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Reload this Page Dr. DeBakey, "in repose" at Houston's City Hall today
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Old 07.15.2008, 01:49 PM   #1
Rob Instigator
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I just went to City Hall at lunch to view Dr. DeBakey and pay last respects. They have his body resting "in repose" in Houston's city hall, under the copula, from 10:00AM to 7:00 PM. A full Marine honor guard is there standing next to the casket. No pictures allowed inside. He is outfitted in surgical gear.

Dr. DeBakey died a couple of days ago, age 99. Pioneering heart surgeon and scientist. Unbelievable life. A truly great human. Today's paper has a Letter to the Editor from Jerry Lewis, who was a patient of Dr. DeBakey's and also served on the Board of the Muscuar Dystrophy Association with him for 20 plus years.
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