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Old 09.14.2008, 04:03 PM   #1
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Old 09.14.2008, 05:01 PM   #2
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i am jealous. and now i want to bone that chick in the skirt

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Old 09.14.2008, 05:19 PM   #3
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thanks! hope I see LB again sometime soon. a band which make me jump around even if I don't intend to.

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Old 09.14.2008, 05:43 PM   #4
chairman of the bored
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i was there...i thought krallice were fucking great (already a fan) and pretty much agree with you on growing and whatever that first dude was...and thank god no age didnt show up to bore us to death...lb was pretty damn fun, and this was one of the most out of control crowds ive seen for them...the power lines and most of gibsons gear was almost brought down within 30 sec. of them beginning...new stuff sounds fun...maybe someday they'll record it

side note---i know lb shows make for an incredible experience because of the shithouse mad crowd, but is anyone listening anymore? they fucking go nuts for the soundcheck/warmup business

another side note---the mosh pit for growing was way cuter than the krallice one
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Old 09.15.2008, 11:29 AM   #5
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I was there and I agree with you there should be no "safety crew", crowd would self police just fine I think. Making a security staff cordon around the drum kit just incites more pushing, setting up an us vs them thing, if it was all fans there would have been a lot less pushing I think. If you saw Black Pus (Brian Chippendale solo) earlier this year, there was no safety crew and hardly any pushing.

I wonder how its gonna go at Catskills now next weekend, if they get professional security it could get ugly I think. although the crowd will be much different too, so maybe it wont be a problem at all, however I still dont think any security people should be stationed there around the drums.
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Old 09.15.2008, 12:09 PM   #6
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i havnt seen the bolt in so long (three years), after seeing them pretty consistenyly for a long time, i need bolt! krallice i bet rules live too.

listen to pink reason
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Old 09.15.2008, 04:52 PM   #7
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The show was a lot of fun but every time LB comes to NYC the crowd seems to get more pushy and aggressive. You could tell how pissed Chippendale was getting, making everyone "sit down and whistle!" Of course, it's all part of the magic of a Lightning Bolt show. The new new songs were excellent and I read on BV that Chippendale mentioned the new record coming out in late spring, hopefully that's not a dumb rumor.


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Old 09.16.2008, 09:29 AM   #8
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I think another reason for the crazy pushing was that Brian took hell of a long time to get his stuff ready, and I thought he was fucking around for a part of that time, like when he asked if anyone had a 9 volt battery. From the time he got his electronics going it took him about 20 minutes to get his stuff in order, and the crowd was just getting more and more anxious I guess for them to start playing. anyway, memorable gig, I would go see them again anytime, although next time I will probably try go grab a spot to the side or in back.
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Old 09.16.2008, 08:06 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Georgekrz
anyway, memorable gig, I would go see them again anytime, although next time I will probably try go grab a spot to the side or in back.
The side was barely any less hectic, I got quite a few good shoves over on Chippendale's side about 3 people behind the front.


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Old 09.17.2008, 12:37 AM   #10
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i was down the street working.
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Old 09.17.2008, 08:12 AM   #11
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this is the end of the show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2ZeNNQPSSg

"Sit down, hold hands, and whistle" is a classic line, I also liked
"Everybody take a step back toward the porto-potties"
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Old 09.17.2008, 08:36 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by amerikangod

The line-up was Daily Life (there were influences of Suicide and darkwave, with a slight hipster veneer...

SHIT I'm kinda more interested in this.
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