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Old 02.09.2008, 03:39 AM   #1
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I know that Lee's recordings with Plus Instruments and Glenn Branca pre-SY are pretty widely available, either by download or on Branca's "The Ascension", but is there any other pre-SY stuff available? I'm thinking particularly of Fluks stuff, but anything else is acceptable

As an aside, has anyone looked at the Wikipedia entry on Lee (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Ranaldo)? The guy deserves something way more in-depth (and accurate!) than that! If I get time I may even start working on it myself.
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Old 02.09.2008, 06:14 AM   #2
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yeah, there's lots info missing. he deserves way more than that.

when is he going to use his moonlander, when?

can't wait for to hear his latest work. it would be great if his new stuff came with first batch of cds from Three Lobed, eventhough I doubt it.

I wouldn't know about his pre-SY stuff availability.

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Old 02.09.2008, 12:47 PM   #3
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i think there are no official stuff.

yes, here:
Speaking of your early days, are there any bootlegs floating around of recordings by your first band, Flucts? If there are any recordings out there, how would you feel about having them released?
Lee: No. There are no official recordings by the Flucts that are out there. I have a bunch of stuff. At one point there was talk of releasing a record similar to that Coachmen [Thurston Moore’s first band] record that Thurston did, we just never followed through on it. I think there’s a good single album’s worth of stuff to be released. We had a bunch of originals that were quite cool, very much in that New Wave style of the day. But there were definitely some really nice songs.

and yes, respect is due to someone like mr. ranaldo, his work and his way of living
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Old 02.09.2008, 03:24 PM   #4
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i seem to recall in an old interview lee stating his vocals for fluks sound like David Byrne...

i'd love to hear that band.
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