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Old 03.08.2008, 07:31 AM   #1
su x*
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I thought buying it was a mistake, i could not listen to any track but diamond sea.

but, at my eight 'if its so recommended, it shouldnt be so bad' listen, something clicked.

it felt like when i listened to DDN. i fell in bliss if we wanna exaggerate. it was a complete and constant experience. fucking-A.

and whoever had it, i now understand your tattoo.
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Old 03.08.2008, 11:32 AM   #2
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very good album. its weird, because the good tracks are incredible but the poorer tracks are just terrible...
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Old 03.08.2008, 03:53 PM   #3
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it's one of my least favourite records. sure there's some oustanding songs like the title track, but there's a few duds in there too. I rarely put it on.
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Old 03.08.2008, 07:03 PM   #4
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i think with sonic youth, you can't really jump from listening to one album to another right away. you have to be in a certain mood to genuinely listen and enjoy it all the way. well, for me anyway.
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Old 03.08.2008, 10:13 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by GrungeMonkey
very good album. its weird, because the good tracks are incredible but the poorer tracks are just terrible...
I'd agree with this.
As an album it's so-so, but the individual good tracks are amazing!
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Old 03.08.2008, 11:21 PM   #6
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I've never understood its bad reputation. Always loved it. There's really no SY album I'd call bad.
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Old 03.09.2008, 12:30 AM   #7
little trouble girl
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This is one of my favorite sy albums. There's just parts of this album where i here the things that were always in my head. Orgasmic in nature and wanting to kick a wall down. For me, this marked the new beginning of how I was to play music on my terms. This album never gets never gets old and gets me so pumped with its different soundscapes.
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Old 03.09.2008, 12:33 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by su x*
I thought buying it was a mistake, i could not listen to any track but diamond sea.

but, at my eight 'if its so recommended, it shouldnt be so bad' listen, something clicked.

it felt like when i listened to DDN. i fell in bliss if we wanna exaggerate. it was a complete and constant experience. fucking-A.

and whoever had it, i now understand your tattoo.

exact same story here. I thought it's horrible album back then (that time I knew only Goo and WM just came out). I did put it into stereo once again while killing time on student dormitory waiting for my friends to come. maybe my best ever listen experience. don't know why. such a great album.

Little Trouble Girl would be only song that I'd always skip, but other then that, whole album is ace.

pity I miss gig in Prague in '96, it had to be amzing to experience WM material live with Diamond Sea as an encore.

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Old 03.09.2008, 12:38 AM   #9
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I like little trouble girl for many reasons. One being the way the instruments are played and recorded. The vocals are so cool sounding. The song goes against most of the album sound wise etc etc. just my 2 cents for whta it's worth.
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Old 03.09.2008, 12:48 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by washedupmachine
I like little trouble girl for many reasons. One being the way the instruments are played and recorded. The vocals are so cool sounding. The song goes against most of the album sound wise etc etc. just my 2 cents for whta it's worth.

yeah, many people like it very much. but i just don't. for it's tempo, sound and feeling I'd say. then many people doesn't like Panty Lies and I think it's so cool, same No Queen Blues.

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Old 03.09.2008, 07:40 AM   #11
su x*
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Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
I'd agree with this.
As an album it's so-so, but the individual good tracks are amazing!
i only like it as an album, i dont think the tracks say much individually, exept for a couple.

but then again thats how i generally prefer listening to music
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Old 03.09.2008, 08:46 AM   #12
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its agreat album its a fantastic album. the shit songs are few and far between. little trouble girl is like the intermission in a really long film, thats when i go to the lobby to get myself some drinks.......

becuz- groovefest jam queen
junkies- nasty dark and yes
saucerlike- wonderful
washmach- jazztastic kimfest
unwind- beauty is everywhere
little trouble girl- obligatory toilet break
no queen- i dont give a fuck why the bullshit artist should shut up!
panty lies- quirky but of fun uun un un un un
skip tracer- lee is free again
diamond sea- is there any point in talking about this track again... its a gem, a tour of force. a shing beacon amongst an already well lit landscape. its the helicopter landing pad on a real impressive building....

i loved this album when it came out, probably because i felt sy had gone awayy from experimental jstand no star. that album was awful, lets not kid ourselves here, washing machine was a return to the sy we all love!

it would have been interesting to see what would have happened if sy did change their name to washing machine like they were gonna do for this album!

oh and dont forget my arena!! great track, should have been on album!
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Old 03.09.2008, 09:28 AM   #13
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im still yet the appreciate this album, i haven't given it enough listens, but i love panty lies, its so kewl.
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Old 03.09.2008, 10:03 AM   #14
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love it, all. it's a wonderful piece of great musicianship.
A Dance Of Shadows - Kingdom Of Night
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Old 03.09.2008, 11:50 AM   #15
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this album reminds me of late night strolls on the beach
summer of 2005, this is all I listened to
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Old 03.09.2008, 01:47 PM   #16
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I like this album a lot, mainly because of Lee's songs and also of course the Diamond Sea.
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Old 03.09.2008, 02:17 PM   #17
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If Kim didn't do any vocals on this album, it would be great.
Even T has some pretty crappy vocals on it... but No Queen Blues is awesome as hell.
Lee's songs win.
Diamond Sea is amazing.
Music is almost always fucking rad, but.. the vocals often fuck it up.....
sandwich klub 4 men.

Danny is a C.H.U.D.
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Old 03.09.2008, 03:01 PM   #18
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^ yeah, I pretty much completely agree with that.

I'm not too keen on Junkie's Promise, it always seemed very mundane to me.
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Old 03.09.2008, 04:15 PM   #19
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i would have put this album on my no-flaws list*. not one of my favorites personally. the weakest track i thought was no-queen, but that's just because of the repetitiveness.

*would have? i guess it's on there so "did".
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Old 03.09.2008, 07:33 PM   #20
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It's a good album. Has great individual songs like Junkie's Promise, Washing Machine, Unwind No Queen Blues (personal favourite) and of course, The Diamond Sea. But it also has some weak tracks like Becuz, Panty Lies or Little Troubled Girl.

I also think that it is one of the noisiest SY albums. Anyone?
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