Kitten fan so thats especially rad. Jim's drawing was very cool to see also of course.

i dont understand the pathetic thing though. this forum is awesome. i mean, how in the world could it not be? official board for one of the top ten contenders for greatest band of all time!
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Old 08.12.2006, 05:11 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Alex's Trip

Cool picture Alex. Nice one!
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Old 08.08.2008, 02:31 PM   #25
al shabbray
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Ive posted my story on the old board I think.
but I think it was 2002 or 2003 and I was hanging out at the podewil where text of light should perform later that day. the podewil is a nice little museum of modern art where an exhibition were going about sound and sculptres. nice installations and everything was really interesting. ToL were fitting pretty nice in the concept. while looking around I noticed lee and one of the podewil-guys walking by. I kinda was stunned. but he disappeared quickly. after going into the audition "room" which got space for 160 people I needed to pee before ToL were beginning, I walked out and there was lee sitting on a sofa and smoking. My heart was pumping like hell and I thought that if I wouldnt talk to him in any way I would bite my ass for the rest of my life. so I lighted up a cigarette and said hi, we talked for about 10 minutes or so about soundgear. especially about ring mods (where I was really interested these days) and he told that its pretty easy to build them by yourself but that if I can afford it that a moogerfooger would be ace. afterwards I asked him if he would paint me a picture (instead of an autograph), he was joking that painting a picture would be last too long but that he could draw me one, and he also signed it. the ToL gig was awesome too. after a few weeks I bought a moogerfooger ring mod and still loving it. one of these days Ill never forget. yes it rocks meeting your "idols"
Old 08.08.2008, 02:37 PM   #26
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I was drinking gin and tonics, and saw T's head towering over the crowd... I ran thru the crowd, and went up to him and asked if I could give him a hug. He said "oh yeah, sure." He bent down and hugged me. It was awesome.
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Old 08.08.2008, 02:42 PM   #27
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Thurston seemed in good spirits, but there were a ton of people talking to him, so I didn't want to bother him too much and just said, "Great show" or something. Kim and Lee were talking to the same person and Kim seemed preoccupied with the conversation, but Lee was ridiculously nice. Steve left early, and I didn't get to meet him.

Lee is the only one I got to "meet" long enough to judge, and I came to the conclusion that he's a genuinely awesome person.

Actually, this was all at the same show Alex's picture was taken. Weird.
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Old 08.08.2008, 03:03 PM   #28
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After being stranded outside a show that I could not get into, Lee came outside either after the show or to get something real fast, saw me and asked if I couldn't get into the show, I told him yeah and he apologized and while he felt bad for me he gave me a copy of their (at teh time) new album rather ripped and said he knew it couldn't make up for not being inside seeing them but "hey, its somethin" then he had to go back in.
What an awesome guy.
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Old 08.08.2008, 03:35 PM   #29
al shabbray
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Originally Posted by viewtiful_alan
After being stranded outside a show that I could not get into, Lee came outside either after the show or to get something real fast, saw me and asked if I couldn't get into the show, I told him yeah and he apologized and while he felt bad for me he gave me a copy of their (at teh time) new album rather ripped and said he knew it couldn't make up for not being inside seeing them but "hey, its somethin" then he had to go back in.
What an awesome guy.

yep definately he is one of the nicest guys Ive ever met. expecially to absolutely unknown people
Old 08.08.2008, 03:39 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Kegmama
Told my story too many times too, but since you asked...

El Rey Theater, Los Angeles CA 08/25/02- Was lucky enough to get backstage after an amazing show. First I met the girls from Quixotic, they had opened and were quite good. Then I was led upstairs into a dressing room type area where I first met Thurston, holy fuck is he hott. He signed my ticket stub and gave me one of those arm around the shoulder handshake type hugs. I almost died. He was so cool, kind and funny as hell. He proceeded to entertain the tiny room, filled mostly with friends from LA, with 'Year Punk Broke' style rants talking about everything from politics to the current music scene, or lack there of. Jim then came in and stood by us and I told him how much ass he kicked that night. He also signed my tix stub. He proceeded to talk to us for about a half an hour. We talked about poetry, Wilco, Gastr Del Sol, local art museums and SY. He was so cute, humble, shy and down to earth. He even got me a bottle of water from their supply (which I still have!) Kim then came out from a smaller room, having changed after the show, she was the most intimidating, hard core, amazing woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. There was just this aura around her that I can not explain. Jim actually introduced me to her, she signed a cocktail napkin for me and was cool too. Unfortunately, I did not get to meet Steve and Lee that night. They had disappeared...

i was at that show too!
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Old 08.08.2008, 04:46 PM   #31
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Um, I met Thurston last week. At his book signing at Strand. I didn't actually say anything to him other then "Hi" "Can you sign this too, please?" and "Thank you", but it was AWESOME. And he wrote my name with an anarchy symbol as the last A. And I didn't start shaking until I walked away!

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Old 08.08.2008, 05:00 PM   #32
al shabbray
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Originally Posted by Ripchord
Um, I met Thurston last week. At his book signing at Strand. I didn't actually say anything to him other then "Hi" "Can you sign this too, please?" and "Thank you", but it was AWESOME. And he wrote my name with an anarchy symbol as the last A. And I didn't start shaking until I walked away!

was that the signing after the interviewing/speaking botu no wave which is on youtube?
I listen to it for the last 3 days while sleeping away...think thurston would be a good fairy tail grandpa too
Old 08.08.2008, 06:36 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by al shabbray
was that the signing after the interviewing/speaking botu no wave which is on youtube?
I listen to it for the last 3 days while sleeping away...think thurston would be a good fairy tail grandpa too
I was horribly bored the entire time. But the woman sitting next to me left 10 minutes in so at least I got a seat...

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Old 08.09.2008, 04:29 AM   #34
al shabbray
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Originally Posted by Ripchord
I was horribly bored the entire time. But the woman sitting next to me left 10 minutes in so at least I got a seat...

hahaha, I meant this in a positive way. its interesting, but if youve read goodbye, saw kill your idols recently its a lot lapping. so it gets boring pretty quick. but I like listening to thurstons calming voice
Old 08.09.2008, 08:31 AM   #35
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i went up to visit my highschool friends who go to umas amherst. we were determined to run into thurston or kim, so we drove around all day. finally we ran into thurston at a record store. he was buying some derek bailey vinyl. i started talkin to him about bailey, he invited me and my buddy back to his house for a toke and a jam session. obviously, we accepted. we were at his house, and got stoned off some delicious indoor northeastern grass. we then pl;ayed a psychedelic jam out for the ages. he invited kim upstairs, and even mascis came over. they told me i had some serious chops. a fantastic day.

ok, that never happened.accept for the part that i visited my friends at amhers.

listen to pink reason
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Old 08.09.2008, 09:33 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by batreleaser
i went up to visit my highschool friends who go to umas amherst. we were determined to run into thurston or kim, so we drove around all day. finally we ran into thurston at a record store. he was buying some derek bailey vinyl. i started talkin to him about bailey, he invited me and my buddy back to his house for a toke and a jam session. obviously, we accepted. we were at his house, and got stoned off some delicious indoor northeastern grass. we then pl;ayed a psychedelic jam out for the ages. he invited kim upstairs, and even mascis came over. they told me i had some serious chops. a fantastic day.

ok, that never happened.accept for the part that i visited my friends at amhers.

i nearly belived you aswell



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Old 08.09.2008, 10:42 AM   #37
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Wish I had my own story to share.

Some of these are incredible.
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Old 08.09.2008, 10:58 AM   #38
al shabbray
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we should start a poll which ones the best...
but I think the "not-trues" would win...
Old 08.09.2008, 11:30 AM   #39
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I saw SY in Toronto a few years back and I met Kim, Thurston and Lee... Steve ran away before I could say 'hello' to him. I was hanging around outside the venue and the band happened to pull up pretty close to me in a van. They were going in for their soundcheck. So I thought, 'what the hell? i'll probably never get another chance to talk to sonic youth!' and I went over and said 'hi' to Kim and Thurston.

Kim seemed kinda preoccupied and possibly annoyed that I was bugging her, but she did kindly sign my Daydream Nation cd jacket. Thurston was real cool, and friendly... and tall. I'm kinda short so the dude looked huge. Lee actually walked over to me when he saw me coming over. He was the most amiable of the bunch. He shook my hand and thanked me for coming to the show and stuff. Real nice guy. I saw Steve, but he slipped into the club before I could talk to him.

After the show, I spoke to Lee for a little while again. So yeah, that was a pretty cool experience. And now I have a signed DDN.
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Old 08.09.2008, 11:46 AM   #40
al shabbray
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seems that 2 conclusion could be made from this thread:
- lee is ALWAYS nice
- steve often runs away

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